Writing a server using concepts of telnet - networking

I was given an assignment on networking which I have no clue of where to start.
This is the main part of the specification:
"You are expected to write a server that maintains a 'database' of your appointments (date, time, with whom, etc). All the usual operations such as searching, addition and deletion must be available. After your server has been activated, all interaction with it has to occur through Telnet. Your server is also responsible to echo everything that is entered.
To make your program more visually pleasing, you may use ANSI escape sequences that are supported by ANSI and VT100 (and other) emulations. Two of the more useful ANSI escape sequences are:
ESC[2J to clear the screen; and
ESC[y;xH to move the cursor to position (x,y) on the screen;"
So all I'm asking is which tools I need to complete this assignment?
And if there are any sources I can be provided to help me understand what to do it would be appreciated :)
Thank you

Given that you're using Java, you should initially check out the Java socket tutorial. In particular the server section of the client/server tutorial will give you a good starting point. I would expect you to write a server listening on a particular port.
You can then telnet to that port (telnet localhost port_number) and your server can then act on whatever you type into that telnet session.
I would worry about the ANSI side of things last of all, frankly.


How to render a remote ncurses console?

I wanna write a remote console, working like a telnet server. User is able to use telnet to log into the server, then write some commands to do some works.
A good example for this is the console of router os. What I'm confusing right now is, I can accept user's input, do someting then print some texts back, but I wanna use ncurses to make the console has more features(such as "cmd auto-complete", syntax color...), so how can I do that? Because the console is in user side, if the server calls ncurses APIs it'll just change stuffs on server...
Maybe this is a stupid question but I'm really newbie on this. Any suggestions are appreciated.
This is more difficult than you might think.
You need to understand how terminals work - they use special control sequences for e.g. moving the cursor or color output. This is described by a terminfo file which is terminal-specific. Ncurses translates API calls (e.g. move cursor to a certain position) to such control sequences using terminfo.
Since the terminal (nowadays xterm, gnome-terminal, screen, tmux, etc) is on the client side, you have to pass the type of terminal from the client to the server. That's why e.g. ssh passes this information from the ssh client to the server (try echo $TERM in your ssh session - it might be 'linux' if you are logged in via the console, or 'xterm', if you are using X and an xterm). Also, you better have the respective terminfo available on the server.
Another piece of the puzzle is pseudo terminals. As nowadays relatively few people use serial terminals, their semantics are emulated so that applications and libraries (e.g. curses and its friends) originally developed for serial consoles keep working. This is achieved via pseudo terminals - these are like pipes, a master and a slave device communicates, anything written on one side comes out on the other side. For a login process, getty, for example, can just use one side of a pty device and think it's a serial line - your server program must handle the other side of the pty, sending everything it gets from the pty to your client via the network.
Terminal emulators also use ptys, type tty into your terminal, and you'll get something like /dev/pts/9 if you're using a terminal emulator. On the other side of the pty it's usually your shell, communicating with your terminal emulator via the pty.
Your client program can more or less just use standard input and standard output. If your terminal information is correct, the rest will be handled by your terminal emulator, just pass anything you receive from your server program to stdout, and send anything you read from stdin to your server program.
Hopefully I haven't left out any important detail. Good luck!
It is possible to have ncurses operate on streams other than stdin and stdout. Call newterm() before initscr() to set the input and output file handles for ncurses.
But you will need to know what sort of terminal is on the remote end of the connection (ssh and telnet both have mechanisms for communicating this to the server) and you will also want a fall back to a non-ncurses interface in case the remote end is not a supported terminal type (or if you can't determine the terminal type).

How to send emails with an Arduino without using a computer?

