I spent some time yesterday writing the solution for this challenge published on Reddit, and was able to get through it without cheating, but I was left with a couple of questions. Reference material here.
This is my code.
(ns baking-pi.core
(:import java.math.MathContext))
(defn modpow [n e m]
(.modPow (biginteger n) (biginteger e) (biginteger m)))
(defn div [top bot]
(with-precision 34 :rounding HALF_EVEN
(/ (bigdec top) (bigdec bot))))
(defn pow [n e]
(.pow (bigdec n) (bigdec e) MathContext/DECIMAL128))
(defn round
([n] (.round (bigdec n) MathContext/DECIMAL128))
([n & args] (->> [n args] (flatten) (map round))))
(defn left [n d]
(letfn [(calc [k] (let [bot (+' (*' 8 k) d)
top (modpow 16 (-' n k) bot)]
(div top bot)))]
(->> (inc' n)
(range 0)
(map calc)
(reduce +'))))
(defn right [n d]
(letfn [(calc [[sum'' sum' k]]
(let [sum' (if (nil? sum') 0M sum')
top (pow 16 (-' n k))
bot (+' (*' k 8) d)
delta (div top bot)]
[sum' (+' sum' delta) (inc' k)]))
(pred [[sum'' sum' k]]
(cond (or (nil? sum'') (nil? sum')) true
(apply == (round sum'' sum')) false
:else true))]
(->> [nil nil (inc' n)]
(iterate calc)
(drop-while pred)
(defn bbp [n]
(letfn [(part [m d] (*' m (+' (left n d) (right n d))))]
(let [sum (-' (part 4 1) (part 2 4) (part 1 5) (part 1 6))]
(-> sum
(-' (long sum))
(*' 16)
(mod 16)
I have 2 questions.
The wiki makes the following statement. Since my calculation is accurate up to 34 digits after the decimal, how can I leverage it to produce more hexadecimal digits of PI per bbp call?
in theory, the next few digits up to the accuracy of the calculations
used would also be accurate
My algorithm relied on BigInteger's modPow for modular exponentiation (based on the following quote), and BigDecimals everywhere else. It is also slow. Bearing in mind that I don't want to lose meaningful accuracy per question #1, what is the best way to speed this program up and make it valid clojurescript as well as clojure?
To calculate 16 n − k mod (8k + 1) quickly and efficiently, use the
modular exponentiation algorithm.
EDIT: Changed from 3 questions to 2. Managed to answer first question on my own.
if you want more bits computed per bpp call
then you have to change your equation from 1/(16^k) base to bigger one. You can do it by summing 2 iterations (k and k+1) so you have something like
(...)/16^k + (...)/16^(k+1)
but in this case you need more precise int operations. It is usually faster to use the less precise iterations
if you look at the basic equation then you see you do not need bigint for computation at all
that is why this iterations are used but the output number is bigint of course. So you do not need to compute modular arithmetics on bigint.
I do not know how optimized are the one you used ... but here are mine:
Modular arithmetics and finite field NTT optimizations
if you want just speed and not infinite precision then use other PSLQ equations
My understanding of PSLQ is that it is algorithm to find relation between real number and integer iterations.
here is my favorite up to 800 digits of Pi algorithm and here is extracted code from it in case the link broke down:
//The following 160 character C program, written by Dik T. Winter at CWI, computes pi to 800 decimal digits.
int a=10000,b,c=2800,d,e,f[2801],g;main(){for(;b-c;)f[b++]=a/5;
The below code gives wrong answer. It should give approximately 0.5 which is the average of an array with many random numbers between 0 an 1. I think the problem is because N is "to big", or perhaps the precision on the generated random number?. The code works well for smaller values of N (10^7, 10^6, etc). Some advices will be helpful.
Thank you in advance.
(defun randvec(n)
(let ((arr (make-array n)))
(dotimes (i n)
(setf (aref arr i) (random 1.0))
(defparameter N (expt 10 8))
(setf *random-state* (make-random-state t))
(defparameter vector1 (randvec N))
(format t "~a~%" (/ (reduce #'+ vector1) (length vector1)))
Precision of floating point numbers
You are computing with single precision floating point numbers. By adding up all random numbers you get a single-float number. The more numbers you add, the larger the float will be. This eventually causes your result to have not enough precision.
double-floats like 1.0d0 have a higher precision than single-floats like 1.0s0. By default 1.0 is read as a single-float. (RANDOM 1.0d0) will compute a double float.
