SAML 2.0 configuration -

I'm totally new to SAML. I want implement SSO for my ASP.NET Website. I got the SAML assertion from my client. I would like to know what are all other requirements I need to get it from my client and what setup I need to implement at my end.
Can anybody help me out in this.
Thanks in advance.

The first thing that I would do is avoid writing the SAML code yourself. There's plenty out there. #Woloski (above) has some. My company has some (I work for the company that makes PingFederate). There's some open source stuff, too. I've seen good connections from KentorIT authServices. If this is your first foray into SAML, then my bet is that ADFS is way overboard. I'll be honest, the groups we see most commonly at Ping is when they decide to go "all in" with SSO. The first one or two connections are easy. Tehn it becomes a management nightmare rapidly thereafter. The reason I say to avoid writing your own, is because there are a LOT of nuances to SAML, with massive pitfalls, and headaches you just don't need.
As the service provider (SP), you need to tell your client (Identity Provider, or IdP) what "attributes" you need from them to properly connect their users to their account in your application (maybe a username?). In addition, you can ask for additional attributes to ensure their profile is up to date - phone number, email, etc. It's up to the two of you to determine what you need (and what they'll give you). Obviously, they shouldn't send social security number, if you have no need for it.
You also need to decide if you will do SP initiated SSO (will the users get links to documents deep inside your app?), or if just IdP initiated (Or will always just come to the front door?) will suffice. What about Single Logout? Do you (or they) want to do that? [Personally, I suggest NO, but that's a different topic]
What about signing the assertion? Your cert or theirs? If you're doing SP-init, do you need to use their cert or yours for signing the AuthnRequest? Do you need encryption of the assertion, or maybe just a few of the attributes?
Generally, you do all of this with a "metadata exchange". You give them your metadata that says "this is what we need". They import that metadata to build a new connection, fulfilling the attributes your app needs with calls to their LDAP or other user repository, as well as doing authentication (if required). They finish building their connection, and export THEIR metadata, which you import to build your connection (thereby making sure you all agree on certificates). You hook it to your app, and away you go.
I make this sound easy. It is, and it isn't. Rolling your own can mean issues. Lots of them. With some being so minute that it takes pros hours (and days) to see it. When it works, it works, and well.
HTH -- Andy

you can use something like ADFS to accepto SAML Assertions. ADFS gets installed on Windows 2008 or 2012.
You would need to ask your customer
the signing certificate public key and
the sign in URL.
Then you would create a "Claims Provider Trust" in ADFS and enter those details. Then a "Relying Party Trust" that represents your application. Finally you would have to configure your application with ADFS using WIF. This blog post have more details:
Also you can use Auth0 to accomplish the same without setting up any software on your side (disclaimer: I work there).


Add users for ASP.NET Core from internal website

Sorry no code here because I am looking for a better idea or if I am on the right track?
I have two websites, lets call them A and B.
A is a website exposed to the internet and only users with valid account can access.
B is a internal (intranet) website with (Windows authentication using Active directory). I want Application B (intranet) to create users for Application A.
Application A is using the inbuilt ASP.NET JWT token authentication.
My idea is to expose a Api on the extranet website (A) and let (B) access this API. I can use CORS to make sure only (B) has access to the end point but I am not sure if this is a good enough protection? We will perform security penetrations test from a third party company so this might fail the security test?
I can use entity framework to a update the AspnetUsers table manually. Not idea if this is feasible or the right way or doing things.
Any other solution?
In my opinion, don't expose your internal obligations with external solutions like implementing APIs etc ...
Just share the database to be accessible for B. In this way, the server administration is the only security concern and nobody knows how you work. In addition, It's not important how you implement the user authentication for each one (whether Windows Authentication or JWT) and has an independent infrastructure.
They are multiple solution to this one problem. It then end it really depends on your specific criteria.
You could go with:
B (intranet) website, reaching into the database and creating user as needed.
A (internet) website, having an API exposing the necessary endpoint to create user.
A (internet) website, having data migration running every now and then to insert users.
But they all comes with there ups and downs, I'll try to break them down for you.
API solution
Single responsibility, you have only one piece of code touching this database which makes it easier to mitigate side effect
it is "future proof" you could easily have more services using this api.
Attack surface increased, the API is on a public so subject to 3rd parties trying to play with it.
Maintain API as the database model changes (one more piece to maintain)
Not the fastest solution to implement.
Database direct access
Attack surface minimal.
Very quick to develop
Database model has to be maintained twice
migration + deployment have to be coordinated, hard to maintain.
Make the system more error prone.
Migration on release
Cheapest to develop
Highest performance on inserts
Not flexible
Very slow for user
Many deployment
Manual work (will be costly over time)
In my opinion I suggest you go for the API, secure the API access with OAuth mechanism. It OAuth is too time consuming to put in place. Maybe you can try some easier Auth protocols.

AWS Alexa - perform basic auth

I am trying to create a skill that will reach out to an application that uses Basic authentication to render APIs (albeit i know this is bad practice). I was wanting to go down a route similar to account linking, however seems they enforce the usage of OAuth 2.0.
Is there an alternative to this or am I forced to use OAuth 2.0 in order to request APIs to a 3rd party application?
My wanted workflow:
customer enables skill
Skill card request for username/pw combo
after setup, the skill can be utilized fully
Not sure if its helpful, but Im using Lambda to run my skill source code.
That is a terrible practice.
First of all, what if your user's password includes case sensitive letters and numbers and possibly other characters?
You can use Literal Slots but they are not case sensitive and probably won't return a number-word combination either. For example your user's pass is Word123 literal slots may return word one two three
I am not sure if you can force user to spell his password's characters and so then you can try to detect the password though... Again this sounds like a terrible practice.
So as you mentioned: Users link their accounts using the Amazon Alexa app. Note that users must use the app. There is no support for establishing the link solely by voice
I guess you have to do the linking the way amazon requires

Azure Active Directory for a small ASP.NET website

What are the pros and cons of Azure Active Directory to manage the accounts of a simple website (at most 10 accounts, just for login to control panel), instead of SQL membership provider or the new bogus identity system in my own database. I never tried this service before but I like the fact that I don't need to take care of the database and credentials of my users, it's free and very secure I guess. Someone has tested it in production? any security advise? thanks.
Among the many upsides there's that it is free, highly available, enterprise-grade and basically management-free - all flows for entering and changing passwords and similar are already implemented for you. Also, it can be used for both web sites and web API - so that if tomorrow you want to add a mobile app for the same user population, we've got you covered.
About having tested it in production... yes, there are many many (MANY) apps using AAD in production today.
I guess that one possible downside for such a small use case is that all the defaults are set to a higher security level than you'd probably use in your scenario, translating in a bit more involvement from your users: passwords templates requiring special characters, mandatory password expiration, and so on. Of course to me it's a good thing, but I am biased :-)
Another current limitation is that the user names must be of the form alias#yourADdomain, as of today you cannot use an arbitrary string. That's usually not a big deal, but calling it out in case you have preexisting user names you need to stick to.

Using sso for projects without external registration

I have two projects at the different domains. These projects use one database.
Let say and (Late will be more projects)
I already have registration form and registered users.
Now I need to implement SSO possibility without registration at the external sites (google, openId, facebook).
All implementation which I have found required external registration (CAS, Federation, Facebook, openId).
Also I have read this article, but as far as I understood from comments such solution very insecure.
Please suggest solution or existed library which can help me to use SSO without external registration.
I needed the exact same solution for a client I was working for, I did the research and the only good solutions that I found where either too complex and not well documented or too expensive (I forgot which companies I looked into). So I decided to build a custom solution.
This is a short summary of the solution implemented:
In order to make things more clear let's call "nodes" the domains where you wanted to authenticate a user, and "SSO" the provider of the authentication.
I used a solution that is similar to the one in the link you posted HOWEVER I used the Asp.Net security cookie whenever I wanted to authenticate a node, and also to authenticate the SSO website:
HttpCookie formsCookie = FormsAuthentication.GetAuthCookie(userName, false, HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath);
This also allowed me to not have to query back the SSO provider for each web request as the example you posted seem to do.
I used a new AuthenticationKey for each time I wanted to communicate from the SSO provider back to the node that the authentication was successfull.
Also I added some security features like encrypted communication and that the key could only be valid a max of 2 seconds (the time for the SSO to pass it to the node) and as soon as it was used it would be deleted.
I believe this solution is safe enough, however using an external ready made solution is surely safer.
It took me only a few days to implement the whole solution, so it's not too long of a task. However I cannot share the project as I am not sure the client would agree.
I hope those suggestions might help you.
Let us know what you decide to do in the end.

Is there a different way to do ASP.Net forms authentication that's already built and audited?

