System.ArgumentException : Value does not fall within the expected range in Caliburn.Micro - caliburn.micro

I am using caliburn.micro framework.
private long _entryId;
public long entryId
get { return _entryId; }
_entryId = value;
NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => blogdetail);
private BlogEntry _blogdetail;
public BlogEntry blogdetail
get { return _blogdetail; }
set { _blogdetail = value; NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => blogdetail); }
protected override async void OnInitialize()
string s = await BlogManager.Instance.GetBlogDetail(entryId);
blogdetail = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<BlogEntry>(s);
and BlogDetailView
I bind blogdetail to gridview using ItemSource Property
But i get Value does not fall within the expected range in Caliburn.Micro.

Unit you get a response from your async call to the BlogManager your blogdetail is not yet set. CM will renders your View before blogdetail is populated and is failing. Init _blogdetail in your Constructor.
PS: In c# the public proberties begin with a capital letter;


updating a document's complex property in DocumentDB in C#

When I make updates inside a property of SortedList type of a document (haven't checked other Dictionary / List types) Those updates are ignored by the serialization process (even by the ToString method of the object).
using Microsoft.Azure.Documents;
public class BusinessStats : Document
public BusinessStats()
public BusinessStats(int businessId)
this.Id = businessId.ToString();
Counts = new SortedList<int, int>();
/// <summary>
/// Business id
/// </summary>
public override string Id
return base.Id;
base.Id = value;
public SortedList<int, int> Counts { get; set; }
public static class Test
BusinessStats bizStats = DocumentDB.Client.CreateDocumentQuery<BusinessStats>(DocumentDB.BusinessStats.SelfLink).Where(s => s.Id == p.BusinessId.ToString()).ToArray().FirstOrDefault();
if (bizStats == null)
bizStats = new BusinessStats(p.BusinessId);
if ( ! bizStats.Counts.ContainsKey(1))
bizStats.Counts.Add(1, 10);
bizStats.Counts[1] = bizStats.Counts[1] + 1;
var updateOperation = await DocumentDB.Client.UpsertDocumentAsync(DocumentDB.BusinessStats.DocumentsLink, bizStats);
First time this runs and inserts a proper Json, second time it reads the proper json, and deserialization goes well.
then, after it updates Counts[1] to be 11, it doesn't effect the ToString() and serialization of bizStats.
DocumentDB's .NET SDK makes me sad

How to retrieve an object's Property name/value pairs on a custom object?

I have a custom object with varying datatypes for each property.
I would like to be able to do something like:
public void evalCI(configurationItem CI)
foreach (PropertyInformation n in CI)
Response.Write(n.Name.ToString() + ": " + n.Value.ToString() + "</br>");
My custom object is:
public class configurationItem : IEnumerable
private string serial;
private string model;
private DateTime? wstart;
private DateTime? wend;
private Int32 daysLeft;
private string platform;
private string productVersion;
private string manufacturer;
private bool verificationFlag;
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return (IEnumerator)GetEnumerator();
public string Serial
set { serial = value; }
get { return serial; }
public string Model
set { model = value; }
get { return model; }
public DateTime? Wstart
set { wstart = value; }
get { return wstart; }
public DateTime? Wend
set { wend = value; }
get { return wend; }
public Int32 DaysLeft
set { daysLeft = value; }
get { return daysLeft; }
public string Platform
set { platform = value; }
get { return platform; }
public string ProductVersion
set { productVersion = value; }
get { return productVersion; }
public string Manufacturer
set { manufacturer = value; }
get { return manufacturer; }
public bool VerificationFlag
set { verificationFlag = value; }
get { return verificationFlag; }
My expected output would be:
-Serial: 1234567
-Model: Mustang
-Wstart: 12/12/2005
-Wend: 12/11/2006
-DaysLeft: 0
-Platform: Car
-ProductVersion: GT
-Manufacturer: Ford
-VerificationFlag: true
At first I was getting an error that GetEnumerator() had to be implemented to use a foreach loop. The problem I keep running into is that all of the examples of Indexed Properties are of a single property with an indexable list, instead of an index for each property in the object. I was able to get intellisense to give me methods for PropertyInfo by adding:
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return (IEnumerator)GetEnumerator();
However, the 2nd GetEnumerator() throws:
Compiler Error Message: CS0103: The name 'GetEnumerator' does not exist in the current context.
What am I missing here? How do I modify my object to give me the results I expect from evalCI()?
You don't need to implement IEnumerable. What you do need to do is use Reflection.
This is from memory, but I believe it would look like this:
foreach (PropertyInfo n in typeof(configurationItem).GetProperties())
Response.Write(string.Format("{0}: {1}<br/>", n.Name, n.GetValue(CI, null)));
This - the code as written - will also only give you public properties, and non-indexed properties (but it doesn't look like you have any indexed properties).

