How to include youtube login in an page? -

I want to include a youtube login system just like facebook has "login with facebook". I searched the api but couldn't find anything. Can someone guide me through or post link to any tutorial on how to do that. Actually, our website gives the option to upload youtube videos(video's html embed code), but to verify that the uploader is actually the original uploader and is not uploading someone else video, we want that he login the website using youtube login and then we verify that the uploader's name and the video's uploader name are same. I have got no ideas on how to do this, can someone point me to the right direction on how to get started?

Youtube uses Google accounts, so you actually want a "Log in using Google". There are some docs at


Issues: posting a wordpress website post link on a facebook

Good day, when I try to share a link on Facebook from my website - Facebook tells me that the page doesn't exist.
Maybe there is some cache issue.
I would recommend to debug the url with the facebook developer tool:
It only takes a view seconds and should show you all the meta information, facebook is getting from your website.

How to embed Facebook page where people can comment on it without redirecting it to FB Site?

I have successfully embedded our FB page on the website I am working right now. But, by default if there is someone who would add a comment on the post using the embedded page on the site it will redirect them to the FB page Link. Is there any way to embed FB page on our site without redirecting people to the FB page link once they add a comment?
Is there any hard coding needed for it to be done? Please do let me know. Thanks
I have tried using different plugin but nothing works.
You can add your own facebook embed page or post.

How to show thumbnail of a website on facebook?

I developed a website that play youtube videos on one page. I hosted it in windows Azure recently. But if I took a url of a page which play video and post it on facebook then facebook doesn't show any thumbnail. Can any one help me pls ?
to understand my needs you can post both of the following urls to facebook.
Second one doesn't show any thumbnail.
You are missing the Facebook Open Graph meta tags that tell Facebook what image to show when somebody shares the link to your website. Follow the best practices at (Section 3 talks about the meta tags).

Link on my website to facebook message a page

I would like to embed a link that will open site visitor's browser with their facebook account in "New Message" writing mode with the "to:" field already pointing to my Facebook page.
Is there a way to do this?
It's a wordpress site, so if there is already a plugin that can do this I'd be happy to know which (without asking the visitor for permissions to a facebook app).
You could try to use the FB.ui send dialog:
There is a parameter called "to" where you could try to add the ID of your Facebook Page. Although i am not sure if it works for Pages, but it´s worth trying.

How to post on wall of Facebook fan page from external website, of which you are a fan but not an admin

I'm using an ASP.NET Facebook Developers Toolkit on an external website, and I'm also the admin of a facebook fan page for the website. Users on my website (may or may not be facebook users) create content articles.
I would like to hook up these articles to the Facebook fan page, so that, when they write the article, then ones with FB accounts can sign into FB and post on the Fan page. I'm sure they would need to be a fan first.
Any idea on how to do this?
You can use Graph api to post on face book wall.Follow this link
link text
You can publish to the Facebook graph by issuing HTTP POST requests to the appropriate connection URLs above, using an application access token. For example, you can post a new wall post on Arjun's wall by issuing a POST request to
curl -F 'access_token=...' \
-F 'message=Hello, Arjun. I like this new API.' \
I hope it will helpful.
I really needed this too. So far to me it seems the best way is to embed a native Fan Page and extend it with a Facebook app. This is the only info I ended up with:
Also have you checked out how GrooveShark does something similar? They embed a Facebook page right into their site for the public. Really sweet. I attached a screenshot of it.
