Google Analytics metrics to find total number of users who came to site via ad campaign - google-analytics

Is there any way to determine how many users visited my site via ads of my site posted on other websites?

By default these will show up as referrals in the channel and all traffic reports. To get more granularity you'd have to use campaign parameters in your ads url. You can create properly tagged url via Googles url builder which has some documentation on the various parameters.


Can't track in Google Analytics data from GetResponse

Our email marketer is sending email from GetResponse with a tracking code generated from another tool,
but we can't see if the users are coming from the email source.
Is it possible, because it is with tracking code generated from other tool, GA to mark it as direct traffic and is there a way to know it is coming from the email campaign? Also, I am not sure it is tracking it at all, becouse I don't see much traffic in the landing page. The GA is fired, I checked!
The tracking code includes the main domain and it redirects to a specific page.
You have to check in Landing Pages report (or All pages report), filtering by aff_id, if there are any sessions.
To track in correct mode the source you have to use UTMs parameters. You can build your URL with UTM parameters using this tool. It allows you to easily add campaign parameters to URLs so you can track Custom Campaigns in Google Analytics. Then you can find those sessions in source / medium report.

The importance of _gl parameter for cross domain tracking when you have Google Analytics installed

I have a website and its booking engine (2 different domains) at work and visitors land on the website and then proceed to the booking engine.
I have installed Google Analytics correctly to measure conversions that take place in the booking engine domain. Everything getting recorded correctly in Google Analytics account.
We recently launch Google Ads campaign and I saw that there is another parameter named '_gl' needed to append to the booking engine URL when a visitor proceeds to the booking engine via the website for correct cross domain tracking (probably to avoid Safari tracking prevention).
Just wanted to know, how important this _gl parameter for cross domain tracking since I already have correct Google Analytics setup in place and have linked Google Analytics and Ads accounts.
Thank you!
The parameter you mention is very important in order to correctly track users between two domains, otherwise GA cannot link the same user when they browse from one domain to another.

How to filter by query string in Google Analytics?

This is a question about Google Analytics state 06/2016.
We run a site and have decided to try out Facebook Ads. Now in Facebook ads we have defined a custom parameter src=fb.
I'd like to create a custom Analytics report that shows
How many visitors visited the site via Facebook Ads
and then which pages they viewed and if they clicked on Adsense ads and the usual Adsense statistics like cpc, rpm.
How do I create a filter for this src=fb query string so I can follow what they did on the target site?
Please be detailed, a "create a custom filter" doesn't cut it. How, where, what content? The target uri is /?src=fb.
Edit: More clear information
There is a target site:
There is a Ad campaign. To know that people came to the target site using this Ad campaign there is a parameter src=fb e.g.
Because we know the parameter we could filter visitors who landed on the target site through the ad campaign.
GET /?src=fb HTTP/1.1
This way we know people who clicked the ad came from the campaign.
People who did not click the ad visited the site from other sources. They don't matter in this context.
Now as the first step I'd like to display everyone who visited the site using /?src=fb uri. I could grep server logs but I wouldn't know if they clicked ads on the target site.
First, you should probably be using UTM parameters for offsite campaigns. Google Analytics automatically pulls UTM campaigns into standard campaign reports so you'd have to do only minimal sorting and filtering to analyze your Facebook ad performance.
But since you used a custom query string instead of UTMs you'll probably have to create a Custom Segment: Advanced > Conditions, and Include only Users (or Sessions, up to you) who hit a Landing Page that contains 'src=fb'. Like so:
Save that segment and view your reports through it and as long as your property is configured properly (you may have to define goals), you should see how your users behaved after hitting the ad.

Use Google Analytics for individual users

I have a website where people post items and I want to show some basic analytics in their own user panels, such as how many people viewed the posted item.
I am wondering if I can use a single mothership Google Analytics account across the whole site. Then, in my code for the user area, I have it query Google Analytics for that specific users posts and return the number of visits that specific person has had.
So my google analytics account may say "200 views across the whole site" but within the specific users panel I will be able to say "Your posts received 50 views".
This is the closest bit of documentation I could find on the subject:
It sounds like what you would need is multiple Google Analytics IDs / requests per page. This can be done with the newest version of Analytics, though not with the Classic Analytics.
You can certainly have multiple Google accounts access the single Google Analytics for a single domain. You can certainly split reporting capabilities and access to various Analytics features across multiple accounts.
From the docs:
You can install multiple instances of the Google Analytics tracking
code on your web pages to send data to multiple properties in your
Read: more here.

Why aliexpress is advertising my website and referring?

We are running a website(due to security reason cannot disclose the name until we find this solution) and we keep on getting referral link on our analytic account(see image) why would aliexpress and other sites would ask visitors to visit our website, is our application compromised so they are using our website? or this is Chinese being Chinese
This is clearly referrer spam and doesn't correspond to any traffic to your Web site. The spammers basically send fake pageviews directly to Google Analytics (using randomly chosen property IDs) and their aim is to trick you into following the referrer URLs. Some time ago I wrote an article that explains this in depth and that discusses different approaches to eliminate that referrer spam from Google Analytics:
