Is there a different way to do ASP.Net forms authentication that's already built and audited? -

Like a lot of people I've gone with ASP.Net Forms authentication because it's already written and writing our own security code we're told is generally a bad idea.
With the current problems with ASP.Net I'm thinking it might be a good time to look at alternatives.
Important: ASP.NET Security Vulnerability - ScottGu
Video demonstrating attack
Microsoft advisory including workaround
From what I understand Microsoft tend to store things on the client side because it makes it easier to operate over server farms without needing database access calls.
I don't really care about server farms though and I'd like to simply have an opaque cookie that demonstrates my lack of trust in the callers.
Is there a decent solution that's already been proven solid?
Update: to clarify my question. I'm talking about the authentication token part of the forms authentication that I'd like to replace. The back end is quite easy to replace, you can implement the interfaces to store your users and roles quite easily. You can also use existing libraries like which has been mentioned here.
I'd like to change the front end part of the process to use a token that doesn't provide the client with any leverage. Sticking with the existing back end infrastructure would be useful but not essential.

I've been working on an HttpModule that basically does what you're looking for. When a FormsAuthenticationCookie and FormsAuthenticatedTicket are generated, before the response is sent to the client (i.e., during the processing of the postback of the Login page/action), all of the details about the cookie & ticket are stored on the server. Also, the UserData from the ticket is moved to the server (if present) and replaced with a salted SHA-512 hash of the other properties in the ticket along with a GUID that serves as a key into the server-side store of the ticket.
The validation of the cookie & tickets compares everything the client provided (optionally including their IP address) with all of the properties that were known about them at the time they were issued. If anything doesn't match, they are removed from the request before the FormsAuthenticationModule even kicks in. If everything does match, the server's UserData is stuck back in the FormsAuthTicket in case you had any modules or code that depend on it. It's all transparent. Plus, it can detect suspicious and blatantly malicious requests and inserts a random delay in the processing. It also has some explicit padding oracle workarounds in there.
The demo app actually lets you create/modify your cookie & ticket values on the server, with the server encrypting your ticket for you with the machine keys. This way you can prove to yourself that you can't create a ticket/cookie that gets around the server validation unless you write the exact set of data to the server (which should be impossible under normal circumstances).

If you have your keys in the web.config and the attacker gets to it, they are pretty much done.
If that's not the case (they don't get the keys from your .config), then afaik the padding oracle shouldn't allow them to sign a new auth ticket. The paper explains ability to encrypt by taking advantage of the cbc mode, ending with a tiny bit of garbage there. It should be enough to make it an invalid signature.
As for the video where they get the keys with the tool, its against a dotnetnuke install. A default dotnetnuke has those keys in the web.config.
Implement the workaround, keep your keys off your site level web.config, if you don't use webresource.axd and scriptresource.axd disable those handlers, and apply the patch as soon as ms releases it.

I will simply recommend taking a look at InetSolution's MemberProtect product, it's a component designed with security in mind for the banking and financial services industries but is widely applicable to any site designed on ASP.NET or application built on top of the .NET platform. It provides support for encrypting of user information and a host of authentication methods from the simplistic to the very advanced and the various methods and functions are designed to be used as the developer sees fit, so it's not a canned solution so much as a very flexible one, this may or may not be a good thing depending on the particular situation. It's also a very solid foundation on which to build new member-based websites and applications in general.
You can find out more about it at
I am the developer for MemberProtect and I work at InetSolution :)

This isn't a value-less question, but I have to say that I think your logic is suspect. It's no bad idea to consider alternative authentication solutions, but the newly-announced ASP.NET vulnerability should not push you to abandon a current (presumably working) solution. I'm also not entirely sure what the relevance of this comment is:
From what I understand Microsoft tend to store things on the client side because it makes it easier to operate over server farms without needing database access calls.
What is it about the vulnerability that makes you think that ASP.NET forms auth is broken any more than another solution?
The detail of the MS advisory would seem to suggest that pretty much any other authentication system could be rendered similarly vulnerable to attack. For example, any solution that uses the web.config file to store settings would still have its settings open to the world, assuming a successful attack.
The real solution here is not to change security, but to apply the published workaround to the problem. You might switch authentication providers only to find that you are still vulnerable, and your effort has gained nothing.
Regarding tokens/sessions: you have to push something to the client for authentication to work (whether you call it a token or not), and it's not this part of the process that causes the current security issue: it's the way the server responds to certain calls that makes this secret vulnerable to attack.


