How to get all user list from orchard -

I need to get all of users with their Ids whose are created by orchard admin panel. Now I need all list and I will use it in another service.
Or, I want to get Orchard user table "[Orchard_Users_UserPartRecord]" from entity framework like this code
public IList<UserAttendance> ShowAllUserAttendance()`enter code here`
using (UserAttendanceDbContext _db = new UserAttendanceDbContext())
return _db.UserAttendances.ToList();
How can I do it?

See following.
var userProfiles = _contentManager.Query<UserPart, UserPartRecord>() .List() .Select(user => ((dynamic) user).ProfilePart) .Select(user => new {user.FirstName, user.LastName});
For more details visit following link.


Not able to insert the customer SeName in UrlRecord Table in nopcommerce

Currently i am stucked in one point that when the customer completes its registration process what i want to do is Create a SeName from customers email address and store it in UrlRecord Table so that i can enable navigation to customers profile page. Below is the code that i had tried till now.
string CustomerSeName = "";
var CustomerModel=_customerService.GetCustomerById(_workContext.CurrentCustomer.Id);
if (CustomerModel != null)
CustomerSeName = customer.ValidateSeName(CustomerSeName, CustomerModel.Email, true);
_urlRecordService.SaveSlug(CustomerModel, CustomerSeName, 0);
in above code i am getting all the value in CustomerModel and CustomerSeName but when it executes SaveSlug() method it throws an Object reference not set error. I dont know which value it missing.Please help me out if someone knows the solution. Thanks in advance..!
I tried your code and couldn't compile.
After adding ISlugSupported to Customer entity and using this code all worked
private void GenerateCurrentCustomerSlug()
var slug = _workContext.CurrentCustomer.ValidateSeName(seName: "", name: _workContext.CurrentCustomer.Email, ensureNotEmpty: true);
_urlRecordService.SaveSlug(_workContext.CurrentCustomer, slug, languageId: 0);
The above code also works if there is no email set for current customer.

Dynamic sitemap, database driven

I've been struggling with this for a couple of days now. Can't find any good example, or an example that I understand.
I own a small blog platform for user to blog.
Each user gets their own subdomain and for now there is no sitemap available. Not good.
I want to create some kind of dynamic sitemap, where all sitemapnodes is retreived from the database. The sitemap will be used only for the search engine spiders.
System: ASP.NET, mySQL.
The sitemap is pure XML. So I need in some way to create an ASPX file that return xml-data instead of html.
And I need to somehow redirect the web.sitemap to that dynamic file.
I have never worked with XML, and I dont know how to create a file that creates XML data. So i dont even know what to search for.
I don't want any static sitemap file to be stored on the server. Everything should be created on the fly.
So. Please. If you can give me some advise about XML, any example on the internet, or just what to search for.
My main questions:
How to create XML output from aspx file?
How do I "inform" the system, and search engine crawlers that the file to crawl is "/sitemap.aspx"
I looked into MvcSiteMapProvider.MVC5 and I could not get it to work. First of all it modified my Web.config to the point that my css and js files were getting a 404 not found when running my web app.
With the time I spent getting MvcSiteMapProvider to work I could have just wrote my own.
So... here is my own dumbed down version of generating a sitemap xml.
The only thing is you have to specify your routes manually. I haven't added reflection yet to go through each controller and pull out each action.
The data-driven piece works very well though.
In your Home controller add the action Sitemap and the private helper methods.
GetRouteUrls is the manually added controller/action routes.
GetDynamicUrls builds the data-driven Urls. In my example I have a LiquidsController and a Details(string id) action.
public ActionResult Sitemap()
var xml = new XDocument(
new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", null),
new XElement("urlset",
new XAttribute("xmlns", "")
, GetRouteUrls()
, GetDynamicUrls()
return new XmlActionResult(xml);
private List<XElement> GetDynamicUrls()
var result = new List<XElement>();
using (var db = new ApplicationDbContext())
var liquids = db.Liquids.ToList();
foreach (var liquid in liquids)
result.Add(LocUrl("Liquids", "Details", liquid.FriendlyId));
return result;
private List<XElement> GetRouteUrls()
var result = new List<XElement>();
result.Add(LocUrl("Account", "Register"));
result.Add(LocUrl("Account", "Login"));
result.Add(LocUrl("Home", "Index"));
result.Add(LocUrl("Home", "About"));
result.Add(LocUrl("Home", "Contact"));
result.Add(LocUrl("Home", "TermsOfService"));
result.Add(LocUrl("Home", "PrivacyStatement"));
result.Add(LocUrl("Liquids", "Index"));
result.Add(LocUrl("Vendors", "Index"));
result.Add(LocUrl("Hardware", "Index"));
return result;
private XElement LocUrl(string controller, string action, string id = null)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
action = string.Format("{0}/{1}", action, id);
var baseUri = string.Format("{0}://{1}{2}", Request.Url.Scheme, Request.Url.Authority, Url.Content("~"));
return new XElement("url",
new XElement("loc", string.Format("{0}{1}/{2}", baseUri, controller, action))
I then added a route so I could access the sitemap doing /sitemap
routes.MapRoute(name: "sitemap", url: "sitemap", defaults: new {controller = "Home", action = "Sitemap"});
The XmlActionResult return type can be found here:
Return XML from a controller's action in as an ActionResult?