Finding out where TypeErrors are thrown

I am having a problem that is driving me nuts.
Recently I configured my BlazeDS to use Array instead of ArrayCollection for performance reasons. Additionally I adjusted my templates to generate Array properties.
Everything wen't fine. All except one function that causes TypeError: Error #1034. These are being thrown before the result callback is called. It claims to have problems casting an ArrayCollection to Array. I removed the generated types to make Flex use Objects instead, but these did not contain any ArrayCollections. My question now is: How can I get the stack-traces of errors thrown in event-handlers?
I allready added handlers for unhandledExceptions in all of my modules and they are called if errors occur in code triggered from user-interaction, but they don't seem to be able to catch stuff thrown by event-handlers.
How can I track these Errors?
PS: The classes are:
package {
public class Task extends TaskBase {
package {
import flash.utils.IExternalizable;
public class TaskBase {
public function TaskBase() {}
private var _aborted:Boolean;
private var _characteristicsId:String;
private var _currentExecutorPhase:JobExecutorPhase;
private var _definitionSetName:String;
private var _definitionSetVid:OvalVersionedIdentifier;
private var _endTime:Date;
private var _enqueueTime:Date;
private var _environmentId:String;
private var _environmentName:String;
private var _messages:Array;
private var _numberOfDefinitions:int;
private var _processedNumberOfTests:int;
private var _resultsId:String;
private var _schedulerJob:SchedulerJob;
private var _startTime:Date;
private var _statusMessage:String;
private var _taskId:String;
private var _totalNumberOfTests:int;
public function set aborted(value:Boolean):void {
_aborted = value;
public function get aborted():Boolean {
return _aborted;
public function set characteristicsId(value:String):void {
_characteristicsId = value;
public function get characteristicsId():String {
return _characteristicsId;
public function set currentExecutorPhase(value:JobExecutorPhase):void {
_currentExecutorPhase = value;
public function get currentExecutorPhase():JobExecutorPhase {
return _currentExecutorPhase;
public function set definitionSetName(value:String):void {
_definitionSetName = value;
public function get definitionSetName():String {
return _definitionSetName;
public function set definitionSetVid(value:OvalVersionedIdentifier):void {
_definitionSetVid = value;
public function get definitionSetVid():OvalVersionedIdentifier {
return _definitionSetVid;
public function set endTime(value:Date):void {
_endTime = value;
public function get endTime():Date {
return _endTime;
public function set enqueueTime(value:Date):void {
_enqueueTime = value;
public function get enqueueTime():Date {
return _enqueueTime;
public function set environmentId(value:String):void {
_environmentId = value;
public function get environmentId():String {
return _environmentId;
public function set environmentName(value:String):void {
_environmentName = value;
public function get environmentName():String {
return _environmentName;
public function set messages(value:Array):void {
_messages = value;
public function get messages():Array {
return _messages;
public function set numberOfDefinitions(value:int):void {
_numberOfDefinitions = value;
public function get numberOfDefinitions():int {
return _numberOfDefinitions;
public function set processedNumberOfTests(value:int):void {
_processedNumberOfTests = value;
public function get processedNumberOfTests():int {
return _processedNumberOfTests;
public function set resultsId(value:String):void {
_resultsId = value;
public function get resultsId():String {
return _resultsId;
public function set schedulerJob(value:SchedulerJob):void {
_schedulerJob = value;
public function get schedulerJob():SchedulerJob {
return _schedulerJob;
public function set startTime(value:Date):void {
_startTime = value;
public function get startTime():Date {
return _startTime;
public function set statusMessage(value:String):void {
_statusMessage = value;
public function get statusMessage():String {
return _statusMessage;
public function set taskId(value:String):void {
_taskId = value;
public function get taskId():String {
return _taskId;
public function set totalNumberOfTests(value:int):void {
_totalNumberOfTests = value;
public function get totalNumberOfTests():int {
return _totalNumberOfTests;
Both classes are generated by my maven build from a corresponding Java Class and the Types do fit together nicely.
Do you have access to the socket class that's reading in all these messages? Trace out the buffer before the deserialisation and you should at least be able to find the class that's giving you hassle.
Failing that, trace out the object after deserialisation and it should be the very first one after the error is thrown.
This is something you'll have to debug on your own, but I have a gut feeling that the problem is because the data being sent by your java DTO is not the same as your AS3 class, even though that you have the RemoteClass metadata saying that it is.
Are you missing a property? or have a property mismatch? That is the most likely cause of your error. I suggest you debug the java side as much as you can and use something like firebug to see the request/response of the server.

