Plone - attach multiple files - plone

I do not have much experience with plone, I searched on other forums an answer to my problem but without success. I saw that with plone you can enter text via "Add" event, news, page, file .... is to add a file that I have encountered a problem, that I can not add more files. I need to add multiple files with a single description, there is a way to do it?
Thank you !

Supposing you are looking for a possibility to batch-upload files into a folder, there are several add-ons for help out there. I live happily with collective.quickupload, but you might want to make your own choice and have a look at the other products, too, as for example:
wildcard.foldercontents (this will be the default behaviour in Plone 5)
PloneJUpload (Java)
Also: Plone/Zope has a native FTP/WebDAV-support. You can connect to a running Plone using a Webdav client, upload files and see them loaded in the CMS.
Additionally plone.formwidget.multifile allows you to add a file-field to your contenttype, which is capable to select multiple files at once for the upload in one single file-field. Haven't seen an out-of-the-box integration into a contenttype around, though, just in case you'd like to do it :-)
Might be interesting, too in this context:
Browse-able ZIP


Is Drupal project supposed to be empty?

I was given a Drupal project and asked to figure out how its code base structured and how the project is structured overall.
I successfully installed it using xampp.
Now I see nothing custom in the project:
For blocks I have only Bartik and Rubik. For content type only Basic page. For file types Audio, Document, Image and Video. For menus Main Menu, Management, Navigation and User menu.
So, does it mean that I was given a blank empty project? What else may I check that may have been customly changed in an empty project? What may I have missed while installing the project that may cause it to become empty, without any customisations? Maybe it is possible to check for something in the files of the project?
I am asking a few questions here, since I am not sure which one of them will convey the matter which concerns me. But basically all of them mean the same: I just want to see what someone else did in the project. And the more customisations I will find, the better it will be.
Thank you.
This does look like a virgin install typically does. If you were expecting to see more, perhaps you need to import a database...
Confirm you've imported the project database and that your settings file is pointing to it. It looks like you're using Drupal 8, so the file should be in sites/default/settings.php
Check under Content to see if any nodes have been created. If you have some sort of botched import, you can also try accessing a few nodes randomly at, to check directly in case something is wrong with the index
Other than Nodes, Drupal content can be also in the form of Views. These are available at This is usually for heavily customised content. There are roughly 15 default Views that come with Drupal 8.
A default install will have no Modules installed in /modules. If you're seeing any directories there, it could be that the site was relying on these to display the content you're being asked to admin.
Trust this puts you on the right path. :)

Does anybody know of a Wordpress plugin that produces a PDF locally?

The function of the plugin is to print the page contents as a PDF.
I can find a bunch that connect to an external service in a popup to generate the PDF, but I can't seem to find one that produces the PDF on the server where the PDF needs to be generated.
The reason I don't want to use these external services is because of branding, and because most of them have advertising. If it wasn't for this, I wouldn't mind using these plugins either.
I'm OK with paying money if the plugin is good enough.
P.S. On an unrelated note, Wordpress' plugin search sucks :( I can't filter by version number, compatibility, etc.
I've found this
Should help you find what you need.
I already tried Print Friendly, and I think it could work in your situation.

How to add and share source code files in a WordPress based site?

I'm planning a personal/portfolio web site based on WordPress. What I would like to have is a list of example webdev projects/plugins/widgets along with the source code available for browsing in the least obtrusive way (if possible to skip downloading, going to another site, etc).
The alternatives:
The simplest:
Upload the code at github, sourceforge, launchpad, google code, or similar.
Share the link to the projects source code in the respective section in my site.
The easiest:
Use an existing WordPress plugin for exposing part of the uploads directory where I can upload the projects' source code.
Use a shortcode/widget/custom page for displaying the tree view with the projects and the source code within a WordPress page(s).
The most realistic:
Write the WordPress plugin from above. From my initial research, there is no such plugin for exposing the uploads directory files in the user and/or admin section of a WordPress site.
From my initial ideas the plugin is basically a file browser with a fancy tree view and a view panel for the source code file contents
(Nice to have) AJAX-ify the plugin to view the source code contents in a DIV with syntax highlighting.
What's your take on this?
I think what you list as the simplest option is also probably the best. You have all the tools that people are used to -- syntax coloring, etc. -- and all you have to do is make a comment or two and then link to it. This may sound silly, but there is also a certain gravitas lent to your code because it's not "just on some WordPress site".

Multiple-target cross-browser drag& drop file upload

We're investigating if it's possible to have the following: A webpage with multiple 'folders' to which a user can drag & drop a files. It's meant to be used as an interface to upload scanned documents to an archive.
For example, we would have page that states: 'Quotes', 'Invoices' & 'Misc'. Depending on the sort of document the user would drag & drop the file from the local file system to one of these three folders. It should then upload the file to the correct folder on the web server.
Is this possible, and if it is, any existing solutions using ASP.NET?
You can use modern browsers HTML5 functionalities to do so. A detailed explanation here:
There is also the jQuery plugin: This one is a bit bogus (truncates files with accents like in french, doesn't handle correctly several drop areas in the same page, ...), but are easy to fix (I sent a fixed version to the author weeks ago, but didn't get any feedback...)
With some Ajax and the correct server-side solution, it works like a charm. I don't know any .NET solution, though.
You could use a silverlight app or a java applet, but those are the only solutions that I know of... The users would obviously need to have silverlight or the jre installed.

How to display a list of files in drupal?

I am very green at Drupal and I would like to recreate a list of files like the table that is shown at any module page in [example]: it shows a table with the recommended releases and development releases. Each entry has a link to the file and some release notes.
What I would like is to clarify how this should be done, since I am new at drupal and I tend to be a bit confused. I am currently thinking that this is just a View, but I'm no sure.
In addition to this, I would also like to allow the download of these files to a specific role. I have managed to control this to pages, but not to attachments. Any ideas for this issue as well?
For the files, if you want access control on your files, you need to use the private files system which you can setup in the file settings. There are different modules that can help you with different tasks, like uploading etc.
How to best generate a table really depends where the files are coming from. If they are attached to nodes with CCK, it will be quite easy to use views. You can setup the fields, and how it should be displayed. If you want to create a download link, I believe you should use the generic file format.
