Arduino 3G shield - arduino

I have an Arduino UNO and a 3G shield ( ). To connect to the internet I had only to configure the APN once which the SIM provider gave me and write the PIN number via AT commands in the setup() function, that's all.
I have some questions:
1) the internet key which the SIM belongs to comes with a software you have to use to connect to the internet: each time you want to connect you press CONNECT and when you are finished you press DISCONNECT. The 3G shield on the contrary needs only APN and PIN and that's it: am I forgetting anything? The module works, therfore I don't think so: what's your experience?
2) the internet key software needs to be configured with a "Dial Number" too, which I don't know what's for. The 3G shield works without any "Dial Number": any idea why?
3) sometimes while surfing the internet with the internet key, you loose the connection (maybe the provider kicks you off). In that case you have to click connect and you are in again. If something like that happens with Arduino+3G what do I have to do? I tried resetting the 3G module via the reset pin, but the module cannot register any more into the network.
Thank you in advance

1.) It sounds as though the 3G shield is set up to automatically connect to the internet when it is powered on, and the setup function does this.
Depending upon the design of the software supplied with your internet key, you may be able to configure it to do the same thing, so that you wouldn't have to press Connect/Disconnect each time.
2.) The 3G shield probably uses a default dial number like 99**1#.
3.)If the connection is lost due to external factors, e.g. the network dropping the connection, then the 3G shield probably tries to re-connect automatically. If the connection is lost because of a problem in the shield, then powering it off and on again will probably do the trick, but you will have to enter the PIN again of course.
At a guess, the reset button may lock the SIM again, and that's why it appears to lose the network. It sounds as though you would have to run the setup function again, to unlock the SIM and connect to the network.


How do I recover when Arduino USB Port randomly disappears?

I'm using my computer remotely and have an Arduino Every attached to a powered USB 3.0 hub. Anyway, the Arduino is part of a hardware tool that does some nice things for me. I communicate with it through the COM port.
The problem is that sometimes, after several days or even weeks, the Arduino's COM port just disappears. Is there some way to recover that COM port without physically unplugging it?
Sometimes restarting the computer works, but since the Arduino is plugged into a Powered USB Hub, it doesn't lose its power during a computer reset, so it doesn't reset itself and the COM port doesn't show up.
This used to happen frequently when I was using Arduino Nano knock-offs. I changed over to using Genuine Arduino Every devices and it hasn't been a problem for the last couple months. However, I'm now seeing it happen again.
Does anybody have a solution for this problem, or is this just something that happens from time to time with an Arduino when its connected for weeks/months at a time?
So, I replaced all usages of String with char[] and the problem still persisted.
I finally went online and purchased an internal PCI-E USB expansion card with 7 ports. I started using that 2 weeks ago and haven't seen the problem since. The other benefit to the internal card is that when I reboot the computer, the card reboots and forces a disconnect/reconnect of all COM ports.
I guess there was just something about having an external USB Hub that was causing the problems in the first place and the internal card was much more stable.
UPDATE - After week 3, I lost communication with a couple of my Nano Every devices. Unplugging and replugging them in fixes the problem, but I need them to NOT have that problem again. I guess the internal PCI-E Usb Hub didn't solve the problem. Maybe if I plug the Every's directly into the Computers standard USB ports that might help. I'll give that a try...
UPDATE 2 - I ended up purchasing a couple wifi wall plugs. Now, I can remotely unplug my computer and remotely unplug the USB Hub Power. I just 'Shut Down' my computer remotely and then remotely power it off for a few minutes and power off the USB hub for a few minutes. I then power up the computer (I have it's BIOS set to auto boot on power-cycle) and after it boots up, I power up the USB HUB and get all devices recognized again. Sometimes, I can just power-cycle the USB HUB to get the COM Ports visible again. It's a pain, but unless somebody comes up with a better idea, that's what I'm goin' with...

Is running HM10 on a soft-serial enable the Low Energy charecteristics ? If so, how can the UUIDs and GATT profiles be tweaked in this case ?

