Prolog, add list of list together to make one list - recursion

Hi I need to write a Prolog predicate that will sum the lines of a list of list so given
|a,b,c| |j,k,l| |s,t,u|
|d,e,f| |m,n,o| |v,w,x|
/*I want to be able to get back */
Im having a hard time because I want to add the head to the head of the tail, and so on but can't figure out away to tell prolog to do that. I can add any one line at a time or even just two matrices but given a list like this I cannot see to get it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


Unordered lists next to each other. First word of every list are in line

I want to put 4 lists next to each other where the first word of every list are inline with eachother. Not every list has the same amount of items.
I have not tried anything because i don't know what kind of elements i could use to fix this problem, sorry.

unable to understand basic merge sort algorithm

I am trying to learn the merge sort alogrithm but I am running in to a block in my understanding.
Follwoing is the starting piece of the merge sort alogrithm:
def mergeSort(nlist):
print("Splitting ",nlist)
if len(nlist)>1:
mid = len(nlist)//2
lefthalf = nlist[:mid]
righthalf = nlist[mid:]
The function mergesort is being called over and over agin and this will change the value of the left half and right half so that when the second mergesort function is called it will have ony a single element. where does the rest of the list get saved and how does it get retrieved again ? . I am not able to understand the flow of the program.
How do I understand this I am not able to earp my head around how this works...

Replacing a symbol in a .txt file

Alright, I've been given a program that requires me to take a .txt file of varying symbols in rows and columns that would look like this.
and using command arguments to specify row and column, requires me to select a symbol and replace that symbol with an asterisk. The problem i have with this is that it then requires me to recur up, down, left, and right any of the same symbol and change those into an asterisk.
As i understand it, if i were to enter "1 2" into my argument list it would change the above text into.
While selecting the specified character itself isn't a problem, how do i have any similar, adjacent symbols change and then the ones next to those. I have looked around but can't find any information and as my teacher has had a different subs for the last 3 weeks, i havent had a chance to clarify my questions with them. I've been told that recursion can be used, but my actual experience using recursion is limited. Any suggestions or links i can follow to get a better idea on what to do? Would it make sense to add a recursive method that takes the coordinates given adds and subtracts from the row and column respectively to check if the symbol is the same and repeats?
Load in char by char, row by row, into a 2D array of characters. That'll make it a lot easier to move up and down and left and right, all you need to do is move one of the array indexes.
You can also take advantage of recursion. Make a function that changes all adjacent matching characters, and then call that same function on all adjacent matching characters.

Merge sort, the recursion part

After studying the merge sort for a couple of days, I understand it conceptually, but there is one thing that I don't get.
What I get:
1.) It takes a list, for example an array of numbers and splits it in half and sorts the two halfs, and in the end merges them together.
2.) Because it's an recursive algorithm it uses recursion to do that.
So the split of the mentioned array looks like this:
It, splits the array until there is only one item in each list and by that its considered sorted. And at that point the merge steps in.
Which should look like this:
What I don't get is, how does the recursion "know" after it splits all the lists to only one item in a list, to get back up the recursion tree? How does something that has a left and right side become the left side after it merges?
The thing that bothers me is this. I've taken a snapshot of the code from interactivepython page
How does the code get to the point, after we have lefthalf = 2, and righthalf = 1, to to code that's shown in the picture where the lefthalf = [1,2] and righthalf = [4,3] without going back to the recursion that would divide what we have have merged?
Once the list only contains one element, each pair of leaves are sorted and joined. Then you can traverse through the list and find out where the next pair should be inserted. The recursion "knows" nothing about going back up the recursion tree, rather it is the act of sorting and joining that has this effect.
The "recursion" does of course know nothing of that sort. It is the code that uses the recursion, which looks like this (a bit simplified):
sort list = merge (sort left_half) (sort right_half)
(left_half, right_half) = split list
Here you see that the "recursion" (i.e. the recursive invocations of sort) don't need to "know" anything. Their only job is to deliver a sorted list, array or whatever.
To put it differently: If we have merge satisfying the following invariant:
1. `merge`, given two sorted lists, will return a sorted list.
then we can write mergesort easily like outlined above. What is left to do in sort is to handle the easy cases: empty list, singleton and list with two elements.
If you are talking about odd numbered sub lists, then it is dependant on the implementation.
It either puts the bigger sub list on the left every single time, or it puts it on the right every single time.

How to select all elements of a list at a particular nested Level?

Or put it differently: How can I use the [[ operator in a nested list?
You can consider this as a follow-up question on this one, when I asked how to determine the depth level of a list. I got some decent answers from #Spacedman and #flodel who both suggested recursive functions. Both solutions where quite similar and worked for me.
However I haven't figured out yet what to do with the information I get from these functions. Let's say I have a list nested at level i and I want to get back a list that contains all i-th level elements, like this:
# fourthLevel contains 5 data.frames and thirdLevel has
# three elements
How can I get back all 15 data.frames from mylist?
I am trying to use e.g.
but obviously I just get the second element of all list elements at the first level.
EDIT: I found the following in the help of extract respectivel ?"[[" but can't really wrap my head around it so far:
"[[ can be applied recursively to lists, so that if the single index i is a vector of length p, alist[[i]] is equivalent to alist[[i1]]...[[ip]] providing all but the final indexing results in a list."
Don't want to end up nesting loops like this.
o <- list()
for (i in 1:2){
o[[i]] <- mylist[[c(i,1,1,1)]]
I found the answer in the meantime. Can't say say I did it on my own. This
link gives an elaborate explanation how to use another (complex) recursive function to linearize the whole nested list wad.
What's really nice about the solution provided by Akhil S. Behl: it deals with the fact that data.frames are lists too and recursing can stop before data.frames. It turned out that this was one of my major problems before.
