How to get orchestration instance server name - biztalk

I have two server where orchestration can run.I need to know the server name where my orchestration instance has run .How to get this information.

Well...why? If you have the Orchestration's Host mapped to more then on server, there is no reliable or supported way to influence that.
However, you can use any standard .Net technique to get the local computer name. For example:


Is there a command to send a grpc Go lang server to have it output all possible messages it accepts?

I am working on a grpc server and keep getting messages like "target server does not expose service (service name)" even though I think the name is correct. Is there a way (in development) to send a message asking the grpc server to just output all possible services it exposes and messages it accepts? This would help with debugging.
What you're looking for is called server reflection. Luckily, this has been implemented in grpc go, and you can find a tutorial here:

Linked Servers in SQL Database Managed Instance

In a SQL Server Managed Instance I have 2 databases (for security reasons both databases have different logins). I need the possibility to allow one database to look into the other one. In a local SQL Server I was able to create a Linked Server to realize this. But this seems not to work using the Managed Instance.
Can someone give some hints how to achieve this?
Managed Instance supports linked servers (unless if they use MSDTC for some distributed writes). Make sure that you add logins for remote server:
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin #rmtsrvname=N'PEER',#useself=N'False',#locallogin=NULL,
#rmtuser=N'$(linkedServerUsername)', #rmtpassword='$(linkedServerPassword)';
If it still doesn't work put the exact error message. This might be Network security Group blocking the port, VNets that are not peered, etc.

Can I create a PACT to run on a different hostname?

Can I create a PACT to run on a different hostname? I have been using pact rule and keeping the hostname as localhost. But now I'm trying to create a pact for an application that can not run on localhost.
public PactProviderRule provider = new PactProviderRule("ServiceNowClientRestClientProvider", "localhost", 8080, this);
Is it possible to change localhost to something else, if so are there additional configurations that I need. I've tried changing tests that work on localhost to the actual hostname that the code is using but then it fails and I get a various error message "Unresolved address" or "Cannot assign requested address: bind", or "Address in use"
Ronald Holshausen responded with a good answer to my question. Full conversation is on Pact Google forum post:
The hostname is passed through to the HTTP server library to start an HTTP server to be the mock server. This server will be running on the same machine as the test (in fact will also be the same JVM process). The HTTP server library will use the hostname to resolve to an IP address, which will in turn resolve to a network interface on the machine which the port for the server will be bound to.
It is not as simple as a yes/no answer. It is possible to do (there are standalone mock servers you can run on another machine), but the PactProviderRule always starts a mock server on the same host as where the tests are running.
To achieve what you require, you would need to use one of the mock server implementations, and a new JUnit Rule would need to implemented (preferably extended from PactProviderRule).
There are a number of standalone pact mock servers:
The only valid values that can be used are: the hostname of the machine where the test is running, the IP address of the machine where the test is running, localhost, or
If a standalone mock server is started on another machine (say from your example Hostname: and Port: 80), then the PactProviderRule will need to know that it should not try start a new mock server but communicate with the one is has been provided with (via the address
You can in the ruby version using pact-provider-proxy. However, the best use case for consumer driven contracts is when you have development control over both the consumer and the provider, and this generally means that you can stand up an instance of the provider locally. If you are trying to test a public API, or an API you don't have development control over, pact may not be the best tool for you. You can read more here about what pact is not good for.
It is possible to do (there are standalone mock servers you can run on another machine), but the PactProviderRule always starts a mock server on the same host as where the tests are running.
To achieve what you require, you would need to use one of the mock server implementations, and a new JUnit Rule would need to implemented (preferably extended from PactProviderRule).
There are a number of standalone pact mock servers:
as well as the pact-mock_service from the Ruby implementation (I can't post the link due to reputation restrictions on stack overflow).

Dynamically switching receive locations between database servers

Using BizTalk I need to read data from one of two databases that are hosted in Unix using ODBC.
The data is replicated between the databases and if one of the databases does not respond I need to switch to the other. There is no load balancer or anything so I need to be able to do the switch on the BizTalk server.
I was thinking of creating two receive locations, one for each database server, only one of them enabled and then have a Windows service that periodically tries to make a connection to one of the database servers and if there is an exception, call a powershell script that disables the receive location for the server that does not respond and enable the other receivelocation.
Is there a better solution for this?
I would solve this as follows:
In Biztalk create a single http receive location.
Create a windows service
In the windows service poll the first database, if it does not respond poll from the second database
Have the Biztalk service post the information to the http receive location
You need to consider what happens if you read the same data twice, once from the main database and once from the backup.

Use a fake biztalk send port as configuration

I am using a BizTalk orchestration to kick off an SSIS package. This package is essentially doing transformation on behalf of BizTalk on a very large volume of data. I have run into a problem as to the best way of specify in the drop location for SSIS use after the transformation. If this were a 'normal' BizTalk orchestration it would be easy to set up a send port. I would like to make a fake send port in BizTalk so that the admin could configure the send location from BizTalk and then have BizTalk pass that value into SSIS. However, if you configure a send port without actually attaching a connector to it, then it will not show up as an available binding in BizTalk admin.
Is there a way to get around this and force the admin to bind it before starting the orchestration? Any other ideas to allow for an easy configuration of this round-about process?
What I ended up doing was creating a decision shape that was true on one side so it never would go down the false branch. In essence I tricked BizTalk, so I could attach a connector to the send port that I am interested. Earlier in the orchestration I retrieved the value of the file location for the 'config' send port, so I can could send it to SSIS.