(defun randvec (n)
(let ((v (make-array n)))
(dotimes (i n v)
(setf (aref v i) (random 1.0d0))))) ; create a double float random number
(defun test (&optional (n 10))
(setf *random-state* (make-random-state t))
(let ((v (randvec n)))
(/ (reduce #'+ v) (length v))))
CL-USER 58 > (test (expt 10 8))
Please use common Lisp programming style when programming in Common Lisp:
don't use global variables, if not necessary. Write functions with local variables instead.
if you define a global variable with defparameter, don't name it n, but *n*.
format and indent your code correctly. Indentation should be done with editor help.
don't use parentheses on their own line.
See my example above.
I have a pair of vectors x and y of unique items, each of which I know to be sorted. I wish to have the intersection of the two, maintaining sort order. The result ideally would be another vector, for fast random access.
The generation below is merely for the sake of example, my x and y will come presorted and pre-distinct (they are in fact time samples).
(defn gen-example [c] (-> (repeatedly c #(-> c rand int)) distinct sort vec))
user=> (def x (gen-example 100000)) (count x)
user=> (def y (gen-example 100000)) (count y)
I know Clojure has clojure.set/intersection which can work on a sorted-set. My x and y have the same properties (sorted distinct elements) but are not the same type.
Question 1: Is there a better/faster way to convert x and y to sorted-sets than (apply sorted-set x) given that they are already distinct and sorted?
user=> (time (def ssx (apply sorted-set x)))
"Elapsed time: 607.642592 msecs"
user=> (time (def ssy (apply sorted-set y)))
"Elapsed time: 617.046022 msecs"
Now I am ready to perform my intersection
user=> (time (count (clojure.set/intersection ssx ssy)))
"Elapsed time: 355.42534 msecs"
This is somewhat disappointing performance, and a cursory look at (source clojure.set/intersection) does not seem to show any special treatment for the fact that these sets are sorted.
Question 2: Is there a better/faster way to perform the intersection of sorted-sets than clojure.set/intersection?
(defn intersect-sorted-vector [x y]
(loop [x (seq x) y (seq y) acc []]
(if (and x y)
(let [x1 (first x)
y1 (first y)]
( < x1 y1) (recur (next x) y acc)
( > x1 y1) (recur x (next y) acc)
:else (recur (next x) (next y) (conj acc x1))))
This turns out to be a good deal (nearly 10x) faster.
user=> (time (count (intersect-sorted-vector x y)))
"Elapsed time: 40.142532 msecs"
But, I can't help but feel that my code is unduly procedural/iterative.
Question 3: Could anyone kindly suggest a more idiomatic way to process a pair of vectors in Clojure?
It is often the case that fast Clojure code looks a bit imperative. Functional code is often elegant, but comes with some associated performance costs that you have to pay for (laziness, extra GC pressure from discarded immutable objects etc.)
Also, converting into sets is always going to be more expensive. Building a set is an O(n log n) operation in itself, but you can exploit the fact that the vectors are already supported to implement an intersection operation in O(n) time.
Your code is already pretty good, but there are still a couple more optimisations you can do:
Use a transient vector to collect the results. These are a bit faster than regular persistent vectors for lots of sequential conj operations.
Used indexed access with primitives into the vectors rather than traversing a sequence with first/next. This avoids creating temporary seq objects (and related GC)
Resulting code might look something like:
(defn intersect-sorted-vector [x y]
(loop [i (long 0), j (long 0), r (transient [])]
(let [xi (nth x i nil), yj (nth y j nil)]
(not (and xi yj)) (persistent! r)
(< xi yj) (recur (inc i) j r)
(> xi yj) (recur i (inc j) r)
:else (recur (inc i) (inc j) (conj! r xi))))))
(time (count (intersect-sorted-vector x y)))
=> "Elapsed time: 5.143687 msecs"
=> 40258
So as you can see, this probably gives you an extra 6-8x speedup or thereabouts.
For my prime numbers lazy seq, I am checking to see if an index value is divisible by all the primes below that current index (prime?). The problem is, when I call primes within itself (primes within shr-primes line), it only returns the initial value. Is it possible to keep the lazy-seq updated while building it lazily? It seems counter-intuitive to the lazy-seq concept.
(def primes
(cons 2 (for [x (range)
:let [y (-> x (* 2) (+ 3))
root (math/floor (math/sqrt y))
shr-primes (take-while (partial >= root) primes) ;; primes stuck at init value
prime? (every? #(not= % 0) (pmap #(rem y %) shr-primes))]
:when prime?]
If you're doing the Project Euler problems, I don't want to spoil the exercise for you, but here's how you would define a Fibonacci sequence so that the lazy-seq keeps "updating" itself as it goes:
(defn fib-maker
([] (concat [0 1] (fib 0 1)))
([a b] (lazy-seq (cons b (fib b (+ a b))))))
(def fib (fib-maker))
I've used the above approach to implement the prime number sequence you've outlined above, so if you want more details let me know. Meanwhile, this will hopefully be a helpful hint.