I've been tinkering with the HM-10 board for a few weeks now, trying to push data from phone to module and vice-versa. The ultimate goal was to enable the BLE mode and tweak with the characteristics and GATT profiles. I'm pretty new to this domain so can anyone help me out ?
And is there any way we can interface the HM-10 with the hardware rx-tx channel instead of soft-serial ?
Your question is still not very clear, but i think you mean sending AT-commands over BLE-radio.
To make this possible you have to change the MODE using serial connection.
In standard mode the device can only be configured over the serial connection (pins RXD and TXD) using AT commands.
AT+MODE0: It only accepts AT-commands over the serial connection (RXD/TXD)
until a central device connects to the module.
AT+MODE1: Same as MODE0, once a connection is established,
AT-commands can be sent over BLE and manipulate some PIO pins on
the device.
AT+MODE2: Same as MODE0, once a connection is established,
AT-commands can be sent over BLE.
To test it just send a string to hm-10 as "AT\r\n" and it will respond with OK.
You cannot change the services and characteristics with AT-commands.
There are a lot of other things you can change,like advertising, setup a beacon and change a lot of settings.
For a full list of AT commands and more see the official data sheet:

Arduino yun wifi network not appearing in my available network on windows 8

I'm connecting my Arduino Yún to my laptop via USB cable and as I read in Arduino documentation:
When you first power on the Yún, it will create a WiFi network called
ArduinoYun-XXXXXXXXXXXX. Connect your computer to this network.
But in my case nothing appears and I didn't found anything related to this on the web.
I'm running Windows 8.1 on my laptop.
Any idea how I can solve this problem?
It sounds as if something is wrong with the wifi configuration on the Yún. Has it previously been configured? Try resetting the wifi by pressing the "Wifi RST" button for more than five seconds (but less than 30).
More info here.
The question you asked is already answered by #mellbratt. You have successfully configured Yun and connected it to the network (configuration of WiFi by providing SSID and security key in web panel). The thing you have to do now, is to find what IP your Yun device is assigned on that network. You can use tools like Angry IP Scanner to scan the network and find your IP if you cannot access it from myusername.local. Using that IP you can access the web panel.

COM port lockup with Mbed Virtual Serial Port

I am working with someone using Mbed and a LPCXpresso11U68 board.
I'm not intimately familiar with this particular board, but it has two USB connectors on it, one for the OpenSDA-ish debugger, and a second one is a direct connect to the CPU. I can connect both of these ports to my PC and attach a terminal emulator to each of them, and both ports show output (with a small installed program running on the board).
The device manager shows me that one port (COM51) is using "mbed Serial Port" driver and the other port (COM52) is using "Mbed Virtual Serial Port.
So far so good...
There is a reset button on the board. If I press that button, the port that is attached to the PC using the Mbed Virtual Serial Port driver (in my case COM52) stops operating. The other port (COM51) just restarts cleanly.
The problem I'm having is that after I exit the terminal program (note this happens with both TeraTerm and uCon), if I attempt to reconnect to that port, its not in the list of available comports. Strangely thought, it is still present in the Device Manager.
The only way I've found that I can clear this problem is to unplug/plug that usb cable (COM52) or issue a BREAK condition to COM51 (which AFAIK, resets the board).
I am the writer of uCon and I'd like to be able to detect this (which I can), and also be able to restart the comport connection without any other manual intervention.
One final note: apparently this is not specific to the LPCXpresso11U68 board; my guess it is some issue with the Mbed Virtual Serial Port driver.
Anyone have a clue what may be going on here?

Why don't I receive signal and status for WiFi using QSystemNetworkInformation

I wrote a piece of software which does nothing else than reading network status and signal strength for each network mode (gsm, wlan (wifi), bluetooth, ...) on my device (Nokia E51) and printing it out.
My test device is connected to bluetooth, wlan (wifi) and 3G (wcdma), but it's only able to give me the signal strength of 3G (and also returns the correct name of my carrier). for wlan and bluetooth it gives me the undefined state und isn't able to read any signal strenght. But I am able to receive the IP address of the network I'm connected via wlan.
All I do is:
and calling the method for the network status.
As I said, it works flawless for 3G.
Any ideas? Thanks a lot.
After an SDK update, everything works fine without any code changes. So the problem wasn't in the coede, but in the QtMobility backend.
