SASS - Unable to cancel folder watch - css

I'm new to SASS and as such ran sass --watch dir on my /scss directory.
Then I discovered Compass and ran compass watch on the same directory.
Now when I edit style.scss, the compass watch updates the /css/style.css file as expected, and the sass watch creates a new style.css alongside the style.scss file (which is unwanted).
I managed to cancel the compass watch with Ctrl+C. However even after a full system restart the sass watch still seems to be active. I.E. it's still creating style.css in the /scss directory.
How can I stop it?

I've solved the problem.
Its turns out I had the Sublime Text SASS Build Package installed which was running all along.
I've uninstalled that and now everything is as it should be.

Oh ! You don't have to use Sass and compass at the same time dude.
Compass is a SASS extension, so you can use it alone.
Personally i advice you to learn SASS first so forget Compass for few months.
For the directory problem it's simple. Open your terminal go into the folder youre working.
Image you have a folder named site1 with a sass and a css subfolder. Go into your the site1 folder and run :
sass --watch sass/style.scss:css/style.css
And normaly it should work :)


SASS Directory won't change

I keep trying to run sass --watch scss:css on a directory and unfortunately, the scss files are not compiling.
SASS does confirm that it's watching for changes, but I've noticed that it is looking in my Program Files directory.
My project with the actual SCSS and CSS files is in my C/username/documents/project/assets directory. If I try to enter that path explicitly in the sass --watch command, I get an error message.
How can I specify the correct directory so SASS will stop trying to compile my files in Program Files?
First make sure your sass is working well and you can try below option for compiling into different folder.
sass --watch input-dir:output-dir

Starting with Compass and Sass

i wanted to ask, how can i continue working on existing project, while having no experience on compass/sass used here?
I always use Grunt and Less, but now i have to face Compass and Sass.
Here, i created screenshot of files structure.
My problem is, how setup system to get this all work. For example i see this code in compass/scss/style.scss:
#import "compass";
#import "bootstrap";
#import "mixins";
#import "defaults";
#import "layouts/forms";
#import "layouts/header-footer";
#import "layouts/home";
For example, i see #import compass, but there is no directory like this, and i dont know how can i attach - install compass, to get this work.
And another question, with grunt all i needed, was gruntfile configured, then i just type "grunt observe", and all changes in less files was converted to one css file.
But here, i can't find starting point. I have installed Ruby, and i have tried various commands in command line, but nothing works.
For example, from compass page, i have tried :
$ cd /path/to/project
$ compass watch
But this does nothing, just show some info in command line, that compass is watching for changes...
So in general, how to continue this project without installed components to work with ?
For Using Sass and Compass,
You are required to Install Ruby, sass and compass,
Then move to the project folder path where the config.rb file lies,
Then run the compass watch here
you can see like the following on your terminal / bash / command prompt
>>> Compass is watching for changes. Press Ctrl-C to Stop.
After this If there is no css file created, You have to simply make some changes on one of the scss files or partial files(_filename) that you have imported to style.scss.
The link will guide you to proper installation and creating project folder setting up.

Sass directory watch not acknowledging changes

I have been using Sass for about half a year now and have absolutely fell in love with sass --watch.
Just recently (I believe after I updated Sass to 3.4.5), I am unable to get standard functionality out of the --watch option.
My directory structure exists like this:
As you can imagine, I'm trying to watch the "css" folder. My command has always been sass --watch Desktop/parent/project/css. I even tried other things such as sass --watch Desktop/parent/project/css:Desktop/parent/project/css to see if that would work, but it didn't.
Any shove in the right direction would be appreciated. I just don't understand why this suddenly isn't working.
Sass is 3.4.5 and I just updated ruby today to this ruby 2.0.0p481 (2014-05-08 revision 45883) [universal.x86_64-darwin14].
In case anyone else encounters this problem, I have found a workaround by simply navigating to the directory I want to watch (via Terminal) and then executing a watch on the current directory like so: sass --watch ./.

Does a save to a scss file automatically update the css file?

I just started working with scss a few days ago (with Webstorm), and it seem to auto generate/update the css file after saving the scss file. Unfortunately, when I save the scss file now, no changes are made to the css file. I was working on these files from a different location, so I am guessing that the Webstorm settings might be different. I thought file watchers might have something to do with it, but I am not sure what goes in the program field. I really have no idea why this is happening.
No, saving a .SCSS file does not automatically compile the final stylesheet file. What you need to do is set up a watch. There are a number of ways to do this (and a number of programs that'll do it for you).
The most straight forward is through the command line. Assuming you have the SASS gem installed (and you're in a ruby environment), do the following in the command line:
Navigate to the folder in which your .scss file/s are kept.
Run the following command: sass --watch style.scss:style.css
Note: The above assumes that both your .scss and .css files are named style, adjust accordingly if they are not. Also, if your .css and .scss files are in different directories you'll have to adjust the paths accordingly.
Remember, sass --watch then yourScssFile.scss : yourCssFile.css
Alternatively you can use an app, like LiveReload to watch the files for you. this'll take a bit of configuration, but it may be a little easier for you if you're only just getting started in the wornderful world of SCSS/SASS
Yopu can use File Watchers in WebStorm to auto-update the CSS file on changing SCSS; but this would also require installing the external SCSS compiler (SASS gem). Please refer to for more information

Foundation 4 sass --watch issue

Brand spanking new to foundation 4,
I've installed all dependancies, compass, sass, and zurb-foundation.
ran compass create testproject -r zurb-foundation --using foundation --syntax sass
... worked fine.
ran sass --watch sass:css in the testproject directory and I keep getting errors like so...
error /Users/figmints/Sites/testssss/sass/app.sass (Line 5: File to import not found or unreadable: normalize.
Load paths:
In the config.rb, the first line is require 'zurb-foundation'
Isn't this supposed to make the file normalize.scss visible to the project so that I do not have to copy each file located in my gems folder?
Could anyone direct me towards my mistake, please?
As far as I know, there's no sass watch. What you need to do is:
Navigate to your project's root folder (which is where your Compass project's config.rb should be) through your terminal
Type compass watch and hit Enter
See the magic happen (if you have nicely configured your config.rb, that is)
A Compass project should be watched by Compass. The watch function is why—IMO—Compass is so nice: it does something Sass naturally doesn't do.
Have you tried compiling using compass watch in your testproject root directory, instead of compiling with Sass? Because you created your project with Compass, so you should use Compass to compile.
