Email signup confirmation. Keep track with Google Analytics - google-analytics

in the site in which I'm working the registration is mandatory to complete an order (is an ecommerce site). In the registration process, users have to fill in a registration form and then submit it. An email will be sent to users to confirm the account. After the confirmation (click on a link sent through email) the account is active.
I would to keep track of the user which complete the registration and then confirm his account clicking on the confirmation link in the email.
Basically, my questions are :Do users which submit the registration form, confirm their account? then, Do users which confirm their account make a purchase on the website?
I know how to track the submitting of the form (with event tracking or destination goal, it depends), but I don't know how to put a trackable link in the confirmation email. I can't use URL Builder, because the confirmation link is generated automatically and it depends on the account itself (each link is unique for the account). How can I keep track of it?

One solution for you is to include a Google Analytics _trackEvent call on the email activation page. Docs here:
This is the method we use to do something similar on our site.


Paypal button creation for another account

I need to create Paypal button for someone else's account. My client has given me their API username, password and signature. I need to create a button for them but I think in order to do that, I need access to their merchant account, based on the info they gave me.
Is it possible to create the button for them with the information they have provided or will they need to make the button in their merchant account and send me the code?
You may create a button for them by going to and all you will need is the email address they have associated with their PayPal account to link the button to their account.

How to measure conversion of login or registration page?

I want to optimize a kind of page that prompts the user to either login if the user already has an account or register otherwise.
I have setup events for when the user arrives to the page, clicks on one of several possible login buttons (username and password, Facebook account, Google account, etc) or clicks on the register button.
To measure the conversion I would like to see from all of those that arrive to the page but did not click the login buttons, what is the conversion rate of those that register.
Basically I need to measure Registered / (Landed - Logged in).
Is there a way to measure this with Google Analytics or do you recommend some other solution?

Validate the Authenticity of a User For Site Subscriptions

I have a web application that creates user accounts, but I would also like to have the ability to have users that can sign up for subscriptions without accounts. All they have is a subscription page to modify email settings and enable the newsletter subscription.
My questions is how do I verify that the user is who they say they are without a username/password, and my second is how should they access this page. I dont want just anyone typing in the url with the email and access subscription settings for that user.
For each user entry you create a unique access code that you use in the url in order to validate that this is the user you want.
The subscription form will give these options:
subscribe by filling in your email
request to change your settings by just putting your email to another field
both action will send an email to you with a special url
the first to validate that this is made by you so you will enable this user & his email
the second to send him another special url to make any changes to his settings in the case that this use is active in your database.
For this unique code you can use md5 of his email with a timestamp when he was registered.

How to track the free sign-ups for an online service that requires email verification?

I'm tracking the free trial sign-ups for an online service that requires
email verification to complete the sign-up process.
How do I create a goal to track the sign-ups given that email verification required?
The registration process is as follows:
Click on free signup button (goes to
Fill out sign-up form, including email address (goes to "/check_your_email/")
Click account verification link in email.
Arrive at the new account confirmation page. I plan to define this URL ("/confirm/signup/username/hashcode/")
as the goal
If the user closes their browser, then opens their browser, and clicks on email verification link, will the goal be tracked properly?
If the user closes their browser it will be considered a new visit when the browser opens up again to complete the sign-up process. This will increase the reported visit counts and you might also have problems with using visit level reports.
There could also be a problem if the user is not using their default browser then opens the link from an email program and their default browser is used.
You should probably set up two goals: one for the /check_your_email/ page and another for the verification page. That way you will be able to see if there's a significant drop-off between the two and work from there.
If you define "/confirm/signup/username/hashcode/" as the Goal, even if the user closes their browser and comes back to this page it will still be recorded as a Goal conversion.
You will have a problem with the conversion funnel : for those that did not confirm during the same visit, it will look like their visits dropped at the /check_your_email/ step, and you should see a similar number of visits coming from (direct) - email is usually recorded as Direct visits.
Also bear in mind to use appropriate Regular Expression if the confirmation URL varies with usernames.

Newsletter subscription vs Registration

I'd like to have an easy Newsletter subscription box on my site. The user types his email, clicks "Subscribe" and he is done. The problem is that the site has Registration too. How should I solve the registration when the user is subscribed? I do have his/her email address (from Newsletter subscribtion) but I don't know if it is his/her.
I don't want to force the users to Register if they want only to subscribe to the newsletter list.
Should I have 2 email lists for Newsletter subscribers and Registered users and then check duplex emails and send the newsletter only 1x?
If a user signs up for a newsletter but is not a registered member of your website, but later on decides to register, you can do a DB check upon registering them to see if they are subscribed to any newsletters, and if they are, set a 'SubscribedToNewsletter' column to true.
Or, if a registered user decides to sign up for a newsletter, simply set the DB Column 'SubscribedToNewsletter' to true.
If your email client allows groups of contacts you could make two separate groups of contacts. If one of the newsletter people decides to register, they're name should pop up from the newsletter contacts and you can just move it to the registered. Hopefully that should keep you from sending out duplicates each time.