Authorising users in an ASP.NET (MVC5) web api project

Ok, so I'm struggling a little bit with trying to get a authentication process in my ASP.NET MVC5 (Web API 2) project. To start, here are some requirements:
I can't use Entity Framework (all access to the DB needs to be done through stored procedures)
Needs to target .NET Framework 4.5.2
I am not using ASP.NET Core
I would like to be able to use Bearer (or similar) tokens for authentication
I would like to invalidate tokens if a user logs out or automatically invalidate them after 24 hours
I would like to pass (and receive) XML when sending requests to the "login" (or "token") endpoint (note that ideally the solution should respect the "Content-Type" and "Accepts" headers, so if I send it JSON it should respond in JSON, and if I send it XML it should respond in XML)
I will not be using external providers (e.g. Google) anytime soon (maybe never)
I would like to use the <Authorize> attributes to help with protecting other endpoints
I am using VB.NET, although answers to this question can be in C# (I can convert them or rewrite them to suit)
I would like to store the tokens in the database so I can record which user is doing what within the API
(note that there are lots of reasons why I can't change the above)
I've tried to do this with Owin (OAuth) but I've found the following issues when comparing this to the requirements:
I can't seem to send the token endpoint any XML
Responses from the authentication endpoints (both successful and unsuccessful) are in JSON
I can't invalidate the tokens when logging out
I am happy to move away from OAuth if that is the best way to go for what I want. I would prefer to use Microsoft built nuget packages (ie no third party solutions) or I'm happy to partially roll my own solution (I would like to leverage as much of in-built or Microsoft built code, including Identity and Claims as possible so I can minimise testing efforts).
I have read numerous StackOverflow questions about this and search heaps on the internet, but most articles stick with OAuth despite the above issues or they rely on EntityFramework. My current solution uses the code from here (pretty much copy/pasted with some custom code in ApplicationOAuthProvider.GrantResourceOwnerCredentials()):
Thanks for the help!
I did some more extensive research and it looks like OAuth is not applicable for my specific situation. Although it seems like a nice authentication method, I really need to invalidate tokens via the DB, and I need the API to always send/receive XML (these are apparently not applicable when using OAuth).
To solve these problems, I have rolled my own token-based solution that creates a hashed token on the client side, so I never send passwords over the wire (which is a little bit nicer) because the token is generated on the client side (note that I am controlling what happens on the client side - these are all in house clients and I am writing the libraries these clients will use). This involved me creating my own filter which inherits System.Web.Http.AuthorizeAttribute.
If anyone stumbles across this question and provides a really good answer, I'm more than happy to mark theirs as accepted.

