why compatibility mode for intranet sites - wordpress

I'm a Mac person, web designer, trying to understand "Display intranet sites in compatibility mode" option with IE 11
I have client, an architecture firm, that used to host their OLD website (HTML site I didn't develop) in-house on their Windows server. When the Wordpress site I recently launched for them is hosted on a Ubuntu server in house.
The problem is several months after we go live one guy in the office when viewing with IE is seeing their portfolio pages display thumbnail images stacking vertically vs horizontally. When they turn Display intranet sites in compatibility mode off the thumbnails display correctly. Most people aren't using IE so its not surprising its just noticed now.
Here is an example of a portfolio page
They upgraded their workstations to Windows 8.1 and IE 11 shortly after we launched the new website.
I am a Mac person but I have not been able to recreate the problem with that IE/Win configuration with BrowserStack, nor have any of the people I know who have that version of IE/Win been able to recreate it.
If I recreate the portfolio page on my test site hosted by Bluehost - the clients see the portfolio pages correctly in compatibility mode.
So my question is what exactly is an intranet site in this environment? This website is not an inhouse only website its public - does intranet site refer to anything else besides a website like this one? I am sure there is information in house they can see via intranet only that's not public but is that why the setting is turned on? And why would it have to be displayed in compatibility mode?
Why would they need to have this compatibility turned on at all?

IE makes assumption about displaying intranet sites (http://someInternalSite/ vs. http://someInternalSite.myCompany.org). That assumption is that intranet sites work best in compatibility mode.
It makes the so called "smart" judgement by looking at it this way: Since the website is hosted in internal servers - there must be some corporate legacy applications developed on older versions of IE. And since IE is not perfect at maintaining proper fallbacks to older versions - thus its good to turn on the compatibility mode for the rescue.
To fix it either access the site with FQDN or uncheck a checkbox in “Compatibility View Settings”
More info of the IE "Smart Defaults" on this blog post: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ie/archive/2009/06/17/compatibility-view-and-smart-defaults.aspx

I have upvoted the other answer, so i'm not really fishing for your vote. I just wanted to add the findings that i had this evening.
I have a state of the art HTML5 website, that works well in every browser. However, in my own local environment IE is messing thigns up like you said, and even worse. I was thinking it was a server issue as the html that was passed as a responsetext from my server was the right HTML. however, IE was parsing it to something different ( I usually think of IE as a great browser, but I really lost it)
this structure:
became this in the DOM:
As you can see the whole DOM was parsed into something completely different and was not working, thanks to compatibility being enabled for the intranet. I did set the doctype, and validated my site on w3c, so that wasn't the problem either. The bottomline is, compatibility mode is something you want to stay away from as a developer.


Internet Explorer Compatibility issue with web page

I am developing a .NET application for my clients. One of my pages I have included a RadDatePicker and several other input methods. When I run my project it occurs an error only in Internet Explorer web browser (IE version 11.0.9600.18282).
When I access to the web page from the local host it displays the page as the top part of the image below which is correct.But if I access my localhost from another computer that is connected to the same network, it displays the web page as in the second part of the image with some errors in the style.
I already checked the versions of both web browsers and rendering models and compatibility view settings and still I have no idea where it went wrong.
Can you please help me with that.

ASP.Net Form Application Redirect to Default for all PostBacks

This one's driving me nuts. I have a .Net Web Form app, not MVC. Works fine on localhost, also on a development server running server 2012, as an IP address it works fine on a UAT Server running 2012; but with a URL that is assigned to the same IP address for UAT it redirects to the default.aspx with each postback. Looking in IE, it shows same security level - Intranet, which forces Compatibility using F12 that compatibility shows as ie7 (I'm on IE11), plus everything else looks right in the IE settings. Trying from another PC with a different user, same results IP works, URL doesn't, and all IE settings appear to be the same. Fun thing, Chrome works fine with both URL and IP; but IETab in Chrome has the same issue (running as ie7 or ie11). Anything similar to this out on the Forums just say check Compatibility; which I've done. I can only assume something is weird with the URL or IIS not recognizing the URL for postback; but I don't understand what or why.
In the IE Tools menu select Compatibility View Settings. Then uncheck Display Intranet Sites in Compatibility View. For the life of me I don't know why that is the default setting.
Thanks for the reply. However, it turned out to be an Under Score in the URL. For some reason the Under Score caused the Session Cookie in the Post Back to be dropped. This was only true of Internet Explorer; all other browsers still included the Session Cookie. i.e. Dummy_URL would cause the issue but DummyURL would fix it.

Site displays different when debugging in VS2012 with IE and when in production

I'm working on a asp.net project that is a responsive website so it can be viewed on mobile and tablets. When running the project the site opens in IE 11 and looks great. When I publish the site and open it with IE 11 the div that holds the main content is dropped to the next line.
What am I missing to publish or set to have this correct? Thank you
If you're developing on ASP.net you might be using IIS, such is a web server which I don't know a lot about.
My idea is that you are probably missing configuration changes from development to production mode of your web server.
Hope it will point you to the right direction.
I found the steps to find the answer here:
Div displays differently in IE and Chrome
I went into the developer tools and Console and there it said that it was being displayed in Compatibility View. I checked the settings and sure enough the url was listed. I removed it and refreshed and everything is looking good.

Style sheet issues in Load Balanced SharePoint 2010 Application

I have researched quite a bit and found no answer so I decided to make a post on this.
I have a fully working SharePoint 2010 Site Collection with some CSS and JavaScript resources to customize the look and feel of the site.
Everything is checked in and published and the site was working fine until we load balanced the two Frontend Servers.*
The problem is that, if - and only if - the site is opened through the load balancer, everyone gets some disrupted design issues AFTER clicking Internet Explorer (8) refresh button.
Moreover, SharePoint Designer does not work while using the LB as well:
"An error occurred accessing your Microsoft SharePoint Foundation site files. Authors - if you are authoring against a Web server, please contact the Webmaster for this server's Web site. WebMasters - please see the server's application event log for more details."
So this situation is not a problem on the following situations:
Open the site inside any of the servers or using a direct hosts entry to one of the servers (not using the Load Balancer)
IE10+ or another browser is used
Ctrl+F5 on IE8 using the LB
Similar (unanswered questions):
Fiddler does not show any relevant output, apart for some suspicious 401s that also appear when the site works
ULS Logs do not show any relevant authentication, permissions or other entries when the issue happens
As any medium/large company with intranet restrictions, we really need to support IE8. Also, SharePoint Designer does not work even if IE10 is installed.
the frontend servers were behind an F5 load balancer.
for some reason, sites rendered through the LB were displaying with IE7 rendering.
the solution was to add IE7 support to the branding solution, although it could work with a local browser tweak (unchecking "show intranet sites in compatibility mode").
I now tend to ask that LB caches are cleared whenever I have FE specific design problems

Which browsers don't support for ASP.NET based website?

I would like to have a list of browsers which don't support a website created based on .net.
ASP.NET web sites emit HTML, CSS and javascript (just like other technologies), and as such should be readable by ALL browsers. The technology used to host the site should have little impact on its consumption by browser clients.
The ony real concern is when non-conforming HTML or CSS is present and the web site doesn't render properly.
All of them support ASP.Net. More often you will need to look at the browser market share and all browsers mentioned in the report support ASP.Net very so you can be rest assured that your asp.net site will be usable for almost everybody on earth.
alt text http://marketshare.hitslink.com/chartfx62/temp/CFT0220_014339215AE.png
ASP.NET is server side, so your answer is any and every web browser.
