How to remove a database in ydn db - ydn-db

my issue is I cannot remove a created database.
This should do it:
ydn.db.deleteDatabase('db name')
But I get this error:
"r.openDatabase is not a function"
What did I do wrong?
Thank :-)

It looks like a bug, but I cannot verify it on FF using js file from ydn.db.deleteDatabase works fine on FF, which does not have websql. openDatabase is websql api method.
Which version and platform are you using?


same code but error on web version in flutter. Why?

in my flutter app when data adding from web version its shows error like this on mobile. but works fine on web, I use firebase as backend. why this is happening
Since web is transpiled to javascript, that has a type number (which receives both double and int). That problem maybe solved if you cast to right type.
You can learn more about how dart handles numbers in here:

Xamarin.Auth AccountStore - KeyStore was not initialized

I've had this Xamarin.Auth AccountStore working in my app for a while, but then decided to do some updates to some Nuget Packages and Target Android versions >_<
I now have no idea what went wrong and how to get it working again, here is the exception:
Java.Security.KeyStoreException: KeyStore was not initialized
The code is pretty simple and looks like this:
var accountStore = AccountStore.Create(Android.App.Application.Context);
var accounts = accountStore.FindAccountsForService(providerName);
The 2nd line is throwing the exception.
This is in the Android project, being called from a PCL DependencyService.
It has been working this way for a while, I guess something changed in a version update in one of the packages but I don't know what, any ideas?
try to repair your visual studio installation.
This made the trick for our project. We had the same problems like you.

I can't query in WebView context

I'm facing a problem right now, and I need some help.
I have a native app that displays in some point a webView, the class for this webView is called: org.xwalk.core.XWalkView. I'm developing in Windows and running calabash-android console, but when I use any of this commands:
query("webView css:'' ") or query("XWalkView css:'' ")
I'm unavailable to get any object from that webview. Is this an abnormal behavior? What should I do to get the css values?
Thank you so much.
PS: calabash-android version 0.4.20
Upgrade you Calabash-Android version to the latest one. 0.4.20 is a very old release and does not support crosswalk webviews.

Meteor.Collection.ObjectID() returning 'undefined'

I have a running Meteor application on a Fedora 18 workstation. The meteor web application appears to be functioning correctly without errors in the web console. When I try to run the following in the Web console it returns undefined.
According to the documentation and other StackOverflow answers this should work. I have used both FireFox and Chrome to test this. What am I missing?
Did you tried to create this ObjectID() with new ?
Please try :
var _id = new Meteor.Collection.ObjectID();
Try without the parentheses.
Mongo replaced Meteor.Collection. Mongo.ObjectID follows the same API as the Node MongoDB driver ObjectID class.
var _id = new Mongo.ObjectID();

SignalR StockTicker example not working

Hello and thanks for trying to help :).
I am currently attempting to learn basic signalR so I downloaded the library with NuGet to an existing application to test it out.
The existing app is written in VB (not sure if thats a problem or not)
Error im receiving is "ticker is undefined" which from what I understand is the connection string.
Now Ive read that it MIGHT be the hubs dir which seems to be working fine. So i'm stuck. Any idea's would be great.
Figured it out. Turned out that because the app was written in vb I had to add a cs code to the app code folder and then map it in the web.config.
For me this was solved because i wasn't including the auto generated file "../signalr/hubs"
