GA: Where we see event tracking report? - google-analytics

So i created an event tracking, tested with GA analytics debugger plugin from chrome(it works) and in google analytics panel i can't find the report, is my first time with this, and i not found this on google, someone can help?
I'm in the new analytics interface

The Normal events overview page is located:
Behavior > Events > Overview
Real-time events are located:
Real-time > events
Intelligent Events are located:
Intelligence Events > Overview


Google Analytics Social Interactions via. gtag.js

Google Analytics documentation seems light on this topic, but historically businesses have been able to track social sharing interactions on their websites - 'Social Plugins' - via. both ga.js and analytics.js. See here:
For use case example, as a business, an analyst would like to understand how often website content is shared onto social networks by website visitors.
The problem I'm having is, I can't easily find what the gtag.js equivalent is of this functionality. The closest I can find is to send a gtag event called 'share' - but not sure if this will populate the Social Report under Acquisition in Google Analytics.
Could anyone please advise how to track Social Interactions via. gtag.js for Google Analytics?
_gaq.push(['_trackSocial', network, socialAction, opt_target, opt_pagePath]);
ga('send', 'social', [socialNetwork], [socialAction], [socialTarget], [fieldsObject]);
Note: I found this website which website - - which does seem to use gtag event 'share' function but I am just not sure if it populates the Social reports in GA as I can't see any documentation to support that.
I made a test and I confirm that the share event mentioned does not end up in the social report but in the event report.
Since the gtag.js documentation does not mention social hits (the parameter can only be: CONFIG, SET or EVENT) I believe there is currently no way to send that type of interactions from the website with gtag.
Sadly there is no way to translate this social hit type from UA (Universal Analytics) to GA4 (Google Analytics 4) directly.
The Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4 migration guide (by Google) mentions this in the Hit types section of the document comparing the two:
Universal Analytics hit types include page hits, event hits, ecommerce hits, and social interaction hits.
In contrast, Google Analytics 4 data is event-based, with the principle that any interaction can be captured as an event. As such, Universal Analytics property hit types translate to events in a Google Analytics 4 property.
Further down the document it also says:
[...] it’s better to rethink your data collection in terms of the Google Analytics 4 model rather than port your existing event structure to Google Analytics 4.

Google Analytics registering Sessions but not Pageviews (4,402 sessions vs 0 pageviews)

I can't figure out an issue I'm having on a client account.
I have GA installed via GTM. It appears to be triggering correctly.
But over in GA, it appears that it's registering Sessions but not Pageviews.
As a consequence, I'm seeing 4,402 sessions under Audience > Overview, Acquisition > Overview and I'm seeing sessions under Real-Time. But Behavior > Overview is giving me little data. Behavior > Landing Pages is showing all sessions as "(not set)".
How do I fix and/or troubleshoot this?
updating to include GA debugging info
Here's what I get out of the GA Chrome Debugging extension. Looks good to my eyes...
To wrap this up, I figured it out.
The GTM UA pageview tag wasn't firing. It was never published. I was looking at the preview in google tag manager which is why everything appeared to be working correctly. It never occurred to me it never went live. (oops!)
Sessions triggered whenever a user clicked something because that sort of event was set up in GTM, but none of the page info was being pushed into GA.
And thats how you get sessions with no pageviews in Google Analytics.

Google Analytics Tracking Events

In our Google Analytics, we have a couple of events showing up that we have not set them up! By that, I mean, I haven't trigger those events from our website, neither through codes (ga.send('event')), nor through Google Tag Manager. I just can't figure out where they're populating from. To be specific, they're "Video" and "Livechat" events.
Is it possible that Analytics have ways of figuring some obvious events and track them for us?
Google Analytics does not send events on it's own. More likely scenarios are:
You are using third party integrations for video and livechat and
they include Google Analytics code that sends to your property (and
possibly others)
Someone else is using your tracking id in their site (you can check this by setting hostname as secondary dimension in your event reports)

why isn't this google analytics event being logged?

I've created a new Google Analytics website. I've added the tracking code script block before . I'm sending a custom event to GA and no js error is thrown. However, when I navigate to Reporting > Behavior > Events > Overview, no events are displayed. I haven't created any filters for this GA account that would block the request. Any idea what the problem might be or next steps to debug?

Testing google analytics code for website

How google analytics tool used on a website can be tested on desktop/notepad or mobile ?
It is required in the project for tracking number of clicks on save button and for many other similar things.
Someone plsss help.
You should use Events for tracking clicks:
Then for example in Firebug you should check if when clicking on button where you set Event tracking there is sent request to Google Analytics.
It will look like:
Try Analytics Debuger to track all Analytics calls