Turning objects DataSource to a List<>

Attempting to take the data in my gridview and convert it back into a list so I can run an update function. Currently I'm getting a null value when I attempt this.
List<CodeEntity> codes = new List<CodeEntity>();
codes = (List<CodeEntity>)Convert.ChangeType(gdvFGCode.DataSource,typeof(List<CodeEntity>));
Also, Since the Gridview contains 3 template fields all with controls inside, would the datasource returned contain the updated values from the controls or would it return the original List<> pasted into it.
EDIT: The class I'm attempting to return in the list
public class CodeEntity
private string _fgCode;
private Int16 _palletSet;
private bool _priority;
private int _codeState;
private string _formingCode;
private string _d4Code;
public string FGCode
get { return _fgCode; }
set { _fgCode = value; }
public int CodeState
get { return _codeState; }
set { _codeState = value; }
public Int16 PalletSet
get { return _palletSet; }
set { _palletSet = value; }
public bool Priority
get { return _priority; }
set { _priority = value; }
public string FormingCode
get { return _formingCode; }
set { _formingCode = value; }
public string D4Code
get { return _d4Code; }
set { _d4Code = value; }
I would think the following should work:
if (gdvFGCode.DataSource != null)
List<CodeEntity> codes = (List<CodeEntity>)gdvFGCode.DataSource;
Added null check on the Datasource and updated code to accurately reflect OP's code.

Flex DropdownList does not show the correct values

I have a Flex Spark dropdownList in which I need to show the Provider FirstName,LastName:
<s:DropDownList id="providerList"
But the output shows only [object Object] & [object Object] as there are 2 providers in the DB and does not show the actual values.
public class PracticeProviderList extends PracticeProviderListBase {
private var _practiceProviderList:ArrayCollection;
public function get practiceProviders():ArrayCollection
return _practiceProviderList;
public function set practiceProviders(value:ArrayCollection):void
_practiceProviderList = value;
The PracticeProvider Object:
public class PracticeProvider {
private var _practiceId:Number;
private var _practiceProviderId:Number;
private var _provider:Provider;
public function set practiceId(value:Number):void {
_practiceId = value;
public function get practiceId():Number {
return _practiceId;
public function set practiceProviderId(value:Number):void {
_practiceProviderId = value;
public function get practiceProviderId():Number {
return _practiceProviderId;
public function set provider(value:Provider):void {
_provider = value;
public function get provider():Provider {
return _provider;
The Provider has providerName:PersonName as one of it's fields & PersonName has firstName:String & lastName:String
I need to show the First Name, Last Name in the dropdownlist. I would appreciate if someone can help in this regard.
The labelField can't concatenate 2 values. Use a labelFunction instead.
If I understand your data model, Something like this:
public function myLabelFunction(item:Object):String{
return item['providerName']['PersonName']['firstName'] + ' ' + item['providerName']['PersonName']['lastName']