SAML 2.0 configuration

I'm totally new to SAML. I want implement SSO for my ASP.NET Website. I got the SAML assertion from my client. I would like to know what are all other requirements I need to get it from my client and what setup I need to implement at my end.
Can anybody help me out in this.
Thanks in advance.
The first thing that I would do is avoid writing the SAML code yourself. There's plenty out there. #Woloski (above) has some. My company has some (I work for the company that makes PingFederate). There's some open source stuff, too. I've seen good connections from KentorIT authServices. If this is your first foray into SAML, then my bet is that ADFS is way overboard. I'll be honest, the groups we see most commonly at Ping is when they decide to go "all in" with SSO. The first one or two connections are easy. Tehn it becomes a management nightmare rapidly thereafter. The reason I say to avoid writing your own, is because there are a LOT of nuances to SAML, with massive pitfalls, and headaches you just don't need.
As the service provider (SP), you need to tell your client (Identity Provider, or IdP) what "attributes" you need from them to properly connect their users to their account in your application (maybe a username?). In addition, you can ask for additional attributes to ensure their profile is up to date - phone number, email, etc. It's up to the two of you to determine what you need (and what they'll give you). Obviously, they shouldn't send social security number, if you have no need for it.
You also need to decide if you will do SP initiated SSO (will the users get links to documents deep inside your app?), or if just IdP initiated (Or will always just come to the front door?) will suffice. What about Single Logout? Do you (or they) want to do that? [Personally, I suggest NO, but that's a different topic]
What about signing the assertion? Your cert or theirs? If you're doing SP-init, do you need to use their cert or yours for signing the AuthnRequest? Do you need encryption of the assertion, or maybe just a few of the attributes?
Generally, you do all of this with a "metadata exchange". You give them your metadata that says "this is what we need". They import that metadata to build a new connection, fulfilling the attributes your app needs with calls to their LDAP or other user repository, as well as doing authentication (if required). They finish building their connection, and export THEIR metadata, which you import to build your connection (thereby making sure you all agree on certificates). You hook it to your app, and away you go.
I make this sound easy. It is, and it isn't. Rolling your own can mean issues. Lots of them. With some being so minute that it takes pros hours (and days) to see it. When it works, it works, and well.
HTH -- Andy
you can use something like ADFS to accepto SAML Assertions. ADFS gets installed on Windows 2008 or 2012.
You would need to ask your customer
the signing certificate public key and
the sign in URL.
Then you would create a "Claims Provider Trust" in ADFS and enter those details. Then a "Relying Party Trust" that represents your application. Finally you would have to configure your application with ADFS using WIF. This blog post have more details:
Also you can use Auth0 to accomplish the same without setting up any software on your side (disclaimer: I work there).

Security for Exposing Internal Web-based application to the World

We have an internal CRM system which is currently a website that can only be accessed inside our intranet. The boss is now wanting to have it exposed to the outside world so that people can use it from home and on the road. My concern is security based in the fact we will be exposing our Customer base to the outside world. I have implemented 3 layers of security as follows:
User Name and Strong password combination to login
SSL on all data being pushed across the line
Once the user is logged in and authenticated the server passes them a token which must be used in all communication with the server from than on.
Basically Im a bit of newb in the respect of web security. Can anyone give me advice on whether I am missing anything? Or something should be changed?
There's a whole world of stuff you should consider, and it'll be really hard to quickly answer this - so I'll point you at a range of resources that should help you out / get you started.
First, I'll plug, for any specific questions you have - they could be a great help.
Now, on to more immediate things you should check:
Are your systems behind a firewall? I'd recommend at least your DB is placed on a server that is not directly available to the outside world.
Explore and run a range of (free) security tools against your site to try and find any problems. e.g.:
Read up on common exploits (e.g. SQL injection) and make sure you are guarding against them:
How is your token being passed around, and what happens to it if another user gets hold of it (e.g. after it being cached on another machine)?
Make sure you have a decent password protection policy (decent complexity, protects against brute force attacks by locking accounts after 3 attempts).
If this is a massive concern for you (consider the risk to your business in a worst case scenario) consider getting an expert in, or someone to run a security test against your systems?
Or, as mrunion excellently points out in the comments above (+1), have you considered other more secure ways of opening this up, so that you don't need to publish this on the web?
Hope that gets you started.

Best libraries/practices to prevent OWASP Top 10 Vulnerabilities

I'm looking for the best reusable libraries and inbuilt features in ASP.Net to prevent the OWASP top 10 security vulnerabilities like injection, XSS, CSRF etc., and also easy to use tools for detecting these vulnerabilities for use by the testing team.
When do you think is the best time to start incorporating the security coding into the application during the development life cycle?
My two cents:
Never ever trust user input. This include forms, cookies, parameters, requests...
Keep your libraries updated. Everyday security flaws arise among us. Patches are released, but they are worthless if you don't apply them / upgrade your libraries.
Be restrictive and paranoid. If you need the user to write his name, be restrictive and let him only use [A-z] characters and so on. Strong constraints will annoy the average user, but it will make your system more secure.
Never log critical data. This means that you should not log things such as what password a user used (obvious) but also you should not be tempted to log what password did a user typed when he failed to log in into the system (because he may had a typo easy to guess). You can extend this example to all critical data. Remember, if it's not there, you don't have to worry about someone trying to get it.
And extracted from wikipedia's CSFR article:
Requiring authentication in GET and POST parameters, not only cookies;
Checking the HTTP Referer header;
Ensuring there's no crossdomain.xml file granting unintended access to
Flash movies[14]
Limiting the lifetime of authentication cookies
When processing a POST, disregard URL parameters if you know they should
come from a form
Requiring a secret, user-specific token in all form submissions and
side-effect URLs prevents CSRF; the
attacker's site can't put the right
token in its submissions
My experience is that just giving the developers a toolbox and hoping for the best doesn't actually work all that well. Security is an aspect of code quality. Security issues are bugs. Like all bugs, even developers that know better will end up writing them anyway. The only way to solve that is to have a process in place to catch the bugs.
Think about what sort of security process you need. Automated testing only? Code review? Manual black-box testing? Design document review? How will you classify security issues in your bug tracking system? How will you determine priority to fix security bugs? What sort of guarantees will you be able to give to customers?
Something that may help you get started is the OWASP ASVS verification standard, which helps you verify that your security verification process actually works:
First best practice: Be aware of the vulnerabilities while coding. If you code think about what your are doing.

