Is there any way to publicly request 'Page Views' of any website URL from Google Analytics? - google-analytics

I am not sure if this is possible, nor that I could find any leads yet.
I want to be able to return only the total 'Page Views' number of any website URL, that uses Google Analytics. With GA API, I can use this by logging-in but only for the limited websites I am authorized to see the stats.
However, I only need to display total page views for requested page URL (not entire domain & no information is stored on the server.
Is there any way we can achieve this?
After answers from Tom & Blexy -- I would like to rephrase it.
What're the best ways to estimate page views of any URL, from single/multiple sources, like Alexa?
TIA :)

I think you're asking if there's any way to see GA data for other sites - say, If so, then no, there is no way to access GA reporting for sites your Google account does not have access to.

Take a look at Google Analytics superProxy. It will require some setup, but I believe it's one of the only ways to publish your data publicly without the use of a dashboard, etc.


Cross-domain tracking: Track if users actually cross domains

Pls apologize if I'm not clear enough, i'll try to be as concise as possible.
I'm working on a a company that created it's own competitors, each has it own website, all share the same GA through GTM. Cross-domain tracking is implemented and working.
I want to know if users do actually visit these different sites, which is very likely because there is a lot of research before buying what this company offers.
I understand User Id's will not do the trick because I want to track them before visitors identify themselves through a form. There's no login.
Initially I thought I'll be able to create a segment to narrow down to users with more than one of this company's domains in their history, but that is not working. Should that do the trick?
In the view that get all data you have to create a segment to show users that visited first and second domain. If it is greater than 0 means the cross domain is set correctly.
For good implementation see Troubleshooting Cross-Domain Tracking in Google Analytics:

Separate analytics for each profile page within a single website

There are multiple profiles on my website and each user is managing his/her profile himself. I am trying to find the most efficient way to present analytics of each profile to its owner. Here are 3 ways I found:
Record each and every hit made on a profile page against that profile. This is not just count of hits, this requires to record IP, country, referrer, search terms etc. against each hit. This would require me to manage a huge database as there would be a lot of hits on each page. And a lots of processing on this database. Even if I have to de this, what database is recommended for such use?
Use Google Analytics on each page. But I am not sure that Google Analytics provide an API to fetch Analytics for individual pages.
Use some open source solution like piwik. Again I'm not sure if they provide per page analytics or not.
Please suggest the pros and cons of using each approach.
Update: More explanation - Think of it like a facebook page where each user can see hits on his page. What solution you'd suggest?
For Piwik, you can create a site id for each user, because you are allowed unlimited site ids with Piwik. You can can use a tracker with that user siteid, so when your member logs in, they get data only on their pages. You might also want to look at using custom variables and use the Piwik API to filter data.
Check here for info on multi-tracker:

Can I present google analytics data to users within my application?

I'm creating an auction site and would like to provide my sellers with analytics related to their product pages - visitors, search terms, etc. I could roll my own analytics but want to know if it is possible (or forbidden) to use google analytics within my application and present that data to my users. Is this possible, has anyone done this and, if so, how did you go about it. Thanks in advance
Sure, you can do this.
The easiest method is to give your sellers direct access to GA. I have no idea how you have your GA interface setup but you can setup profiles in lots of different ways (filters, segments, etc..) to have the profile show data only for the specific seller, and give their GA account access only to their profile.
Alternatively, GA provides an API for retrieving data from them and displaying on your own site.
Also you can provides Real time data reporting via Google's Real Time API -
Which will provide several data in the manner of dimensions and metrics

Google Analytics question, how do I know the number of my own visits?

I have a web app that I deployed in AppHarbor with Google Analytics. Development is still ongoing and I test it very often live to checkout for example stuffs I did with the CSS, etc.
Everything is working fine but I'd like to know how many times I am accessing the website apart from the rest of the visitors who visits it. When checking the reports in Google Analytics it only shows me the ISPs of the visitors. I'll need something more drilled down like an IP address, but this seems to go against Google Analytic's policy and I do not know if this is even possible still.
Like right now I have 72 visits. But I have been testing so a lot of those could just be me. Would be good to know the actual visitor count.
I know this is probably a little late but you can set a filter to ingore your own traffic from reports. Here is how you do it.
In addition for adding a deprecated variable and using filters, you can build the code so that it only prints the tracking code if e.g. an identifier cookie is not found. Other common option is a URL parameter.
You can then set this cookie for your browser and be excluded from traffic.

Google Analytics - Sub-domains set as referring sites

Just want to thank everyone in advance for the help and information gathered.
Here is basically what I'm trying to accomplish:
I need sub-domain visitor statistics to be tracked in a
single profile, show up as the referring site and still allow for event tracking
I have read this,, but I am just unclear if what I am looking for can be done by setting the domain name to ''.
Again, thank you for the help.
Well, for the first part of your request the documentation nails it: "[do this...] if you want to track visitor behavior across sub-domains in the same profile"
As for storing the subdomains as a referral, it only takes a day to test. The documentation, as you said, isn't too clear on that but if they are being tracked as separate entities within the same profile I would imagine you can see the referring traffic data in the traffic sources section of GA.
Good luck!
