Newsletter subscription vs Registration -

I'd like to have an easy Newsletter subscription box on my site. The user types his email, clicks "Subscribe" and he is done. The problem is that the site has Registration too. How should I solve the registration when the user is subscribed? I do have his/her email address (from Newsletter subscribtion) but I don't know if it is his/her.
I don't want to force the users to Register if they want only to subscribe to the newsletter list.
Should I have 2 email lists for Newsletter subscribers and Registered users and then check duplex emails and send the newsletter only 1x?

If a user signs up for a newsletter but is not a registered member of your website, but later on decides to register, you can do a DB check upon registering them to see if they are subscribed to any newsletters, and if they are, set a 'SubscribedToNewsletter' column to true.
Or, if a registered user decides to sign up for a newsletter, simply set the DB Column 'SubscribedToNewsletter' to true.

If your email client allows groups of contacts you could make two separate groups of contacts. If one of the newsletter people decides to register, they're name should pop up from the newsletter contacts and you can just move it to the registered. Hopefully that should keep you from sending out duplicates each time.


When does a wordpress subscriber become a woocommerce customer?

Ok so I'm trying to find out what determines a wordpress user becomes a subscriber or a customer. So my site has over 5000 subscribers but 1000 customers. Lately I have been getting hit by bots that will register 300 - 400 accounts in a day. So I'm trying to determine if its' the registration form itself that determines who becomes what role. Like if it's original wordpress form they become a subsriber but a woocommerce registration form they become a customer. As the bots are using a very specific link to automatically register and it's the default wordpress registration link. So I'm trying to figure out the best way to avoid this from happening while also being able to determine fake subscriber from real subsribers, as checking some of the subsribers have actually logged in. I figured then all customers should have logged in, assuming customers were created once they purchased something from the store but in fact thats not the case. So any real input on this would be very nice and helpful.
So talking to Wordpress and Woocommerce it is when the user uses the Woocommerce Registration Form is when a user is assigned the Customer Role over Subscriber Role.
I want to add to this now also, I'm unsure what update this occured but in Wordpress Settings->General Tab there is a box that asks for New User Default Role. So now you can make sure every user is a customer or a subscriber or whatever role you decide to choose.

Firebase: Allowing users to create accounts for other users.

So I'm making this app for pharmacists and their patients. Pharmacists can manage their patient's data through the app - and most importantly sign up their patients to the app.
The ideal flow goes like this - at an appointment, pharmacist gets patient's email address. Pharmacists can then create a user account, either setting a password right then for the patient, or sending an email letting the user set one up.
Is there anyway for one user to create an account for another user within firebase?
As long as its at a manageable rate as you could hit quota limitations.
The pharmacist can create a new password account with the email provided and some random password and then trigger the reset password flow. This will send a reset password link to the user.
You can then build a custom landing page for resetting the password where the user would take control and finish setting up their account.
Check the docs on building custom email action landing pages:

Drupal maintain rejected user list and authenticate from among

Im developing a drupal website with multistep approval of users ,after
registration the admin rejects a user an email is sent to the user and the user
is deleted from drupal user table .
I want to perform a action where in after a user is rejected he will be kept in
a new table with the username and email .
If the same user contacts admin,the admin will remove the user from the rejected
users list ,because during registration for second time it should also check for
the user in the rejected user list.
Is i t something that is possible in Drupal?
Any pointers?
Everything is possible except the wooden stove! Show some effort, try something on your own and when you get stuck ask.
There's no out of box solution for this (that I know about it), but what I would do is make custom content type for storing users and use hook functions to insert/check existence of rejected users.
hook that is called when user is deleted:
hook that is called when node (rejected user) is deleted!node!node.api.php/function/hook_node_delete/7.x
But maybe your admin can just disable user instead of deleting it as first step - that way wouldn't need that extra table at all.

Email signup confirmation. Keep track with Google Analytics

in the site in which I'm working the registration is mandatory to complete an order (is an ecommerce site). In the registration process, users have to fill in a registration form and then submit it. An email will be sent to users to confirm the account. After the confirmation (click on a link sent through email) the account is active.
I would to keep track of the user which complete the registration and then confirm his account clicking on the confirmation link in the email.
Basically, my questions are :Do users which submit the registration form, confirm their account? then, Do users which confirm their account make a purchase on the website?
I know how to track the submitting of the form (with event tracking or destination goal, it depends), but I don't know how to put a trackable link in the confirmation email. I can't use URL Builder, because the confirmation link is generated automatically and it depends on the account itself (each link is unique for the account). How can I keep track of it?
One solution for you is to include a Google Analytics _trackEvent call on the email activation page. Docs here:
This is the method we use to do something similar on our site.

Validate the Authenticity of a User For Site Subscriptions

I have a web application that creates user accounts, but I would also like to have the ability to have users that can sign up for subscriptions without accounts. All they have is a subscription page to modify email settings and enable the newsletter subscription.
My questions is how do I verify that the user is who they say they are without a username/password, and my second is how should they access this page. I dont want just anyone typing in the url with the email and access subscription settings for that user.
For each user entry you create a unique access code that you use in the url in order to validate that this is the user you want.
The subscription form will give these options:
subscribe by filling in your email
request to change your settings by just putting your email to another field
both action will send an email to you with a special url
the first to validate that this is made by you so you will enable this user & his email
the second to send him another special url to make any changes to his settings in the case that this use is active in your database.
For this unique code you can use md5 of his email with a timestamp when he was registered.
