Cannot drag and drop widgets in admin - wordpress

I'm currently helping someone with their Wordpress site. They are running Wordpress 3.5.1. The problem is that I cannot drag and drop any widgets into their widget areas. I ran the Javascript console and found this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'hoverIntent'
I have moved the whole Wordpress site to a testing server. The problem is that this Wordpress site is running a custom theme, and a bunch of plugins (even som custom as well), so I guess updating the WordPress-script is not an option, if I don't want to mess up things completely.
I have deactivated and removed both the theme and all plugins, and the problem still persists. I can't understand why, as it should technically be a clean WordPress install.
Any suggestions would be appreciated though!

Try deactivating plugins one by one and check to see if everything is ok. I has happened alot that plugins break javascript or css in the backend that cause some js functionalities to break.

Seems like I was missing some necessarry JS files in the wp-includes/js/ folder. Downloaded files from


Elementor page content screen keeps going blank when i try to edit

When i try to edit with elementor on my site, the page content is visible for about 3 seconds and then disappears. Elementor buttons dont work as well and updates dont reflect on main site.
I have cleared cache, increased wp memory limit and tried upgrading elementor.
Depending on the cache plugins you're using check if css and js files are being mimified/combined, sometimes it can create conflicts.
Also check elementor system requirements here:
What are Elementor’s system requirements?
You can go to Elementor > System info in your dashboard to see if all the requirements are met.
If trying all the above didn't solve the issue, I'd recommend disabling all plugins except Elementor and see if now the issue is resolved.
If it is resolved then it's a plugin causing the conflict, reactivate the plugins one by one to find the one causing the issue.
If disabling all plugins didn't solve the issue you could try switching to a different theme and see if that solves it.
If anything of these solutions resolved the issue you could enable debug log on your wordpress and see what pops up in the debug log file: Debugging in WordPress
Depending on the error shown you could look it up to find a solution or contact your hosting provider's support.

'Visual Composer' plugin is outputting weird image links

Morning everyone, i'm having a super weird issue with my recent wordpress migration. I moved the (working) site to another webspace and i'm slowly running out of ideas (jk, already ran out).
Issue: After the migration, the plugin Visual Composer is outputting nonsense image links to the frontend that look like this: instead of the uploaded images url. Result: No images are showing on the frontend.
This issue only happens when i use the single image block provided by VC itself. Inputting an image the wordpress way, inside of a text block, works.
What could be the reason for this? i'm super thankful for any advice since i'm not a programmer.
I have already tried:
Enabling wp debug, not getting any errors
Installing different versions of Visual Composer, multiple times
Reinstalling Wordpress, multiple times
disabling all plugins
completely reinstalling and reuploading everything from scratch
different php versions
As I saw in your screenshot with the src attribute of your image and it has data-src attribute also, I think that it's because the new site (or maybe the new hosting) is using lazy load which will update all images source of the site to the lazy load image for better performance.
Lazy load images mean that the image won't load at the beginning, when you start to scroll down to each section, the images of this section will be loaded. In this way, the site will be optimized and won't load many resources at the beginning.
I think you can:
Check if there is any cache plugin installed, try to deactivate this plugin.
Check with the hosting provider if there is any cache setting installed, try to deactivate this setting also.
See if the image is working in the backend or not, if it's still loaded in the backend, I'm pretty sure that it's the cache issue. If it doesn't load in the backend, I think there is something wrong with your theme source code.
Compare the hosting environment, especially the PHP version of the old and new site to see if there is any differences.

Website still trying to call js files from uninstalled plugin

I'm using GTmetrix (waterfall section) to troubleshoot a slow-loading Wordpress site, and it's showing that several .js files associated with the plugin that I have uninstalled/deleted are still loading - or trying to load. The plugin files are no longer on the server. When i navigate trough the Waterfall chart i can see the js files associated to the plugin. The calls are red and show 0 kb. But my website is still trying to call these files.
I've seen some suggestions to try and solve this such as looking at options.php to see if the plugin still had left something behind because of bad coding/writing. But my options.php file shows no leftovers from the particular plugin (accordion FAQ, formerly known as responsive accordion and collapse)
Why would my website still try to call these js files from plugins that have already been deleted?
Can't comment yet, so as an answer :) Are you using a caching plugin? You could be looking at cache. If so, purge all cache (always an option somewhere in the caching plugin).
Deleting cache + minified css/js option in WP fastest cache was what worked for me.

Wordpress - Theme stuck at loading after migration

I have been recently tasked to migrate a Wordpress page to another hosting services. Task, which should be quite easy, took me last 2 days and I still can't figure out what is wrong. After migrating (tried it with Duplicator plugin, manual copying and changing links in database) pages won't load. I managed to get into backend and after changing theme to any default Wordpress theme (twentysixteen, twentyseveteen etc.) site works fine but when I try use designated theme (Proxima, it just won't load. Page is trying to load but in the end it shows 503 error. Same thing if I want to see the preview of theme in backend, loading animation appears and nothing happened. I tried a lot of things to fix it: changing file permissions, disabling plugins, updating Wordpress, downgrading Wordpress, changing php version, changing MySQL version and nothing works. My theme support has expired and before I renew it I just wanted to ask if anyone had that problem before. Maybe there is super easy fix and I just don't see it.
Thanks in advance for any help
Problem solved with hosting support. Bad media path was the problem.

FancyBox for WordPress not working any more

My FancyBox for WordPress plugin stopped working. I can not see any problem with the plugin directly there are some errors with JavaScript from the theme but I have no idea how to fix them.
Here is the site:
P.S. I have not updated my theme or my plugins the FancyBox just stopped one day....
When I checked your site, there were no errors in the console. If you saw a net::ERROR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT, this is most likely an error caused by your ad blocker; it's nothing to worry about. There also do not appear to be any visual deformities. I cannot see anything wrong, please specify further
