CSS transition affecting box accessibility/mouse-sensitivity - css

I have a user interface situation that i recreated in this jsFiddle. Please have a look.
Basically, the box element should always overlap all others when it is visible (when its parent field is in state :hover. This seems to work fine, visually - but try to move your mouse over the box element while it is still in transition. You will notice that the :hover on the parent element becomes obsolete, causing the box to close again.
However, if you wait a few moments longer before you move the mouse downwards (shortly before the transition ends or once it is done), you will see that the box remains open.
I did tests modifying z-index, even trying to make z-index part of the transition, but to no avail. The problem persists.
Why is this happening?
And how can i modify the CSS definitions in a way that box will open on :hover over field using the given CSS transition fluid and yet being fully accessible (frontmost) from the very first moment the transition starts?
I only need this to work in Chrome exclusively.
In my live environment i use a much faster transition, but i made it much longer in this example, because it is easier to test.
I solved this issue by applying a declining z-index on each of the field elements, but i don't like this approach at all because it is a workaround, not a solution.

Give the parent .field:hover { z-index:1; } and change .field > .box { position: absolute; ... } to .field > .box { position: relative; ... }. This is to not remove the boxes from the flow of the page and to allow each field to be placed over the others when hovered


Even when the span element has visibility:hidden, it occupies space in FireFox

I am working on asp.net webforms. I am displaying a asp:RegularExpressionValidator in a <td> element which validates entry in a textbox. When the page loads, it is displayed as a <span> element with visibility:hidden. The problem is that in Firefox, it still occupies space, which doesn't happen in IE and Chrome. Because of this the html is not displayed properly in Firefox. Is there any solution for this?
"Visibility: hidden;" renders the element but keeps it invisible.
If you intend not to load the element, you should use
.someElement { display: none; }
This would not even reserve the space for the specified element.
Hope this helps..
You should try display:none instead of visibility:hidden.
display:none means that the tag in question will not appear on the page at all (although you can still interact with it through the dom). There will be no space allocated for it between the other tags.
I'd recommend a different approach... I know that code depends on asp.net... I presume the thing you don't want is to have a bigger spacing because of those validators, or you don't want the layout to be expanding on error highlight, considering that, I'd suggest:
Make all validator messages having position absolute (I hope you have a container for each field, that one needs to have position: relative)
As each validator have absolute position, won't take more vertical space (it's better to add the code via a css class, which should have something like:
.validatorMessage {
position: absolute;
top: 2rem /* should be the height of the field */
The only issue is, when those messages fires up, will shorten the available space, but I think is a reasonable tradeoff.
Hope this can help

Fb like button z-index issue

I have a fb like button on my website but when a user clicks on the button the the pop up comments box is hidden behind the two elements (#centre and footer) and the user can do nothing with it.
My question is, How do I change the z-index of the flyout so when a user clicks the like button it appears in front of other elements?
I have looked at these questions and implemented their answers with no luck in fixing the issue:-
facebook iframe App: Send/Like button z-index issue
Other fixes I have found that did not work were:-
Elements that appear in front of/around the flyout should have overflow: visible; set. (From fb developers FaQ page.)
Changing the z-index of the classes that are listed in the answer from the link above.
Changing the width and z-index of a class generated by the iframe, and located in a script tag, called _56z-
All I would like is the flyout to appear on top of all elements on the page without having to change the layout.
Here is the link to my site http://mikelonsdale.co.uk
Thank you for your time and help.
Change the z-index for your #centre and #footer div's to negative values. This should fix the problem.
Don't forget to change all of the other elements in relation to your site. You will be moving the #centre div to at least to z-index: -2 (to allow room for the #footer div to fit in at -1).
The following code fixes the problem entirely, without having to change the overflow or z-index of anything. You simply add the code below, and voila. HOWEVER, it will throw off your site's layout a little (it will flow over .. ha). Amazing fix, small catch. Borderline acceptable but the best solution I found. (Found it on the WP forums).
.fb-like span {
overflow: visible !important;
width: 450px !important;
margin-right: -375px;
I added
.fb-like span {
z-index: 999999999999999;
to my css and that fixed it. It isn't even marked as active, and deactivating it in developer tools doesn't change anything either. If I take it out of my CSS things go all stupid again though.