I'm experimenting with my Arduino Mega. I also have an Arduino Ethernet Shield.
I need to send emails using them, without the help of a computer (or any other device; like a smartphone, etc.). Though I could find several articles, I couldn't find any acceptable solution...
How can I do it? As I'm not asking this to be used for any special application, you can
make any assumption about missing details.
From the discussion above in comments it sounds like you either need code from someone who has just done it for you or you need to take the time to learn about the components and find or make the components.
They wouldn't make an Ethernet shield for this platform if it was only useful for non-standard packets. So someone somewhere has created some level of an IP stack.
Backing up though, in order to send mail you need to learn the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). Almost all Internet protocol definitions are defined using something called RFCs (Request for Comments). So if you google SMTP RFC you will find RFC 2821.
IETF is Internet engineering task force. There will be many copies of these documents on many websites. And due to the age of the Internet and these protocols in many cases you will find that one RFC has been created to replace a prior one. Version numbers are not used, but it is kind of like HTML 1.0 then HTML 2.0 and so on. I recommend even though the RFC says that it completely replaces RFC xyz, go find RFC xyz and read it. I go back as far as I can find learn that one then work my way forward.
Many/most protocols that ride on top of TCP (TCP is yet another protocol defined in an RFC, more on that later) are ASCII based, makes it very easy to, for example, Telnet to learn/experiment with the protocol, you can probably use Telnet to learn SMTP.
Most protocols are some sort of a half duplex thing, make a connection and often the server sends you a string, you see that string and then you send some sort of hello string, the server responds with some sort of OKAY or fail status. For SMTP, you then do some sort of I am mailing from this email address, server says OKAY, you say I want to mail this person or this list of people, for each email address you get an okay or fail. Eventually, you tell the server you are ready to send the body of the message, you do that, end the message with the defined termination. Then either the server says okay or fail or maybe there is some more handshaking.
The protocols in general though have this back and forth. Usually you are sending strings with commands and usually the server side sends back a short okay or error. Sometimes, if they want, they send back more detail on the error, but always start with the few bytes that indicate okay or error. The protocols generally have a flow, you must do this first then this then that.
You should learn sockets programming, sometimes called Berkeley sockets. You can write programs that are mostly portable across unixes but also across to Windows using Windows sockets if that is your platform of choice. You need to learn the protocol first, and it is better on your desktop/laptop and not embedded, you can get it done faster there. You do NOT have to learn to fork or thread to use sockets. The examples may show that as it is easy to show it that way, but you can write complete applications using polling only, it is half duplex send something, wait, send something, wait. For these simple learning programs, a little time up front to learn sockets, from there, it is all learning the protocols.
Now that was the very easy part, the hard part is the TCP/IP stack. I do not recommend attempting that without gaining a lot more experience taking baby steps on your way there. For example, learn to respond to ARP first (yet another RFC protocol, address resolution protocol) then ping (ICMP echo, one subset of the ICMP protocols) then IP basics (sniffing packets) then receive and generate UDP packets. TCP is a whole other level above that, more handshaking. It is not fixed packet size, it is streaming, do not have your code operate on packets, it is a stream of bytes, like working with a serial port.
Doing your own TCP stack is very much a non-trivial thing, I don't recommend it, you need to find someone that has done a TCP/IP stack for this platform for the Ethernet shield and just use it, whatever RTOS or environment they use, use it. Then take your desktop/laptop based experience with the protocol and apply that.
From the discussion above, if you don't want to learn the protocols, etc., I think you need to google around looking at Arduino Ethernet shield examples and see if anyone has done something that sends emails.

making JVM send custom tcp-packet

I'm playing a game and i'm trying to send some custom requests to the server in order to perform some tasks easier .. While i will gain little to none from this, i have become very interested in the educational part of it.
Since the game runs partially on client via a .jar and/or a .cab file i think it is run by JVM - correct me if im wrong
I have captured some traffic send by the game via wireshark. The protocol is TCP and it looks like this:
!, 1338,102,264,0.0 ,0.0,32433553,0, 102,264,
Nevermind all the numbers - thats for me to figure out.
But when i create and send a similar packet via a couple of different programs it always fails. This is of course because i am sending the wrong sequence number along with the TCP-packet.
So in order to not mess up the sequence-number i figure i will have to inject the process running the game and then somehow make it send my custom packets.
How do i go about that ?
You can't mess with the TCP sequence number in pure Java. Java doesn't even do that itself, the TCP stack does all that.
It is most unlikely that this is your real problem.

Let two UDP-servers listen on the same port?

