angular-ui bootstrap datepicker multiple date selection - angular-ui

It seems lite angular-ui/bootstrap/datepicker cannot be configured for multiple date selection.
Is there someone who have implemented a hack or have a good idea where to start modifying the source to enable selection of multiple date in a single datepicker?

I've googled for this same answer today and found this:
I noticed that the project initial commit is newer than this question and maybe you already solved the problem, but the link can be usefull to someone reading this.

You may try this plugin: MultipleDatePicker
MultipleDatePicker is an Angular directive to show a simple calendar allowing user to select multiple dates with a bunch of options to customize it.
GitHub link


How to set minDate for flatpickr/Ninja Forms?

I kinda asked this question already but have not gotten a solution, so I am giving this another try...
I am using the WordPress Plugin ninja forms and have a datepicker. I want to disable any past dates, so that the user can only select the present or future dates in the datepicker.
I googled this a lot but from what I am understanding most posts about this won't work anymore since Ninja Forms changed its datepicker plugin from pikaday to flatpickr.
I know that I need to set "minDate" to today but I don't know how to select the datepicker field. I am attaching a screenshot of the HTML that the plugin produces. If anyone can help me with this, that would very much appreciated!!
You can modify the settings in javascript like in this documentation: Flatpickr documentation
But I'm facing the same issue because I can't make this code work on my site. I think it's the loading order or something like that... Anyway, hope this will help you!

Twigmo custom style files

did anyone ever customize the Twigmo addon basic theme for cs-cart? I am trying to write custom css files for font size and color. What I tried:
Using the visual Editor: after working for like 2 hours changing the styles, I tried saving and apparently my current subscription doesn't allow me to do custom files using visual editor
I tried searching for other solutions: fell on this twigmo skin editing which basically tells me to create a custom css file called custom{theme-name}.css. I did but i still can't figure out what classes the twigmo for what. Does anyone know where i can find this? i am also posting a question on the forum to see if they can help me.
Thank-you in advance. hope my question is clear enough.
The free "Starter" Twigmo subscription plan doesn't provide an ability to customize CSS. You have to subscribe for any paid plan. In this case the visual editor will be available for you. Also you will be able to write your custom CSS code in the visual editor.
Regarding your second solution - it is for old version and doesn't work for the Twigmo 3.x.
Hovewer you can modify the design/themes/[your_theme]/templates/addons/twigmo/mobile_index.tpl file. You can add your CSS code there. It is not the most convenient way, but it is free.

JQuery Autocomplete #combobox not working with jquery DataTables

Requirement : I need editable drop down in my application similar to the one in the given here.
In my existing application I am using jQuery Data table within this table I need one of the column to be editable drop down.
For this I Googled it and found jQueryUI AutoComplete ComboBox,I gone through the demo and I changed it according to my requirement but I didn't find any changes.
Even I am not able to understand whether cause/problem is ude to Data Table or jQueryUI/autocomplete library.
I have included
jquery.dataTables.min.js (datatable)
if any one come across this problem please guide me.
Before configure this in your application ,please try this in a different file. i have tried this code and works . May be some other script files in your application affected this JQ.

Symfony2 custom (HTML5) date field creation

My target is to create a custom Date field (which should work with Doctrine). The main difference with the basic Symfony's one is that it shouldn't be 3 dropdowns, but one <input type="date">.
I've tried several tutorials like Symfony's book and some helpful answers here.
However the more solutions I try to embed, the more problems I see.
Could anybody write or advise the tutorial for this task?
Thanks in advance.
The date field type supports that already. Just set the widget option to single_text and voila — you'll have what you want. No need to create a special type for that. :)
In Symfony >= 2.6 they introduced a html5 option which will generate a HTML5 input element.
You can see the documentation here:

How can I customize FCKeditor with my own buttons?

I need to modify the open-source FCKeditor (not CKeditor) to allow users to select multiple files and upload them in one go (as opposed to selecting them one at a time).
I've found a way to provide the functionality - there are ready made components that can be used.
But how do I add custom buttons with custom functionality in FCKeditor. Anyone know?
Thanks a bunch.
[Revised question]
Finally got it working. I added a generic handler. It did not interfere with the working of the control.
