How to modify web.config when not deploying from source - wordpress

I want to add a rewrite rule to web.config for https.
When creating a Wordpress site from the Gallery, how would I configure the web.config that is created automatically? Using ftp, I can't overwrite the file. It just disappears from the ftp session and is still the old version.
Of course I could download the entire site and then re-deploy via git with full controll, but it's kind of convenient to just let wordpress do updates directly on the production site.
Any other options?

Or you can use the "Debug Console" by going to,
then go to .\site\wwwroot\ and edit web.config directly by clicking the "pencil" icon on the left of the file.

Visual Studio online does the trick. Found in the Configure tab, but still Preview.


PDF is not accessible through URL in IIS .NET Framework 4.8 app

I have a PDF file in a folder on a server within a IIS website app that I need to be able to open through a link/url, like below:
The PDF file is hosted in a folder of my IIS application. When I try to access it through the link, I've got a 500 server error.
I tried several things within IIS settings (URL Rules, web.config, mime-types), but nothing worked so far.
Any advice will be much appreciated.
Is the folder included in the project? You can't just add a folder outside of Visual Studio, but have to use VS to add that folder.
You can right click on that existing folder (which of course is a sub folder of your project) and check this setting:
So, in my case, I right click on UpLoadFiles.
If the folder ALREADY is included in the project, then you get a option to EXCLUDE the folder like this:
However, if the folder is not included, then you see this:
so, is that folder included in your project? You want to check above.

Wordpress File Uploader Error in Godaddy Managed WP Hosting

I am in a really interesting situation right now.
After migrating a client website from a development environment using, WP Clone by WP Academy, I get this error when trying to upload images via the Worpress media uploader.
“image.png” has failed to upload due to an error
Unable to create directory uploads/2015/07. Is its parent directory writable by the server?
I logged into Godaddy and change the entire uploads/ folder permission via ssh to 777 (crazy enough). And all its contents.
I still got the same error.
After probing a little deeper, I found out the website is running from a different location than the machine i am sshed into.
What do I mean?
When I run pwd via ssh, to see my current working directory I get.
-bash-4.2$ pwd
But In the Wordpress setting at, Settings -> Media
The option "store uploads in this folder" has a value of
Meaning The site files are copied and hosted in a different location than that given via the SSH, This is probably due to the fact that Godaddy's managed wordpress hosting has some special cache setting configured beyond the control of the user.
The problem now is how do I correct the File Permission issue and have my uploads working properly.
I am just adding this, if anyone ran into the same issue in future.
Log into your GoDaddy account.
Go to the Hosting page.
Click Manage
Select File Manager for the domain you want to edit the permission (this is, if you have multiple domains)
Navigate to the folder where you have installed the WordPress.
Hover on the 'wp-content' and you should able to see an arrow, click to see the option called 'Change Permissions'.
You should able to see all the Permission details in this window.
login into your godaddy panel and click file manager
click or open your project folder
locate upload folder and click on check box
click into the privacy icon and check inherit an SET ALL SUB FOLDERS TO INHERIT PERMISSIONS both checkboxes
The "Hover" didn't work for me. What DID work was to go to the directory above, put ONE check in a box for a DIRECTORY (not a file), and then click on "Privacy".
GoDaddy Permissions
If you check more than one folder, OR a file, you won't get the permissions eyeball to light up.
So, to fix a file permission you would have to go to the level above, and change "Set all subfolders to inherit permissions".
Apparently you can't change some files and not others - just the parent folder, which then sets all the files (is my guess).
This is NOT a limitation of Windows, it's the broken way they establish permissions.
Anyway - hopefully that will work. Tech support confirmed the drop down doesn't work anymore.
== John ==

Bootstrap Controller not working in

bootstrap controls are not working after hosting website in IIS. Is there any solution for solving this problem. This project is completely done.
Check iis have permission to access folder contains bootstrap. You can do this by
Open your site in Chrome
Setting-> More options -> View source
Click on "Bootstrap" link.
This problem may cause on some hosts if folder name contains .(dot), like bootstrap-3.1.1

Silverstripe install admin js errors

For some reason my admin screen just hangs with some javascript errors. I have it installed on xampp on windows 7 ultimate 64bit. What could be causing this? Ill post a screenshot of the errors any help would be nice! p.s. This is my first time installing silverstripe ever so be nice. :)
This sort of things usually occurs when combined asset files cannot be created. Make sure the web server user has write access to the assets/ and assets/_combinedfiles folders, then go to
Alternatively, since this is a local install, run in dev mode. There are instructions in the documentation on how to set this.
As indicated by #simon_w, this issue occurs due to the folder permissions:
In your local environment, in addition to the way via yml config, you can just put the following in _config.php inside mysite folder.
In dev mode, the installation doesnt need to write to assets/_combinedfiles. However, you had better have write permission for assets folder anyway.
So, just increase permissions for assets and directories under it. Uploaded files are also stored there, if not sufficient permission, you can't upload files from the admin panel. Other functionalists may also be affected.

Upload plugins in Wordpress running on IIS7

I have a problem when trying to manually upload a new plugin in wordpress.
Uploading media is working perfectly, and also automatically install plugins work as it should, but manually uploading plugins generate an error message:
The uploaded file could not be moved to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/11.
I have checked permissions on wp-content and uploads and it is set to Everyone. I do not think there is anything wrong with permissions since I can upload images, and I see them inside my uploads folder.
I think there might be a problem with the slashes beeing incorrect, does anyone else have this problem?
I'm using IIS7, Windows Server 2008 and Wordpress 3.0.1. Everything is installed with Microsoft Web Platform Installer.
I know this is way late in answering, but I hope someone may find it useful.
This is most likely a problem with the settings involving the temporary upload location.
Here is what I did to solve a similar problem:
Ensure that you are editing the correct initialization file. Putting:
in a test.php file and executing it from your web browser will get you the setting.
Look for the setting for "Loaded Configuration File"
In that configuration file search for (or add if missing) the following setting:
upload_tmp_dir = "c:\inetpub\temp\uploads"
Ensure that c:\inetpub\temp\uploads exists and is writeable by everyone. You can tighten this up with specifying the IUSR account if you wish.
Recycle/Restart the IIS worker process. Your choice here as there are a number of ways to accomplish this.
I found a good bit of this info by referring to c:\tmp\php_errors.txt. The fastcgi.logging should be enabled by default on windows installations.
Just wanna add a solution to the good Harold's answer for PHP.
Despite changing the setting "upload_tmp_dir", I was still getting the same error message The uploaded file could not be moved to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Wordpress/wp-content/uploads.
So i have changed also the setting "upload_max_filesize"
(16M or greater depending on the wordpress's themes size file)
Hope it helps someone who was stuck like me.
With Filezilla
directory uploads>2010>11 to set permision 777
