COCOS2D-X: scale sprite - scale

I want to set scale for a sprite by height of original image.
And then the width of that sprite will follow by original ratio of that image.
How can i do that.
Thank for all your help.

CCSprite has a member function
virtual void setScale(float scale)
Just create a sprite, and call this function.
CCSprite* bg = CCSprite::create("background.png");
bg sprite will be twice bigger than the origin one.

use setScale function of CCSprite e.g -
CCSprite *Sprite = CCSprite::create(WHEEL_SPRITE);

You can scale by width or height only with: sprite->setScaleX() and sprite->setScaleY()


Is there a way to preserve image proportions when using an <a-image> tag?

Is there a way to preserve image proportions when using an tag?
The docs mention hard coding the dimensions but that's problematic when requesting arbitrary images
as far as i see, the a-image is just a a-plane with an image source in a material.
It means the image will be streched over the plane, you can only mess with the
<a-image> height and width, which are the a-plane's height and width in meters,
<img> height and width, which specify the image dimensions in px, but the image still will be streched over the plane.
You could try to do it automatically, within a component, setting the a-planewidth and height depending on the input <img> width and height, having a px-meters ratio:
let lowResRatio = 0.01;
Check it out in my fiddle:
Otherwise, You need to prepare the images earlier on.
You can modify the component so it gets the image dimensions, gets a height/width ratio, and sets the width and height accordingly:
let data =;
let ratio = 1/100;
this.el.addEventListener('materialtextureloaded', (e)=>{
var w = e.detail.texture.image.videoWidth || e.detail.texture.image.width;
var h = e.detail.texture.image.videoHeight || e.detail.texture.image.height;
let ratio = w/h;
live fiddle here:
Now it's fixing itself to a given height.

Dynamically change plane height in babylonjs

I created a plane by using
this.plane = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreatePlane("plane", { width: 0.5, height: 10 }, scene, true);
and then I try to modify the plane height in rendering, but the height is not changed.
I think you are looking for scaling. Here is the link to Babylon.js Scaling. Essentially, you do
objectName.scaling.x = 1.50 //This is a scaling multiplier (you can substitute x, y, and z)
//Or, if you want to scale in more than one direction, you can use a vector3
objectName.scaling = new Babylon.Vector3(1.5,.5, 2)
This should let you dynamically change the dimensions of your object. If you wanted the make the change visibly noticeable (instead of jumping straight to the correct size) you could also add an animation to it.

JavaFX: maximum ImageView size

This may sound like a duplicate of Set maximum size for JavaFX ImageView but it's different.
I'd like to restrict the maximum size of an ImageView. Unfortunately, the only way to set the ImageView's size seems to be fitWidth and fitHeight which however enlarges the image if it's smaller than the fit values.
I tried setting fitWidth/fitHeight to 0/0 and wrap the ImageView into a pane with maxWidth set - no success (image is displayed in original size).
To me it seems as this is not achievable by JavaFX, however I can't believe it. But I couldn't find anything online. Are there any tricks/bugs/workarounds on this?
If you dont want the image to stretch, you can use:
Then you are able to fit width and height as you want
ImageView setPreserveRatio javadoc
In javadoc in this method there are the rules of scaling too
You just needed to add in if statement to set those larger than maxsize to a fixed size. The rest would remain their original size.
ImageView im = new ImageView();
im.maxHeight(690 - 10);
int yoursize = 690;
if(im.maxHeight(690 - 10)> yoursize ){
im.setFitHeight(690- 10);
System.out.println("Fix Size : 690 ");
You can get the actual Image resource and query its width/height to use for the fit values:
Image image = imageView.getImage();
double nativeWidth = image.getWidth();
double nativeHeight = image.getHeight();

How can an image be cropped based on a set scale of random image?

Working on allowing the upload of images which can range in a variety of size, then allowing to crop a predefined area of the image for a thumbnail.
The thumbnail size is predefined to 150x150. Using the Jcrop.js tool to select a section of the image.
When displaying the uploaded image in a smaller size than the original image by implementing set height/width on the image rendered, then there is a scale factor that comes into play when selecting an area to crop.
You either have to scale down the cropping area proportionately or you have to scale the image in relation to the actual image's size in comparison to its displayed size.
How do I figure out the scale of the browser displayed image vs. original image? I am currently using the following code to save the image, but how would I take into consideration the scaling?
public static Image CropImage(Image originalImage, int x, int y, int width, int height)
var bmp = new Bitmap(width, height);
bmp.SetResolution(originalImage.HorizontalResolution, originalImage.VerticalResolution);
using (var graphic = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
graphic.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
graphic.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
graphic.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighSpeed;
graphic.DrawImage(originalImage, new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height), x, y, width, height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
return bmp;
Bonus Question:
Another problem I discovered, is that there seems to be no efficient way to transfer the original file's ImageFormat when creating a new Bitmap which creates a ImageFormatMemoryBMP and when you attempt to call Bitmap.Save(memorystream, original rawformat) it will blow up. And bitmap RawFormat has no setter.
So how can you set the format on a new bitmap?
I think perhaps that this problem is solved purely on the front end, no need to use any server side for this.
Jcrop has a built in scale factor handler.
Now you can use this in two ways, as I understand it. Either to 'resize' the image for you on the front end using 'box sizing', or you can tell it the 'truesize' of the image and it will work out the scale factor and handle the coordinates for you on it's own.
Box sizing
$('#cropbox').Jcrop({ boxWidth: 450, boxHeight: 400 });
True Size
$.Jcrop('#cropbox',{ trueSize: [500,370] });
Using the true size method you will need to invoke jcrop using the api method:
var jcrop_api,
options = { trueSize: [500,370] };
jcrop_api = this;
Good luck!

Scaling and resizing flex component

I have custom flex component inherited from UIComponent (compiled, no source code access). It has fixed width-to-height proportions and it's scalable. If I set its width and height to 100%, it's trying to fit parent's size, but it keeps width-to-height proportion, so if it's proportion does not equal parent's proportion, there can appear empty space near this component when resizing parent.
What I need, is to fit my component completely to parent's size. Is there any nice way to do this? I could listen to parent's resize event, and play with component's scaleX and scaleY, but may be any better way exists to solve my problem (any property?). Thanks.
A great way is to use greensock's AutoFitArea.
Coding is as simple as the following
var area:AutoFitArea = new AutoFitArea(this, 50, 70, 300, 100);
area.attach(myImage, {scaleMode:ScaleMode.PROPORTIONAL_OUTSIDE, crop:true});
which would constrain whatever is inside do the given dimensions (300,100) from there on out, you can just change the area's width and that will figure it all out for you.
hope it helps
Personally, what I would do is have the component within the parent set at width/height 100%, then within the component itself, override the updateDisplayList function (which returns the unscaled width/height) and then resize whatever children you're trying to display depending on the width/height of this container. Something like this:
override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void
if(this._child!= null)
if(unscaledWidth > unscaledHeight)
this._child.height = unscaledHeight;
this._child.scaleX = this._video.scaleY;
this._child.width = unscaledWidth;
this._child.scaleY = this._video.scaleX;
Should do it.
Should the component keep its proportion? If not, you could just, as you said, listen to the resize event of the parent and set the width and height to the components values.
If the component should keep its proportion you could resize the background of your component so that it fits the parents size and resize the content of you component with its proportion seperatly.
