Chartboost normal interstitials - chartboost

I integrated chartboost in my game.Test mode is working fine.My app is not at app store right now.My ques is it must for an app to be at app store to see normal interstitials in ChartBoost?


Replicating InteractiveBrowserCredentials authentication flow in Blazor

I wish to upgrade a console application that uses Azure.ResourceManager to report information about subscriptions and resources in an arbitrary Azure subscription. The console application uses the InteractiveBrowserCredentials to pop up a browser window where users can log in (or, most usually, select the applicable Microsoft account they have previously signed into). The application now requires a more interactive front-end, and porting it to Blazor WASM appeared simple; however, at runtime, the following minimal code fails in Blazor WASM:
var armClient = new ArmClient(new InteractiveBrowserCredential());
var subs = armClient.GetSubscriptions().ToArray();
It throws an exception because Monitors can not await on the WASM runtime. InteractiveBrowserCredential authentication failed: Cannot wait on monitors on this runtime.
It is not feasible to add an App Registration to the Azure AD in advance to make this work due to the generic utility nature of the tool; the user should interactively authenticate during the running of the utility.
The console application (and applications like Visual Studio Code) prompts for the necessary credentials at runtime.
What is the best way to replicate the InteractiveBrowserCredential flow from a standalone WASM application?

How to change the Firebase phone verification content
They said:
iOS and Android - The SMS messages draw the app's name from the App Store / Play Store. One an app is published, the correct name
should start appearing. There may be a small delay (a week or two at most).
My app has lived a few months but our SMS messages are still: Your firebase app verification code is ...
I tried setting Firebase -> Project settings -> Environment type to Production
and changing Public-facing name still does not work.

how to enable Firebase Cloud Messaging in an apk published in the play store

I have developed an application using android studio. It is already published in the google play store.
This application uses the Firebase FCM service for push notifications.
During the development stage, this worked perfectly. But since the publication in the play store, the SendMessageNotification function is not executed in the firebase backend (Firebase functions).
I have entered the api key in the console, as shown:
However, the service continues without running.
Have I skipped a step?
Have you gone through the firebase launch checklist?
Specifically, have you remembered to add the production certificate for your app as well as the development certificate? From the above page "Add a release SHA1 fingerprint for Android apps in the Firebase console (for OAuth client IDs)."
I don't know if this affects client messaging or not.

IBM-Bluemix Push migration

I have a Push-Notification service set up that I had to migrate (because IBM is closing the old service).
I used the original app and just opened a new Push-Service.
Now, when I try to test the installation with the REST-API online, it tells me that the app secret isn't valid.
Do I have to open a new app as well? (besides, I can't find the app-secret in the new interface)
What happens to the old mobile apps. Does the service run side by side for a while?
The app-secret value for the new push service is the VCAP credential, not an overall application secret like it was with the old services. The new services are more decoupled and thus only push requires the secret value at this time (added to prevent malicious usage of the REST API) and it is located in a different spot than in the old services.
Here are the steps to grab the app secret from your new push service instance (taken from: Note where it says to click Show Credentials this is in reference to the new push service instance tile on your application dashboard's Connections tab.
With that said I highly recommend migrating completely from your app using the old services (Push, Mobile Data, Mobile Application Security) to a new app using nothing but the new services (Push Notifications, Cloudant NoSQLDB, Mobile Client Access). The services are not intended to work together cross-generation, and should be taken wholesale.

Push notification for enterprise windows store app

Is there any way to push notifications to a windows store app that isn't deployed on the store ? My application is an enterprise one, deployed by side loading.
Thank you,
This post about deploying Enterprise Apps is mentioning the following about push notifications without deploying the app to the Windows Store:
Note In order to use some features, such as Windows Push Notification Services (WNS), you’ll need to use a Windows Store developer account to reserve a name for your app and then associate your package with the the package identity (package name and publisher name) assigned to your app by the Windows Store. You will need to sign the app with a certificate that matches the publisher name assigned by the Windows Store and which is trusted on your PCs. While app names are released after one year if the app is not published in the Windows Store, the app’s package identity will remain associated with your app, and you can continue to use these features in your app even if you never publish it in the Store.