CSS issue: Links on page becoming unclickable when other element is positioned "absolute"

This is a longer story I'm trying to cut short. Generally I'm playing around with a website menu that is supposed to partly slide under a partly transparent background gif image, and fully reveal itself only upon mouseover. To do that, I'm using the z-index parameter on both the background image and the menu. But since you can't use z-index on a body background image, I'm using a "regular" image, which I'm setting to 100% width and height - AND for the z-index paramenter to work, I need to specify "position" as well. It seems though that with that combo, I'm basically creating an invisible shield that'll make all links untouchable. I've cooked it down to the following lines:
#style {
position: absolute;
<div id="style"></div>
If you try this, you will see that the "test" link is unclickable (cross-browser).
Does anyone have an idea how I can solve this? Thanks!
#style {
position: absolute;
a {position:relative} /*won't change position of the link, but shows link above.*/
<div id="style"></div>
#style {
position: absolute;
z-index: -1;
.test {
z-index: 99;
<div id="style"></div>
Will work too, along with campino2k's answer.
Thanks for the replies, which pointed me in the right direction. It seems like the div does indeed create an invisible shield, and that shield is (more or less) inpenetrable when it comes to underlying links.
Click through a DIV to underlying elements
#Logan: I'm afraid that approach doesn't work for me. You're suggesting to simply raise the link above the div shield - that, however, defeats the original purpose I've described above (the one with the background image and the menu sliding underneath it).
#campino: I thought this was it, but adding a z-index definition to "style" broke it again. The fact that you colored the entire div field helped me understand what you obvously already knew: As long as the div is over the link, it's not clickable, period.
So all in all, I'm concluding that my approach doesn't work. For the actual project I'll probably cut up my asymmetric background image into several pieces, so the div doesn't cover the entire screen, and is only where I absolutely need it.
I think setting a z-index, though it might work doesn't really address the problem but a kind of a hack that achieves what you want.
The root cause of unclickable links is mostly an element that is improperly positioned through floating, display, or position property. This element is displayed in the foreground of your link creating a shield that prevents you from clicking the link.
The solution to this I found is to use javascript/jquery to console.log or alert the id or class of the element in the foreground when you click.
$('*').click(function (){
alert('class = ' + $(this).attr('class') + ' id = '+ $(this).attr('id'));
above will alert the element in the foreground. Now that you know the cause look at its style.

Absolutely positioned links shifting to unexpected position on click (a:active)

I have a couple links on this page (http://tuscaroratackle.com) that are ending up at unexpected positions in their :active state. The links are absolutely positioned, so I'm guessing the issue is partly due to that. But I can't figure out what rules are getting applied on :active to make them shift down and to the left so far. I do have one rule that makes them "depress" a bit on active ( a:active {position:relative; top:1px;} ) but can't quite figure out why they are shifting so badly.
The links in question are these:
it's the "See Rods" link that appears on hover. If you click you'll see the awkward resulting positioning.
Also for those that don't know (I recently found out) you can inspect the :active state in firefug. Just use the drop down arrow on the style tab to toggle those styles on.
From description of position:absolute:
Generates an absolutely positioned element, positioned relative to the first parent element that has a position other than static.
And, as you noted, you have position:relative; defined for a:active. Now, therefore, in <a><span></span></a> combination position of span is counted relative to position of a, not to position of .hp-promo-item.
As for solution, if you need to move a down 1 pixel on :active, maybe margin-top will work better. But wait, you already have margin-top:1px for .promo-content .icon. Well, maybe margin-top:2px !important; then. I don't really understand the aim to suggest more.
PS Thanks for telling about :active helper in firebug, pretty useful!

What is the difference between visibility:hidden and display:none?

