Bootstrap Controller not working in -

bootstrap controls are not working after hosting website in IIS. Is there any solution for solving this problem. This project is completely done.

Check iis have permission to access folder contains bootstrap. You can do this by
Open your site in Chrome
Setting-> More options -> View source
Click on "Bootstrap" link.
This problem may cause on some hosts if folder name contains .(dot), like bootstrap-3.1.1


How to modify web.config when not deploying from source

I want to add a rewrite rule to web.config for https.
When creating a Wordpress site from the Gallery, how would I configure the web.config that is created automatically? Using ftp, I can't overwrite the file. It just disappears from the ftp session and is still the old version.
Of course I could download the entire site and then re-deploy via git with full controll, but it's kind of convenient to just let wordpress do updates directly on the production site.
Any other options?
Or you can use the "Debug Console" by going to,
then go to .\site\wwwroot\ and edit web.config directly by clicking the "pencil" icon on the left of the file.
Visual Studio online does the trick. Found in the Configure tab, but still Preview.

Display Error in Oracle Apex Application

I have exported my oracle apex application and install on another computer. I used css file written by me on my application and also i have change some settings in Theme that i have used for my application. I have exported and installed that css file and theme also. but when i run my application, it is not display correctly. it display only Texts and Images that i have used in application. Theme is missing. but my Login page is display correctly. because it is not using my Template. Login page using Login Template in oracle apex. after logged, when i browse other pages in my application, they are not displaying correctly. Theme is missing on those pages.
The issue is with my Template. but i have imported it in to apex application.
How could i solve this ?
When i open the Developer Tools in my browser(chrome), in Matched CSS Rules section in Elements Tab, display only user agent stylesheet. there is no my stylesheet.
Check your theme templates you changed and see if they are really correct and contain the reference to your custom stylesheet(s)
Check the output of a page you know should have the stylesheet reference
Where do you store the stylesheet? Workspace files, Application files, or simply in the "/i/" (#IMAGE_PREFIX#) folder?
if the latter: did you copy over your stylesheet and is it in the correct location? You say you imported the application to another computer, so you might have simply forgotten to copy over those files.
What is your Apex version ?
How do you load your CSS files ? They are stored on the server (accessible using the image prefix #IMAGE_PREFIX#), loaded into the database (accessible using #WORKSPACE_IMAGES#) or stored on an external server (accessible using the full URL) ?
When you say "install on another computer", you mean load your application into another apex installation right ? Then are you sure the server is configured as the other one (especially image prefix) ?
Have you checked that templates are the same in the two applications ?
Use the console in Chrome or Firefox to check if there are any errors on your page, such as CSS files that can't be loaded.

How to prevent recompiling when folder deleted from app_data?

To Reproduce:
1. Create an website.
2. Compile and browse the default page. Keep the browser open.
3. Add a file to the app_data folder.
4. Refresh the default page. This should be recompile.
5. Delete the file from the app_data folder.
6. Refresh the default page. This should be recompile.
7. Add a folder to the app_data folder.
8. Refresh the default page. This should be recompile.
9. Delete the folder from the app_data folder.
10. Refresh the default page. This will be slow because the site recompiles.
Is this by design? If so, what are the benefits of this behavior?
Is there a way to disable or prevent this from occurring?
Yeah it's funky, but check out this blog from Tess, she's a ASP.NET Escalation will want to read her section on "Why does an application domain recycle?".
Tess' blog -
In that section she makes a reference to another blog by Todd Carter and apparently this behavior is by design to fix a bug involving preventing deleted content from being served up.
Todd's blog -
This by design, the app_data folder along with others are "special" folders. If you are removing files and folders to the file system you probably don't want to do it in any of the application folders. Read the link below for a detailed explaination of the folders.

Why doesnt my img show up in ASP.NET

I created a C# web project with MSVS 9 and thats all i know about my configurations.
In my browser i can access any aspx files i have in my project. However when i use http://localhost:3288/img/test.png i see nothing. The working directory is ./root, the png file is in ./root/img/test.png How do i have ASP.NET display my images and everything else in the folder? (and subfolders).
Is the .png included in the solution?
When you hit the "play" button your essentially starting up a new website ( localhost:2383 ) so if its not in the solution it won't be copied over to the new, temporary, website that the debugger attaches too.
If this is the problem a quick fix is to hit the "Show all Files" button on the top of your solution explorer, this will show all the files in that folder on your hard drive. Then right click on the .png you want to include and hit "Include in Project".
Based on your comment your only solution is to actually create an IIS site for your solution with the root dir the same as your web project. Then in the project properties you'll have to tell the debugger to attach to your local IIS instead of visual studios. Not sure the exact click path, right click on your project and go to properties, look for debugging options.
Give a look to the ASP Image control , you can specify paths starting in your app root (~):
<asp:Image id="Image1" runat="server"
Or you can use relative paths to the page that are displayed.
Check this article about ASP .NET Website Paths.

Why did my css not work until added to project?

I have an mvc project, and I replaced the default css the wizard built with the iui css and javascript package. They were placed in ~/Content/iui/ folder. When i ran the site through the dev web server, the css didnt get used. I managed to fix it by adding the iui folder to the project in the project explorer. That's all I did, the pages already the script and style tags set up properly.
What is going on here? I'm sure MSVS is up to something behind the scenes, and I'd like to understand why it did this and why what I did produced the behaviour that it did.
Look in the "property pages" for your website project (VS Menu: Website -> Startup Options). Under "MSBuild Options", the "output folder" setting is the path that the Visual Studio Dev Web Server uses when you run it. Only files that are part of the project get copied to this directory.
This is the reason why even though, you added the files to correct folder, it was not the one that the Dev Web Server was looking at.
