Iframe background - iframe

On my website I have a page with a standard background. I want this page to load in an iframe without the background from the original page in another section of my site. Is this possible? What is the syntax for this if it is possible.

just make sure the iframe is big enough in order to hide the background.
Are you trying to hijack the address? If so, you should use redirects and not iframes.


responsive autoresponder on iframe

I am building an autoresponder for my own website. I thought to put it inside an iframe to decouple it's style from the theme style (i'm on wordpress), but this gives me two collateral effects.
The first one is that the iframe is not much friendly with the responsiveness, and I'm trying to address it's behaviour to always show the content of the autoresponder.
the second one is that the form inside the iframe has a "thank you" page after the submit, but with the iframe the thank you page will open inside the iframe.
There is a way to open the thank you page on the host page? Am I doing this the right way? there is maybe a better way to insert a piece of web page in a way that stay indipendent from the theme around it?
I wouldn't use an iframe to de-couple styling to be honest, they can prove far more trouble than they are worth.
I would just override any theme styles I didn't want with CSS targeted at the component. It sounds a lot more involved than it actually would be and you'd have better control over the responsive layout of the component.

I need help in a iframe

I do not have much knowledgement of HTML, CSS, etc. and I work on a Wordpress website.
My question is how do I make an iframe like in this website http://www.stadtrundfahrten-muenchen.de/de/startseite/#top when I click in the order button!?
I have a similar website with boxes and a button saying "order now", in fact the iframe should be equal to that website because its the same ticketing provider. They sent me the iframe link but cannot make like that website!
can anyone help me with this or tips?
The website you mentioned does not use iframe anywhere. If you are trying to set dynamic size of an iframe please reefer here: how-to-set-iframe-size-dynamically
It would be good if you can post the iframe you are trying to implement
ok here it is the code:
You vcan visit the website http://hmk.no are the boxes in frontpage, the one which says book now.
And i would like a iframe or window transparent like here in this site:

Is live modification the CSS of a website possible in a iframe or DIV?

I want to build pages that have a header bar with pages from other sites in an iframe or DIV below it. I want to replace the CSS of the site below it with my own CSS (override it in some way; for example I may reference a blog page below it but want to change the look via CSS). Please note these pages would only be pages whereby I would be allowed to do this based on the licensing of the site.
Is this possible?
No, not really. Certainly not cross-domain. The whole point of iframes is that their content is insulated from the parent page. See How to apply CSS to iframe? for a thorough discussion of the issue.

issue opening thickbox from inside an existing iframe

So I seem to have found myself in a bit of pickle. In order to keep a header flash element from reloading every time someone goes to a different page, I encapsulated all my site's content in an iframe. Unfortunately, some of the iframe's include thickbox, which opens an iframe of it's own. The iframe that thickbox opens, requires it be opened on the topmost page, so that the fixed attribute allows the iframe to remain static in the viewport. Because we're already nested into an iframe, this isn't possible.
This is the most promising lead I have so far:
Unfortunately, that only replaces the iframe that the thickbox is being opened from, with the content of the thickbox.
I also just came across this, but I'm not sure how I would go about retooling it to suit my needs:
open iframe fancybox from within an iframe so that it opens in the parent
Here is a link to what I'm working on:
The problem area is on the Talent page.
I think if there was a way to force the link to target the "top" or "parent" page with javascript, it may be possible, but I haven't found anything that's been of any use to me yet.
Thanks in advance for your help!

iframe cross-site : "Verified by VISA"

I've just created a tshirt shop to put on my own website. A company called spreadshirt.co.uk (hereafter "SS") runs the shop. They allow me to embed their shop on my site via an iframe, and since they allow the CSS to be fully customisable through their admin panel I've got it looking pretty neatly integrated with my site.
The only catch is the iframe - I've set it to 2000 pixels high at the moment (just right for the longest pages). I'd rather have it resize for each page, but expect that to be "hard" so didn't bother.
Anyway, I've just put the page live, and put a test order through it. All is good, until....
...the "Verified by VISA" page. This motherhubbard turns up right at the end of the order process, and the HTML contained in it puts the little dialogue centred vertically in my iframe. I.e. nearly 1000 pixels down from the top - making less savy users think the page hasn't loaded (all they can see without scrolling down is a white background). I can't customise the CSS on this page like I can the SS pages, as this page isn't served up by SS.
Any clever ideas???
Many thanks people!
I'll put a link to my site if people want to see it, but assumed that might be seen as spammy and frowned upon.
I don't deal with iframes too much as i hate them, but i think you can still write to that document using javascript. Reason i say maybe is because its cross domain, but it should still work.
Check this post out
Resizing an iframe based on content
You could also check out
Resizing iframe to fit its content
and a jquery script:
Again, I really don't know if this will work on a cross-domain website.