What am I doing wrong? Simple recursion a few thousand calls deep throws a StackOverflowError.
If the limit of Clojure recursions is so low, how can I rely on it?
(defn fact[x]
(if (<= x 1) 1 (* x (fact (- x 1)) )))
user=> (fact 2)
user=> (fact 4)
user=> (fact 4000)
java.lang.StackOverflowError (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
Here's another way:
(defn factorial [n]
(reduce * (range 1 (inc n))))
This won't blow the stack because range returns a lazy seq, and reduce walks across the seq without holding onto the head.
reduce makes use of chunked seqs if it can, so this can actually perform better than using recur yourself. Using Siddhartha Reddy's recur-based version and this reduce-based version:
user> (time (do (factorial-recur 20000) nil))
"Elapsed time: 2905.910426 msecs"
user> (time (do (factorial-reduce 20000) nil))
"Elapsed time: 2647.277182 msecs"
Just a slight difference. I like to leave my recurring to map and reduce and friends, which are more readable and explicit, and use recur internally a bit more elegantly than I'm likely to do by hand. There are times when you need to recur manually, but not that many in my experience.
The stack size, I understand, depends on the JVM you are using as well as the platform. If you are using the Sun JVM, you can use the -Xss and -XThreadStackSize parameters to set the stack size.
The preferred way to do recursion in Clojure though is to use loop/recur:
(defn fact [x]
(loop [n x f 1]
(if (= n 1)
(recur (dec n) (* f n)))))
Clojure will do tail-call optimization for this; that ensures that you’ll never run into StackOverflowErrors.
And due defn implies a loop binding, you could omit the loop expression, and use its arguments as the function argument. And to make it a 1 argument function, use the multiary caracteristic of functions:
(defn fact
([n] (fact n 1))
([n f]
(if (<= n 1)
(recur (dec n) (* f n)))))
Edit: For the record, here is a Clojure function that returns a lazy sequence of all the factorials:
(defn factorials []
(letfn [(factorial-seq [n fact]
(cons fact (factorial-seq (inc n) (* (inc n) fact)))))]
(factorial-seq 1 1)))
(take 5 (factorials)) ; will return (1 2 6 24 120)
Clojure has several ways of busting recursion
explicit tail calls with recur. (they must be truely tail calls so this wont work)
Lazy sequences as mentioned above.
trampolining where you return a function that does the work instead of doing it directly and then call a trampoline function that repeatedly calls its result until it turnes into a real value instead of a function.
(defn fact ([x] (trampoline (fact (dec x) x)))
([x a] (if (<= x 1) a #(fact (dec x) (*' x a)))))
(fact 42)
memoizing the the case of fact this can really shorten the stack depth, though it is not generally applicable.
ps: I dont have a repl on me so would someone kindly test-fix the trapoline fact function?
As I was about to post the following, I see that it's almost the same as the Scheme example posted by JasonTrue... Anyway, here's an implementation in Clojure:
user=> (defn fact[x]
((fn [n so_far]
(if (<= n 1)
(recur (dec n) (* so_far n)))) x 1))
user=> (fact 0)
user=> (fact 1)
user=> (fact 2)
user=> (fact 3)
user=> (fact 4)
user=> (fact 5)
As l0st3d suggested, consider using recur or lazy-seq.
Also, try to make your sequence lazy by building it using the built-in sequence forms as a opposed to doing it directly.
Here's an example of using the built-in sequence forms to create a lazy Fibonacci sequence (from the Programming Clojure book):
(defn fibo []
(map first (iterate (fn [[a b]] [b (+ a b)]) [0 1])))
=> (take 5 (fibo))
(0 1 1 2 3)
The stack depth is a small annoyance (yet configurable), but even in a language with tail recursion like Scheme or F# you'd eventually run out of stack space with your code.
As far as I can tell, your code is unlikely to be tail recursion optimized even in an environment that supports tail recursion transparently. You would want to look at a continuation-passing style to minimize stack depth.
Here's a canonical example in Scheme from Wikipedia, which could be translated to Clojure, F# or another functional language without much trouble:
(define factorial
(lambda (n)
(let fact ([i n] [acc 1])
(if (zero? i)
(fact (- i 1) (* acc i))))))
Another, simple recursive implementation simple could be this:
(defn fac [x]
"Returns the factorial of x"
(if-not (zero? x) (* x (fac (- x 1))) 1))
To add to Siddhartha Reddy's answer, you can also borrow the Factorial function form Structure And Interpretation of Computer Programs, with some Clojure-specific tweaks. This gave me pretty good performance even for very large factorial calculations.
