Use a fake biztalk send port as configuration - biztalk

I am using a BizTalk orchestration to kick off an SSIS package. This package is essentially doing transformation on behalf of BizTalk on a very large volume of data. I have run into a problem as to the best way of specify in the drop location for SSIS use after the transformation. If this were a 'normal' BizTalk orchestration it would be easy to set up a send port. I would like to make a fake send port in BizTalk so that the admin could configure the send location from BizTalk and then have BizTalk pass that value into SSIS. However, if you configure a send port without actually attaching a connector to it, then it will not show up as an available binding in BizTalk admin.
Is there a way to get around this and force the admin to bind it before starting the orchestration? Any other ideas to allow for an easy configuration of this round-about process?

What I ended up doing was creating a decision shape that was true on one side so it never would go down the false branch. In essence I tricked BizTalk, so I could attach a connector to the send port that I am interested. Earlier in the orchestration I retrieved the value of the file location for the 'config' send port, so I can could send it to SSIS.


How to get orchestration instance server name

I have two server where orchestration can run.I need to know the server name where my orchestration instance has run .How to get this information.
Well...why? If you have the Orchestration's Host mapped to more then on server, there is no reliable or supported way to influence that.
However, you can use any standard .Net technique to get the local computer name. For example:

Oracle binding not showing in send port

I have a very simple BizTalk application that is polling the records from a SQL server and does some transformation then save it to the Oracle DB. I used BizTalk 2010, SQL server 2012, Oracle 11g each is hosted on their own separate server. BizTalk was setup properly and has been working fine.
I have attached the orchestration diagram for clarity. Nothing fancy, I have set up the sending and receiving port successfully (can connect to all the database, and I used typedpolling for inbound and insert operation for the outbound. The project can be compiled and deployed successfully.
I have imported the bindings to BizTalk Admin Console and can see both bindings on the receive port and send port. The following image shows the bindings for send port is there.
However, when I tried to configure the Orchestration, I can only see the receive Ports in the selection but the send ports information is not available for me to pick.
From my limited exposure to BizTalk in the past, I can select the send port once I have imported the bindings to the console. I wonder what I have done incorrectly this time?
Usually a table operation such as an insert will be a request (the insert) and the response which shows it has succeeded (with an array/list of ID's of the new records). If you look the port that was created from the bindings you will see both a Send pipeline and a Receive Pipeline. Just make the port in the Orchestration a Request/Response, and consume the response (even if you don't do anything with it). Then you can bind the logical port the the actual port one as the logical port will then match the port.

BizTalk Deployment including Send Port stubs

I am inheriting a project which I am migrating from 2006 to 2010.
From what I understand, when I deploy a BizTalk solution from Visual Studio, the required ports should have stubs created automatically in the application.
Currently no ports are being created when I deploy. Is there a configuration option I'm missing for this, or am I incorrect in my understanding and have to send up all the ports manually?
Send/Receive Ports will only be created automagically if you have an Orchestration/s that has a Send or Receive Port configured with its Binding as 'Specify Now' - this approach bakes the port configuration into the Orchestration and is then created when you deploy:
You will also see really funky Receive Port names following the deployment:
and Receive Location names:
This is the wrong approach IMHO - Send and Receive Ports should be created, configured and bound manually via the BizTalk Administration Console once you have deployed your solution. This way, you separate your service (orchestrations etc.) from your configuration bindings, which may change with each environment. Furthermore, you don't have funky port names in production that will need to be deleted :-)
I would recommend scripting the deployment once you have sufficient knowledge of BizTalk - this will also include importing configuration bindings once you have deployed your BizTalk assemblies (Orchestrations, Schemas, Pipelines etc.)

Dynamically switching receive locations between database servers

Using BizTalk I need to read data from one of two databases that are hosted in Unix using ODBC.
The data is replicated between the databases and if one of the databases does not respond I need to switch to the other. There is no load balancer or anything so I need to be able to do the switch on the BizTalk server.
I was thinking of creating two receive locations, one for each database server, only one of them enabled and then have a Windows service that periodically tries to make a connection to one of the database servers and if there is an exception, call a powershell script that disables the receive location for the server that does not respond and enable the other receivelocation.
Is there a better solution for this?
I would solve this as follows:
In Biztalk create a single http receive location.
Create a windows service
In the windows service poll the first database, if it does not respond poll from the second database
Have the Biztalk service post the information to the http receive location
You need to consider what happens if you read the same data twice, once from the main database and once from the backup.

Using NSoftware sftp adapter with Biztalk

I've downlaoded the nsoftware sftp adapter for Biztalk.
I created a few send & receive ports within Biztalk admin just to see if it works, and it does.
I now need to build an orchestration with an sftp send port and sftp receive port.
I've added a reference to the adapter dll and included it in the project, but I'm not sure how to wire it up to my 2 ports in the .odx file.
Can anyone shove me in the right direction?
The only reason you'd have a project-level reference to the adapter DLL is if you need to use the property schemas for the nsoftware adapter; otherwise, the way you'd use it is the same way you'd use any other BizTalk adapter:
Declare your logical ports in your orchestration. Make sure you mark them as "Specify Later" (or direct/dynamic, if you're doing more advanced scenarios).
Build your orchestration as usual
Go to the BizTalk administration console and create receive locations/send ports as necessary specifying the nsoftware SFTP adapter. You'll be able to enter all the adapter configuration settings there.
If you could share any more details about what you're trying to do, maybe I could offer more specific advice.