TemplateInfo into Controller

how can i get a form field id after submitting the form. im trying like this:
but no work on controller side. i need to get "Part_UserNameOrEmail" something..
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(logOnParts.Part.UserNameOrEmail))
ModelState.AddModelError("Part_UserNameOrEmail", "error");
TempData["logon-focus-field"] = "Part_UserNameOrEmail";
so i will focus the field on view side like this:
$(document).ready(function () {
A controller should absolutely not need such information. The generated id is a view specific information. If you need this in a controller this simply means that you have some serious design problem with your application. Unfortunately as you haven't explained your scenario in the question it is difficult to help you solving this problem. So in your controller you could do this:
Expression<Func<MyViewModel, string>> expression = x => x.Part.UserNameOrEmail;
string name = ExpressionHelper.GetExpressionText(expression);
string id = new TemplateInfo().GetFullHtmlFieldId(name);

Show links according to rights in MVC3

I m working on a MVC 3 application , it contain different links , i want to show the links according to the roles or rights. If Link A is to Admin thn Link A shouldnt be visble to Members right users.
How to achieve this thing in MVC ?
#if (User.IsInRole("Administrator")) {
#Html.ActionLink("Administration", "", "Admin")
if you're not using the asp membership, you could do it this way, supposing you could get the role by using the username and that the role is included in the model:
UserContext userDb = new UserContext();
var user = userDb.UserModels.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Username.Equals(User.Identity.Name));
if(user.Role == "Admin")
#ActionLink("Link's Name","SomeAction", "SomeController");
crude sample but if that what you're looking for.

ASP.NET username change

I have an site which uses the Membership provider. Each comment, entry etc in the DB is tracked by the userID.
Since MS doesn't provide a way to change the username, I've found the userNAME in the "users" table in the DB and there is only 1 place where the username appears.
My question is,
Is it safe to provide an "edit profile" page where the user is allowed to edit their own username. Of course i would handle this change in the background by directly changing the "username" value in the DB.
Are there any downsides to this ? I've created and modified some test accounts and it seems to be fine, i am just wondering if there is any known negatives to this before putting it into production.
cptScarlet's link was good, however I despise using stored procedures if I don't have to and I favor Entity Framework whenever possible. Here's what I did to change the user name, using EF 4.0 and .NET 4.0:
Right click project -> Add New Item -> ADO.NET Entity Data Model
Give it a proper name, I chose "MembershipModel.edmx" and click Add
Select Generate from database and click Next
Add the connection to your 'aspnetdb' database (the ASP.NET membership database)
Give it a proper name, I chose "MembershipEntities"
Click Next
Drill into Tables and select aspnet_Users
Change the Model Namespace to MembershipModel
Click Finish
Now you can add code to create the EF object context and modify the database:
public void ChangeUserName(string currentUserName, string newUserName)
using (var context = new MembershipEntities())
// Get the membership record from the database
var currentUserNameLowered = currentUserName.ToLower();
var membershipUser = context.aspnet_Users
.Where(u => u.LoweredUserName == currentUserNameLowered)
if (membershipUser != null)
// Ensure that the new user name is not already being used
string newUserNameLowered = newUserName.ToLower();
if (!context.aspnet_Users.Any(u => u.LoweredUserName == newUserNameLowered))
membershipUser.UserName = newUserName;
membershipUser.LoweredUserName = newUserNameLowered;
Note: I did not account for application ID's in my code. I typically only ever have one application using the ASP.NET membership database, so if you have multiple apps, you'll need to account for that.