I have a client which sends data via UDP-broadcast. (To let's say
Now I want to have multiple servers listening to this data. To do so on a local machine, they need to share the port 12345 for listening.
My question is, if that is possible, if there are any disadvantages and if there could be problems with this approach.
There is one alternative which unfortunately brings with a lot of overhead:
Implement some kind of registration-process. On startup, each server tells the client its port. The client then sends the messages to each port (having to send the data multiple times, some kind of handshaking needs to be implemented...)
Do you know any better alternative?
If that matters:
I'm using C++ with Boost::Asio. The software should be portable (mainly Linux and Windows).
You will have to bind the socket in both processes with the SO_REUSEPORT option. If you don't specify this option in the first process, binding in the second will fail. Likewise, if you specify this option in the first but not the second, binding in the second will fail. This option effectively specifies both a request ("I want to bind to this port even if it's already bound by another process") and a permission ("other processes may bind to this port too").
See section 4.12 of this document for more information.
This answer is referenced to the answer of cdhowie, who linked a document which states that SO_REUSEPORT would have the effect I'm trying to achieve.
I've researched how and if this option is implemented and focused mainly on Boost::Asio and Linux.
Boost::Asio does only set this option if the OS is equal to BSD or MacOSX. The code for that is contained in the file boost/asio/detail/reactive_socket_service.hpp (Boost Version 1.40, in newer versions, the code has been moved into other files).
I've wondered why Asio does not define this option for platforms like Linux and Windows.
There are several references discussing that this is not implemented in Linux:
There also is a patch which should add this functionality to the kernel:
I don't know if this option is existing for Windows, but by defining portable as an attribute for software which runs on Linux too, this means, that SO_REUSEPORT is OS specific and there is no portable solution for my question.
In one of the discussions I've linked it is recommended for UDP to implement a master-listener which then provides the incoming data to multiple slave-listeners.
I will mark this answer as accepted (though feeling kind of bad by accepting my own answer), because it points out why the approach of using SO_REUSEPORT will fail when trying to use it with portable software.
Several sources explain that you should use SO_REUSEADDR on windows. But none mention that it is possible to receive UDP message with and without binding the socket.
The code below binds the socket to a local listen_endpoint, that is essential, because without that you can and will still receive your UDP messages, but by default your will have exclusive ownership of the port.
However if you set reuse_address(true) on the socket (or on the acceptor when using TCP), and bind the socket afterwards, it will enable multiple applications, or multiple instances of your own application to do it again, and everyone will receive all messages.
// Create the socket so that multiple may be bound to the same address.
boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint listen_endpoint(
listen_address, multicast_port);
// == important part ==
// == important part ==
boost::array<char, 2000> recvBuffer;
socket_.async_receive_from(boost::asio::buffer(recvBuffer), m_remote_endpoint,
boost::bind(&SocketReader::ReceiveUDPMessage, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error, boost::asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred)

How should one go about choosing a default TCP/IP port for a new service?

When developing an app that will listen on a TCP/IP port, how should one go about selecting a default port? Assume that this app will be installed on many computers, and that avoiding port conflicts is desired.
Go here and pick a port with the description Unassigned
First step: look at IANA listing :
There you will see at the tail of the list
"The Dynamic and/or Private Ports are those from 49152 through 65535"
so those would be your better bets, but once you pick one you could always google on it to see if there is a popular enough app that has already "claimed" it
If by widely-used, you mean you want to protect against other people using it in the future, you can apply to have it marked as reserved for your app by IANA here
The most comprehensive list of official IANA port numbers and non-official port numbers I know is nmap-services.
You probably want to avoid using any ports from this list (Wikipedia).
I would just pick one, and once the app is used by the masses, the port number will become recognized and included in such lists.
Choosing an unassigned one from the IANA list is usually sufficient, but if you are talking about a commercially-released product, you really should apply to the IANA to get one assigned to you. Note that the process of doing this is simple but slow; the last time I applied for one, it took a year.
As others mention, check IANA.
Then check your local systems /etc/services to see if there are some custom ports already in use.
And please, don't hardcode it. Make sure it's configurable, someway, somehow -- if for no other reason that you want to be able to have multiple developers using their own localized builds at the same time.
If this is for an application that you expect to be used widely, then register a number
here so no-one else uses it.
Otherwise, just pick an unused one randomly.
The problem with using one in the dynamic range is that it may not be available because it may be being used for a dynamic port number.
Well, you can reference some commonly used port numbers here and try not to use anyone else's.
If by "open to the public at large" you mean you're opening ports on your own systems, I'd have a chat with your system administrators about which ports they feel comfortable with doing that with.
Choose a number that is not very common
Choose a default port that doesn't interfere with the most common daemons and servers. Also make sure that the port number isn't listed as an attack vector for some virus -- some companies have strict policies where they block such ports no matter what. Last but not least, make sure the port number is configurable.
Use iana list. Download the csv file from :
and use this shell script for searching for unregistred ports:
for port in {N..M}; do if ! grep -q $port service-names-port-numbers.csv; then echo $port;fi; done;
and put 2 numbers instead of N and M.

