Link on my website to facebook message a page - wordpress

I would like to embed a link that will open site visitor's browser with their facebook account in "New Message" writing mode with the "to:" field already pointing to my Facebook page.
Is there a way to do this?
It's a wordpress site, so if there is already a plugin that can do this I'd be happy to know which (without asking the visitor for permissions to a facebook app).

You could try to use the FB.ui send dialog:
There is a parameter called "to" where you could try to add the ID of your Facebook Page. Although i am not sure if it works for Pages, but it´s worth trying.


How to set a login page to see the website in wordpress?

i'm a beginner and I'm trying to set a login page on my website build in wordpress. Searching on google I don't find a solution for my issue. There are a lot of plugins that customize the login page in wp-admin to acces at the backend. What I'm trying to do is different. I'd like to put a login page at my website (home page) and after the user has insered the credentials, he can see everything on the website. I don't know how to start. Every suggests are appreciate. Thank you in advance
If you're ok with using WP users table and auth systems you could put template content inside a conditional to check if users are logged in.
It isn't elegant but it would get you what you want.

How to restrict viewers from downloading until they subscribe to my wordpress site?

I have some pdf's link on my site. I want whenever someone tries to download those pdf's, a popup will pop for a subscription. Now the main thing is I don't want users to cut this popup unless they subscribe to my website.
Pdf's to be allowed to download only after subscription process.
Note : There is no login or signup option on the website. It is just a normal surfable website with some pdf's link.
This plugin should do what you're looking for:
I've used it before and it worked fine back then.

hybridauth facebook display=popup setting not working

I'm using hybridauth-2.2.2 to implement facebook connect.
Connecting and login with facebook is not a problem.
At the moment my login page goes to the facebook login page and redirects back, but I want to open the facebook login dialog in a popup window, so I changed the setting display=page to display=popup but it still redirects to the facebook login page. I assume that I'm missing something so just wanted to know what. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you require more details.
guess I was expecting too much of the hybridauth library this time. I thought the display=popup setting would add the js to open the pop up window itself, but I guess it's just to tell facebook api whats been used to connect. So just added the bit of js needed to open a popup window for facebook login

Unable to "login" via twitter API

I have implemented a twitter login for my site, using a plugin called "Simple Twitter Connect".
Now what this plugin does is create a twitter login function for my site above the the comments section which allows users to use their twitter details rather than filling out name and email boxes.
Now the problem I am having with it is when it gets to the authorize page on, after entering the details and then going back to the site it loads page.
On the contents of the page it says
Failed connecting. Please try again later
I initially thought it must simply be something wrong with the plugin, however I have contacted the plugin author and he as said that gigya has nothing to do with his plugin nor does his plugin link to it.
I havent signed up to gigya nor implemented any of their functions on my site, so I'm not sure how this site gets into the equation.
If anyone wants to recreate the issue, the click here and login via twitter.
Can anyone suggest what the issue may be?
After the successful OAuth-Login you are redirected to the Callback URL associated with your Consumer key. The Callback URL can be configured - here's how you do it:
Log in to
Select the application which you are using in your blog
Go to the "Settings" tab and you'll find the Callback URL under "Application Type"
Set the URL to your blog base directory (where the index.php is).

How to include youtube login in an page?

I want to include a youtube login system just like facebook has "login with facebook". I searched the api but couldn't find anything. Can someone guide me through or post link to any tutorial on how to do that. Actually, our website gives the option to upload youtube videos(video's html embed code), but to verify that the uploader is actually the original uploader and is not uploading someone else video, we want that he login the website using youtube login and then we verify that the uploader's name and the video's uploader name are same. I have got no ideas on how to do this, can someone point me to the right direction on how to get started?
Youtube uses Google accounts, so you actually want a "Log in using Google". There are some docs at
