I need help in a iframe - iframe

I do not have much knowledgement of HTML, CSS, etc. and I work on a Wordpress website.
My question is how do I make an iframe like in this website http://www.stadtrundfahrten-muenchen.de/de/startseite/#top when I click in the order button!?
I have a similar website with boxes and a button saying "order now", in fact the iframe should be equal to that website because its the same ticketing provider. They sent me the iframe link but cannot make like that website!
can anyone help me with this or tips?

The website you mentioned does not use iframe anywhere. If you are trying to set dynamic size of an iframe please reefer here: how-to-set-iframe-size-dynamically
It would be good if you can post the iframe you are trying to implement

ok here it is the code:
You vcan visit the website http://hmk.no are the boxes in frontpage, the one which says book now.
And i would like a iframe or window transparent like here in this site:


WordPress Plugin for video banner?

I'd like to have a video banner on my WordPress site pages. I saw the following site (http://pictoryproductions.com/) and they have exactly what I would like to do on my site. However, I'm not sure what plugin they used to accomplish this. Could anyone just point me in the right direction?
I'm fairly new to WordPress, so if anyone can suggest what plugin to use, or if there is functionality already in place in WordPress for this how I can use it to get the effect I want.
As per the requirement to show what has been done so far to achieve the result I want, I have created a PHP page that uses the HTML 5 video tags to embed the video I want, with the PNG overlay. I then embed the page using an iframe tag from within WordPress. The problem is I have to create a new PHP page for each WordPress page I want with this layout when it needs a different video and overlay png image.
Thank you!!!
To avoid an opinionated answer on what I think is the best plugin to use, I just did a simple View Page Source on the site you posted and picked through to find where that video banner is displayed. It references a lot of classes and stuff labeled "mejs" which I think refers to a mediaelement.js plugin found here:

Cannot see website using html iframeg

I am having a website.
I want it to be displayed as an Iframe on my partner site.
<iframe src="http://www.mywebsite.com"></iframe>
However, when he try to see it, nothing is showing up, blank page, but if he change the same iframe source to youtube for example, he got the videos.
Very strange, any idea where the problem is coming from ?

Protect Iframe From Openining In New Window Or Tab

I am adding framed content to a wordpress blog in a membership area. Is there a way that I can prevent that content from being opened in a new window or tab? A plugin or a string of code I can add?
As it is now if someone right clicks on the frames content they can view it in a new window and possibly share that URL rendering the membership site useless in controlling who views....
I would like a block.... If possible...I see other iframes popup an error message when you try and view....
Any help is appreciated!
Thank you for a great place for info
One possible solution I can think of is now to add JavaScript code to prevent right click, but again this is not always going to work because the person can simply disable JavaScript and they can still right click to see the content of the iframe. Not only that there is alway a way to sniff the URL of the iframe by either using some sort of software or even using something like FireBug.

How can I prevent this plugin from popping up from behind the content area?

I have this strange issue going on with my CSS on my site, and I'm hoping someone can help me out. I have a sharer box to the left of each of my posts. When you click the box to share (for instance the twitter box) the pop up box goes behind the post content, instead of in front of it. Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? To see it for yourself, visit one of the posts and try to click on the google plus, or facebook like button (don't worry, it won't actually share unless you confirm it) You can view one of the posts to see what's going on here ---> http://noahsdad.com/child-down-syndrome-friend/ J
Here are a few screen shots of what is going on d.pr/ZCPy and http://d.pr/ax6H
Try with z-index:99999; on pop up box.
For the video shown in the post, add wmode="opaque" to the <object> / <embed> tag.

Iframe background

On my website I have a page with a standard background. I want this page to load in an iframe without the background from the original page in another section of my site. Is this possible? What is the syntax for this if it is possible.
just make sure the iframe is big enough in order to hide the background.
Are you trying to hijack the address? If so, you should use redirects and not iframes.