(defn fac [n]
((fn [product counter max-count]
(if (> counter max-count)
(recur (apply *' [counter product])
(inc counter)
1 1 n))
Factorial numbers are by their nature very big. I'm not sure how Clojure deals with this (but I do see it works with java), but any implementation that does not use big numbers will overflow very fast.
Edit: This is without taking into consideration the fact that you are using recursion for this, which is also likely to use up resources.
Edit x2: If the implementation is using big numbers, which, as far as I know, are usually arrays, coupled with recursion (one big number copy per function entry, always saved on the stack due to the function calls) would explain a stack overflow. Try doing it in a for loop to see if that is the problem.
My solution to exercise 1.11 of SICP is:
(define (f n)
(if (< n 3)
(+ (f (- n 1)) (* 2 (f (- n 2))) (* 3 (f (- n 3))))
As expected, a evaluation such as (f 100) takes a long time. I was wondering if there was a way to improve this code (without foregoing the recursion), and/or take advantage of multi-core box. I am using 'mit-scheme'.
The exercise tells you to write two functions, one that computes f "by means of a recursive process", and another that computes f "by means of an iterative process". You did the recursive one. Since this function is very similar to the fib function given in the examples of the section you linked to, you should be able to figure this out by looking at the recursive and iterative examples of the fib function:
; Recursive
(define (fib n)
(cond ((= n 0) 0)
((= n 1) 1)
(else (+ (fib (- n 1))
(fib (- n 2))))))
; Iterative
(define (fib n)
(fib-iter 1 0 n))
(define (fib-iter a b count)
(if (= count 0)
(fib-iter (+ a b) a (- count 1))))
In this case you would define an f-iter function which would take a, b, and c arguments as well as a count argument.
Here is the f-iter function. Notice the similarity to fib-iter:
(define (f-iter a b c count)
(if (= count 0)
(f-iter (+ a (* 2 b) (* 3 c)) a b (- count 1))))
And through a little trial and error, I found that a, b, and c should be initialized to 2, 1, and 0 respectively, which also follows the pattern of the fib function initializing a and b to 1 and 0. So f looks like this:
(define (f n)
(f-iter 2 1 0 n))
Note: f-iter is still a recursive function but because of the way Scheme works, it runs as an iterative process and runs in O(n) time and O(1) space, unlike your code which is not only a recursive function but a recursive process. I believe this is what the author of Exercise 1.1 was looking for.
I'm not sure how best to code it in Scheme, but a common technique to improve speed on something like this would be to use memoization. In a nutshell, the idea is to cache the result of f(p) (possibly for every p seen, or possibly the last n values) so that next time you call f(p), the saved result is returned, rather than being recalculated. In general, the cache would be a map from a tuple (representing the input arguments) to the return type.
Well, if you ask me, think like a mathematician. I can't read scheme, but if you're coding a Fibonacci function, instead of defining it recursively, solve the recurrence and define it with a closed form. For the Fibonacci sequence, the closed form can be found here for example. That'll be MUCH faster.
edit: oops, didn't see that you said forgoing getting rid of the recursion. In that case, your options are much more limited.
See this article for a good tutorial on developing a fast Fibonacci function with functional programming. It uses Common LISP, which is slightly different from Scheme in some aspects, but you should be able to get by with it. Your implementation is equivalent to the bogo-fig function near the top of the file.
To put it another way:
To get tail recursion, the recursive call has to be the very last thing the procedure does.
Your recursive calls are embedded within the * and + expressions, so they are not tail calls (since the * and + are evaluated after the recursive call.)
Jeremy Ruten's version of f-iter is tail-recursive rather than iterative (i.e. it looks like a recursive procedure but is as efficient as the iterative equivalent.)
However you can make the iteration explicit:
(define (f n)
(let iter
((a 2) (b 1) (c 0) (count n))
(if (<= count 0)
(iter (+ a (* 2 b) (* 3 c)) a b (- count 1)))))
(define (f n)
((a 2 (+ a (* 2 b) (* 3 c)))
(b 1 a)
(c 0 b)
(count n (- count 1)))
((<= count 0) c)))
That particular exercise can be solved by using tail recursion - instead of waiting for each recursive call to return (as is the case in the straightforward solution you present), you can accumulate the answer in a parameter, in such a way that the recursion behaves exactly the same as an iteration in terms of the space it consumes. For instance:
(define (f n)
(define (iter a b c count)
(if (zero? count)
(iter (+ a (* 2 b) (* 3 c))
(- count 1))))
(if (< n 3)
(iter 2 1 0 n)))