The CSS rules visibility:hidden and display:none both result in the element not being visible. Are these synonyms?
display:none means that the tag in question will not appear on the page at all (although you can still interact with it through the dom). There will be no space allocated for it between the other tags.
visibility:hidden means that unlike display:none, the tag is not visible, but space is allocated for it on the page. The tag is rendered, it just isn't seen on the page.
For example:
test | <span style="[style-tag-value]">Appropriate style in this tag</span> | test
Replacing [style-tag-value] with display:none results in:
test | | test
Replacing [style-tag-value] with visibility:hidden results in:
test |                        | test
They are not synonyms.
display:none removes the element from the normal flow of the page, allowing other elements to fill in.
visibility:hidden leaves the element in the normal flow of the page such that is still occupies space.
Imagine you are in line for a ride at an amusement park and someone in the line gets so rowdy that security plucks them from the line. Everyone in line will then move forward one position to fill the now empty slot. This is like display:none.
Contrast this with the similar situation, but that someone in front of you puts on an invisibility cloak. While viewing the line, it will look like there is an empty space, but people can't really fill that empty looking space because someone is still there. This is like visibility:hidden.
One thing worth adding, though it wasn't asked, is that there is a third option of making the object completely transparent. Consider:
1st unseen link.<br />
2nd unseen link.<br />
3rd unseen link.
(Be sure to click "Run code snippet" button above to see the result.)
The difference between 1 and 2 has already been pointed out (namely, 2 still takes up space). However, there is a difference between 2 and 3: in case 3, the mouse will still switch to the hand when hovering over the link, and the user can still click on the link, and Javascript events will still fire on the link. This is usually not the behavior you want (but maybe sometimes it is?).
Another difference is if you select the text, then copy/paste as plain text, you get the following:
1st link.
2nd link.
3rd unseen link.
In case 3 the text does get copied. Maybe this would be useful for some type of watermarking, or if you wanted to hide a copyright notice that would show up if a carelessly user copy/pasted your content?
display:none removes the element from the layout flow.
visibility:hidden hides it but leaves the space.
There is a big difference when it comes to child nodes. For example: If you have a parent div and a nested child div. So if you write like this:
<div id="parent" style="display:none;">
<div id="child" style="display:block;"></div>
In this case none of the divs will be visible. But if you write like this:
<div id="parent" style="visibility:hidden;">
<div id="child" style="visibility:visible;"></div>
Then the child div will be visible whereas the parent div will not be shown.
They're not synonyms - display: none removes the element from the flow of the page, and rest of the page flows as if it weren't there.
visibility: hidden hides the element from view but not the page flow, leaving space for it on the page.
display: none removes the element from the page entirely, and the page is built as though the element were not there at all.
Visibility: hidden leaves the space in the document flow even though you can no longer see it.
This may or may not make a big difference depending on what you are doing.
With visibility:hidden the object still takes up vertical height on the page. With display:none it is completely removed. If you have text beneath an image and you do display:none, that text will shift up to fill the space where the image was. If you do visibility:hidden the text will remain in the same location.
display:none will hide the element and collapse the space is was taking up, whereas visibility:hidden will hide the element and preserve the elements space. display:none also effects some of the properties available from javascript in older versions of IE and Safari.
visibility:hidden preserves the space; display:none doesn't.
In addition to all other answers, there's an important difference for IE8: If you use display:none and try to get the element's width or height, IE8 returns 0 (while other browsers will return the actual sizes). IE8 returns correct width or height only for visibility:hidden.
display: none;
It will not be available on the page and does not occupy any space.
visibility: hidden;
it hides an element, but it will still take up the same space as before. The element will be hidden, but still, affect the layout.
visibility: hidden preserve the space, whereas display: none doesn't preserve the space.
Display None Example:https://www.w3schools.com/css/tryit.asp?filename=trycss_display_none
Visibility Hidden Example : https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/tryit.asp?filename=trycss_visibility
visibility:hidden will keep the element in the page and occupies that space but does not show to the user.
display:none will not be available in the page and does not occupy any space.
display: none
It will remove the element from the normal flow of the page, allowing other elements to fill in.
An element will not appear on the page at all but we can still interact with it through the DOM.
There will be no space allocated for it between the other elements.
visibility: hidden
It will leave the element in the normal flow of the page such that is still occupies space.
An element is not visible and Element’s space is allocated for it on the page.
Some other ways to hide elements
Use z-index
#element {
z-index: -11111;
Move an element off the page
#element {
position: absolute;
top: -9999em;
left: -9999em;
Interesting information about visibility: hidden and display: none properties
visibility: hidden and display: none will be equally performant since they both re-trigger layout, paint and composite. However, opacity: 0 is functionality equivalent to visibility: hidden and does not re-trigger the layout step.
And CSS-transition property is also important thing that we need to take care. Because toggling from visibility: hidden to visibility: visible allow for CSS-transitions to be use, whereas toggling from display: none to display: block does not. visibility: hidden has the additional benefit of not capturing JavaScript events, whereas opacity: 0 captures events
