graphite summarize function not working as expected - graphite

I am feeding data into a metric, let say it is "local.junk". What I send is just that metric, a 1 for the value and the timestamp
local.junk 1 1394724217
Where the timestamp changes of course. I want to graph the total number of these instances over a period of time so I used
summarize(local.junk, "1min")
Then I went and made some data entries, I expected to see the number of requests that it received in each minute but it always just shows the line at 1. If I summarize over a longer period like 5 mins, It is showing me some random number... I tried 10 requests and I see the graph at like 4 or 5. Am I loading the data wrong? Or using the summarize function wrong?

The method summarize() just sums up your data values so co-relate and verify that you indeed are sending correct values.
Also, to localize weather the function or data has issues, you can run it on metricsReceived:
Which version of Grahite are you running?

You may want to check your carbon aggregator settings. By default carbon aggregates data for every 10 seconds. Without adding any entry in aggregation-rules.conf, Graphite only saves last metric it receives in the 10second duration.
You are seeing above problem because of that behaviour. You need to add an entry for your metric in the aggregation-rules.conf with sum method like this
local.junk (10) = sum local.junk


Non standard intervals in date histogram in Kibana

I'm using Kibana 4 to graph response times. When there is low load on the system, the average responses vary a lot if I aggregate them by second (because there might only be a couple of requests coming in during that second).
I could aggregate them by minute, but then I would lose a lot of detail. I would like to aggregate by some other interval, like 5 or 10 seconds, but I cannot find a way to do that.
Solved! (maybe in 4.1?)
Now you can select the "Custom" interval.

RRDTOOL one second logging, values missing

I spent more than two months with RRDTOOL to find out how to store and visualize data on graph. I'm very close now to my goal, but for some reason I don't understand why it is happening that some data are considered to be NaN in my case.
I counting lines in gigabytes sized of log files and have feeding the result to an rrd database to visualize events occurrence. The stepping of the database is 60 seconds, the data is inserted in seconds base whenever it is available, so no guarantee the the next timestamp will be withing the heartbeat or within the stepping. Sometimes no data for minutes.
If have such big distance mostly my data is considered to be NaN.
rrdtool create b1_4A.rrd --start 1420066799 --step 60 DS:Value:GAUGE:120:0:U RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1440 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:10:1008 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:30:1440 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:360:1460
The above gives me an empty graph for the input above.
If I extend the heart beat, than it will fill the time gaps with the same data. I've tried to insert zero values, but that will average out the counts and bring results in mils.
Maybe I taking something wrong regarding RRDTool.
It would be great if someone could explain what I doing wrong.
Thank you.
It sounds as if your data - which is event-based at irregular timings - is not suitable for an RRD structure. RRD prefers to have its data at constant, regular intervals, and will coerce the incoming data to match its requirements.
Your RRD is defined to have a 60s step, and a 120s heartbeat. This means that it expects one sample every 60s, and no further apart than 120s.
Your DS is a gauge, and so the values you enter (all of them '1' in your example) will be the values stored, after any time normalisation.
If you increase the heartbeat, then a value received within this time will be used to make a linear approximation to fill in all samples since the last one. This is why doing so fills the gaps with the same data.
Since your step is 60s, the smallest sample time sidth will be 1 minute.
Since you are always storing '1's, your graph will therefore either show '1' (when the sample was received in the heartbeart window) or Unknown (when the heartbeat expired).
In other words, your graph is showing exactly what you gave it. You data are being coerced into a regular set of numerical values at a 1-minute step, each being 1 or Unknown.

R - Cluster x number of events within y time period

I have a dataset that has 59k entries recorded over 63 years, I need to identify clusters of events with the criteria being:
6 or more events within 6 hours
Each event has a unique ID, time HH:MM:SS and date DD:MM:YY, an output would ideally have a cluster ID, the eventS that took place within each cluster, and start and finish time and date.
Thinking about the problem in R we would need to look at every date/time and count the number of events in the following 6 hours, if the number is 6 or greater save the event IDs, if not move onto the next date and perform the same task. I have taken a data extract that just contains EventID, Date, Time and Year.
If I come up with anything in the meantime I will post below.
Update: Having taken a break to think about the problem I have a new approach.
Add 6 hours to the Date/Time of each event then count the number of events that fall within the start end time, if there are 6 or more take the eventIDs and assign them a clusterID. Then move onto the next event and repeat 59k times as a loop.
Don't use clustering. It's the wrong tool. And the wrong term. You are not looking for abstract "clusters", but something much simpler and much more well defined. In particular, your data is 1 dimensional, which makes things a lot easier than the multivariate case omnipresent in clustering.
Instead, sort your data and use a sliding window.
If your data is sorted, and time[x+5] - time[x] < 6 hours, then these events satisfy your condition.
Sorting is O(n log n), but highly optimized. The remainder is O(n) in a single pass over your data. This will beat every single clustering algorithm, because they don't exploit your data characteristics.

Graphite: append a "current time" point to the end of a series

I have a "succeeded" metric that is just the timestamp. I want to see the time between successive successes (this is how long the data is stale for). I have
but I also want to know how long between the last success time and the current time. since derivative transforms xs[n] to xs[n+1] - xs[n], the "last" delta doesn't exist. How can I do this? Something like:
derivative(append(Success, now()))
I don't see any graphite functions for appending series, and I don't see any user-defined graphite functions.
The general problem is to be alerted when the data is stale, via graphite monitoring. There may be a better solution than the one I'm thinking about.
identity is a function whose value at any given time is the timestamp of that time.
keepLastValue is a function that takes a series and replicates data points forward over gaps in the data.
So then diffSeries(identity("now"), keepLastValue(Success)) will be a "sawtooth" series that climbs steadily while Success isn't updated, and jumps down to zero (or close to it — there might be some time skew) every time Success has a data point. If you use graphite monitoring to get the current value of that expression and compare it to some threshold, it will probably do what you want.

Transform for graphite counter

I'm using the incr function from the python statsd client. The key I'm sending for the name is registered in graphite but it shows up as a flat line on the graph. What filters or transforms do I need to apply to get the rate of the increments over time? I've tried an apply function > transform > integral and an apply function > special > aggregate by sum but no success yet.
Your requested function is "Summarize" - see it over here:
In order to the totals over time just use the summarize functions with the "alignToFrom =
For example:
You can use the following metric for 1 day period:
See graphite summarize datapoints
for more details.
The data is there, it just needs hundreds of counts before you start to be able to see it on the graph. Taking the integral also works and shows number of cumulative hits over time, have had to multiple it by x100 to get approximately the correct value.