confused about webservice AJAX calls security in ASP.NET

excuse me if i will sound little stupid but this thing had confused me to the core and i have been searching like crazy on net with no ultimate answer so i hope some one would shed more light on this matter.
now i wanna create a portal site and my client require that everything should be AJAX'ed so i have been playing with ASP.NET AJAX 4 and client site templating and web service, and of course the performance is great with JASON results, but my web Service code will be Public because anything available to JAVA script is available to anyone so as i read to avoid this i must :
use SSL but this is a portal site and front end should not use SSL
Authentication, will this is fine but for back-end and not front-end as login is not required.
after reading a lot as i have mentioned, i have come to the following pitfalls when using web service with AJAX and hope there is a solution or at least a way to bring more security
i have read some articles that suggest you should throttle using IP detection and block this request for a while but here are some of the things i am worried about
will it affect search engine crawlers ?
will the hacker be able to bypass this by using proxy or other mean ?
Session HighJacking:
this is scary i still don't know how this can happen when you are using ASP.NET membership, i thought it is a pretty solid membership system!
and will a hacker be able to steal someones pass through this method?
a way to hide your code or encrypt it:
i think i am making a fool of myself here because i have mentioned that if it is public to java script then it is public to anyone, but my client would not want people to see the code writing logic and function.
Hide Webserivce:
like if you use fiddler you can see in the RAW data the path to for example again this scares my client and i have tried to disable WSDL and documentation in webconfig but this only blocks direct access to the file and nothing more or am i wrong! is there a way to hide the path to web service?
so all in all my top concerns is to prevent hammering any of my web services and hide my code as much as possible.
so am i to paranoid as on the front end i am going mostly to be pulling Data but again i may give user the option to save for example his widget preferences in DB, etc... and it is not gonna be through SSL thus the above security threats are valid.
i hope some one can also share his experience on this matter,
thanks in advance.
Any functionality exposed on the web is going to be, well... exposed on the web. Even if you were using pure ASP.NET with postbacks, sniffers can see the traffic and mimic the postbacks, Ajax just takes that to its logical extreme. Webservices are (for the most part) just like any other get/post system (RESTful or not).
There are some methods that you can use to secure your webservices from unauthorized access, but in truth these are the exact same things you would do to secure any other site (, traditional web, etc).
There are lots of articles all over the web about how to secure your website, and these will apply equally well to AJAX, Webservices, etc.
If you are really concerned about your webservices being publicly exposed, you can use your own custom reverse proxy to hide the services inside the customers network and only expose the proxy to the outside world. You can then secure the services so they are only accessed through the proxy and provide whatever appropriate security on the proxy you feel relevant. In this way all traffic comes through servers that you specify and is restricted (to a reasonable degree) from prying eyes. In general though I think this might be over-kill especially for a portal site.
One thing to talk with your client about is the upsell value of using webservices as a sellable product to integrators. In other words, designing the security into the webservices and using the portal only as an example of how to put it all together. A clear example of this is SharePoint, which is in truth a collection of webservices and processes and the website is really just for convenience, the power of SharePoint is in the interop of the services.
For more specific answers to your security questions, there are plenty of posts here on SO as well as the web covering each of your specific points.