If visibility property set to "hidden", the browser will still take space on the page for the content even though it's invisible.
But when we set an object to "display:none", the browser does not allocate space on the page for its content.
<div style="display:none">
Content not display on screen and even space not taken.
<div style="visibility:hidden">
Content not display on screen but it will take space on screen.
View details
There are a lot of detailed answers here, but I thought I should add this to address accessibility since there are implications.
display: none; and visibility: hidden; may not be read by all screen reader software. Keep in mind what visually-impaired users will experience.
The question also asks about synonyms. text-indent: -9999px; is one other that is roughly equivalent. The important difference with text-indent is that it will often be read by screen readers. It can be a bit of a bad experience as users can still tab to the link.
For accessibility, what I see used today is a combination of styles to hide an element while being visible to screen readers.
clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);
clip-path: inset(50%);
height: 1px;
width: 1px;
margin: -1px;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 0;
position: absolute;
A great practice is to create a "Skip to content" link to the anchor of the main body of content. Visually-impaired users probably don't want to listen to your full navigation tree on every single page. Make the link visually hidden. Users can just hit tab to access the link.
For more on accessibility and hidden content, see:
Summarizing all the other answers:
element with visibility: hidden, is hidden for all practical purposes (mouse pointers, keyboard focus, screenreaders), but still occupies space in the rendered markup
element with display:none, is hidden for all practical purposes (mouse pointers, keyboard focus, screenreaders), and DOES NOT occupy space in the rendered markup
css transitions can be applied for visibility changes
css transitions can not be applied on display changes
you can make a parent visibility:hidden but a child with visibility: visible would still be shown
when parent is display:none, children can't override and make themselves visible
part of the DOM tree (so you can still target it with DOM queries)
part of the DOM tree (so you can still target it with DOM queries)
part of the render tree
NOT part of the render tree
any reflow / layout in the parent element or child elements, would possibly trigger a reflow in these elements as well, as they are part of the render tree.
any reflow / layout in the parent element, would not impact these elements, as these are not part of the render tree
toggling between visibility: hidden and visible, would possibly not trigger a reflow / layout. (According to this comment it does: What is the difference between visibility:hidden and display:none? and possibly according to this as well https://developers.google.com/speed/docs/insights/browser-reflow)
toggling between display:none to display: (something else), would lead to a layout /reflow as this element would now become part of the render tree
you can measure the element through DOM methods
you can not measure the element or its descendants using DOM methods
If you have a huge number of elements using visibility: none on the page, the browser might hang while rendering, as all these elements require layout, even though they are not shown
If you have a huge number of elements using display:none, they wouldn't impact the rendering as they are not part of the render tree
Performance differences between visibility:hidden and display:none
Other Info:
There are some browser support idiosyncrancies as well, but they seem to apply to very old browsers, and are available in the other answers, so I have not discussed them here.
There are some other alternatives to hide element, like opacity, or absolute positioning off screen. All of them have been touched upon in some or the other answers, and have some drawbacks.
According to this comment (Performance differences between visibility:hidden and display:none), if you have a lot of elements using display:none and you change to display: (something else), it will cause a single reflow, while if you have multiple visibility: hidden elements and you turn them visible, it will cause reflow for each element. (I don't really understand this)
One other difference is that visibility:hidden works in really, really old browsers, and display:none does not:
The difference goes beyond style and is reflected in how the elements behave when manipulated with JavaScript.
Effects and side effects of display: none:
the target element is taken out of the document flow (doesn't affect layout of other elements);
all descendants are affected (are not displayed either and cannot “snap out” of this inheritance);
measurements cannot be made for the target element nor for its descendants – they are not rendered at all, thus their clientWidth, clientHeight, offsetWidth, offsetHeight, scrollWidth, scrollHeight, getBoundingClientRect(), getComputedStyle(), all return 0s.
Effects and side-effects of visibility: hidden:
the target element is hidden from view, but is not taken out of the flow and affects layout, occupying its normal space;
innerText (but not innerHTML) of the target element and descendants returns empty string.
As described elsewhere in this stack, the two are not synonymous. visibility:hidden will leave space on the page whereas display:none will hide the element entirely. I think it's important to talk about how this affects the children of a given element. If you were to use visibility:hidden then you could show the children of that element with the right styling. But with display:none you hide the children regardless of whether you use display: block | flex | inline | grid | inline-block or not.
display:none; will neither display the element nor will it allot space for the element on the page whereas visibility:hidden; will not display the element on the page but will allot space on the page.
We can access the element in DOM in both cases.
To understand it in a better way please look at the following code:
display:none vs visibility:hidden