Like a lot of people I've gone with ASP.Net Forms authentication because it's already written and writing our own security code we're told is generally a bad idea.
With the current problems with ASP.Net I'm thinking it might be a good time to look at alternatives.
Important: ASP.NET Security Vulnerability - ScottGu
Video demonstrating attack
Microsoft advisory including workaround
From what I understand Microsoft tend to store things on the client side because it makes it easier to operate over server farms without needing database access calls.
I don't really care about server farms though and I'd like to simply have an opaque cookie that demonstrates my lack of trust in the callers.
Is there a decent solution that's already been proven solid?
Update: to clarify my question. I'm talking about the authentication token part of the forms authentication that I'd like to replace. The back end is quite easy to replace, you can implement the interfaces to store your users and roles quite easily. You can also use existing libraries like which has been mentioned here.
I'd like to change the front end part of the process to use a token that doesn't provide the client with any leverage. Sticking with the existing back end infrastructure would be useful but not essential.
I've been working on an HttpModule that basically does what you're looking for. When a FormsAuthenticationCookie and FormsAuthenticatedTicket are generated, before the response is sent to the client (i.e., during the processing of the postback of the Login page/action), all of the details about the cookie & ticket are stored on the server. Also, the UserData from the ticket is moved to the server (if present) and replaced with a salted SHA-512 hash of the other properties in the ticket along with a GUID that serves as a key into the server-side store of the ticket.
The validation of the cookie & tickets compares everything the client provided (optionally including their IP address) with all of the properties that were known about them at the time they were issued. If anything doesn't match, they are removed from the request before the FormsAuthenticationModule even kicks in. If everything does match, the server's UserData is stuck back in the FormsAuthTicket in case you had any modules or code that depend on it. It's all transparent. Plus, it can detect suspicious and blatantly malicious requests and inserts a random delay in the processing. It also has some explicit padding oracle workarounds in there.
The demo app actually lets you create/modify your cookie & ticket values on the server, with the server encrypting your ticket for you with the machine keys. This way you can prove to yourself that you can't create a ticket/cookie that gets around the server validation unless you write the exact set of data to the server (which should be impossible under normal circumstances).
If you have your keys in the web.config and the attacker gets to it, they are pretty much done.
If that's not the case (they don't get the keys from your .config), then afaik the padding oracle shouldn't allow them to sign a new auth ticket. The paper explains ability to encrypt by taking advantage of the cbc mode, ending with a tiny bit of garbage there. It should be enough to make it an invalid signature.
As for the video where they get the keys with the tool, its against a dotnetnuke install. A default dotnetnuke has those keys in the web.config.
Implement the workaround, keep your keys off your site level web.config, if you don't use webresource.axd and scriptresource.axd disable those handlers, and apply the patch as soon as ms releases it.
I will simply recommend taking a look at InetSolution's MemberProtect product, it's a component designed with security in mind for the banking and financial services industries but is widely applicable to any site designed on ASP.NET or application built on top of the .NET platform. It provides support for encrypting of user information and a host of authentication methods from the simplistic to the very advanced and the various methods and functions are designed to be used as the developer sees fit, so it's not a canned solution so much as a very flexible one, this may or may not be a good thing depending on the particular situation. It's also a very solid foundation on which to build new member-based websites and applications in general.
You can find out more about it at
I am the developer for MemberProtect and I work at InetSolution :)
This isn't a value-less question, but I have to say that I think your logic is suspect. It's no bad idea to consider alternative authentication solutions, but the newly-announced ASP.NET vulnerability should not push you to abandon a current (presumably working) solution. I'm also not entirely sure what the relevance of this comment is:
From what I understand Microsoft tend to store things on the client side because it makes it easier to operate over server farms without needing database access calls.
What is it about the vulnerability that makes you think that ASP.NET forms auth is broken any more than another solution?
The detail of the MS advisory would seem to suggest that pretty much any other authentication system could be rendered similarly vulnerable to attack. For example, any solution that uses the web.config file to store settings would still have its settings open to the world, assuming a successful attack.
The real solution here is not to change security, but to apply the published workaround to the problem. You might switch authentication providers only to find that you are still vulnerable, and your effort has gained nothing.
Regarding tokens/sessions: you have to push something to the client for authentication to work (whether you call it a token or not), and it's not this part of the process that causes the current security issue: it's the way the server responds to certain calls that makes this secret vulnerable to attack.
