Drupal 7 quantity of content type - drupal

I have a Drupal 7 website with a content type for each product type. In the past I have incorporated sizes (XS,S,M,L,XL) with term reference into one of the product types (the other are size independent).
I would like to have stock information available now too (without using Drupal Commerce).
I could add an integer field to the content types for this. But the products that are size dependant should have stock info for each size.
One important thing it that it should be easy to manage the content types with their stock information with drupal feeds
Does anyone have an idea for achieving this?
Thank you in advance.

What about using the Field collection module to make a field collection that contains a size field, and stock levels field. This would be attached to a product, so each product can have multiple sizes, and each size has a stock level.


Woocommerce composite products

I am struggling to get composite products to display the way I want in this situation. I am also using product bundles.
Basically I want to display dumbbells for sale on a page, I need an option to either buy them individually (1kg, 2kg, 3kg... 10kg, not a problem) or two options to buy sets containing 6 (1kg-6kg) or all 10 of the individual dumbbells for a fixed price.
I have got very close using product bundles but even with the fixed price for the set it still creates a dropdown box to pick a specific dumbbell and whatever is picked has no outcome because the price is fixed. This is confusing for the customer so I just need that drop down box not to appear, any ideas on how to structure it?
I need the stock of individual dumbbells (for example the 1kg-6kg set) to each decrease by one if the set is purchased.

nopcommerce - multi store with product attributes

We are configuring a multi-store setup. Our products have several attributes and we want to limit the values of each attribute based on the store involved. For eg. if the product is Mug, then for store A, the mug may show Logo A and Phone A to be printed on the mug but for store B, the same mug product may show Logo B and Phone B. For Store C, it could be Logo A and Phone B
How can we set this up?
If this requires customization, can you please guide me where to start as I am pretty new to nopcommerce.
The latest version of nopCommerce 3.5 till date does not support product attributes or specification attributes to be varied by stores.
However the individual products can be limited to individual stores.
So in that case you need to create two products with the same information but different attributes and limit the products to stores.
If you really want to customize then you will have to edit the ProductBox view and I think Catalog controller to start with. For example where the product attributes and specification attributes are loaded there you might consider adding filters by stores.

Drupal 7: Taxonomies or Relations? what's a good why to strcuture hierarchial content

I'm a total Drupal Newbie, trying to understand the basic concepts of building hierarchical content.
Let's say I'm building a website for a Music Label and want to represent this structure, should I use taxonomies, one of the Relation/Entity modules, or a combination of both?
My site will have these "Types" :
Artists (with a name, images, videos, bio, related artists).
Artists have tour dates (listing the venue, time, ticket purchase information, poster image).
Artists have Releases (with a name, date, genre, list of tracks, images, list of contributing artists). Many Artists can be contributing to a single release.
A track in a release has an actually media file or a URL, a name, associated with an artists and release.
A Genre behaves like a tag and does not relate to one specific artists but is associated to a many releases.
I'll have a Bands page, band page showing the list of releases and tour dates, release page showing the tracks and participating artists, releases per Genre page, general tour dates page (with an option to filter by band).
Should I use taxonomies, content types with Entities/Relations, a combination of both?
What are the pros and cons?
Some personal suggestions about his project:
1) Content type: Artist -> Related Artists | Relationship
2) Content type: Releases -> Contributed Artists | Relationship
3) Content type: Releases -> Genre | Taxonomy term field
4) Content type: Bands | Should be of node type and be created by Relationships with the Artists.
A general 'best practice' here is this:
A taxonomy term is used to categorize content. A relationship is used to create a relationship between 2 or more content types. The taxonomy term will have a default path to display but the relationship won't.
Here's a useful description from one of the taxonomy module's maintainers:
The way I use taxonomy module is this: my content (nodes) are original
to my site, but the terms that describe it (taxonomy terms) are
concepts that are part of universal, cultural and scientific truths
that exist independently of the content on my site. For these
concepts, I only need a name to represent those concepts.
Taxonomy.module is a place where relationships of meaning are played
out against the content of my site.
From a comment by Benjamin Doherty.

How to have a product with different price options

I want all my product to have multiple prices.
for example:
I'm selling windows. every window has a normal type, ultra thin type and a strong type.
some windows doesn't have a strong type,
every type has its own price.
The user can select the type from a dropbox.
Is there a simple way to do that?
I used ubercart's product attributes. I made a list that the buyer must select from.
Yes there is an easy way, use the drupal commerce module.

Drupal Content Type with Hundereds of fields

I have a site where users can suggest a restaurant / Bar. The form will have hundreds of form fields, ex Bears can be selected and in bears there will be several brands and each brand will have the prices for Mug, Bottle, Half-pint, Pint, Jug, Bucket of 5, Tower, each will be having 2 prices one is happy hour and other is regular. Once the user data is submitted, admin will approve it and depending on such data we should build the front-end(Bears Section, Spirits Section, etc..) of the site.
What will be the beast possible way to build the form with CCK. The mockup can be viewed at http://indiantourplaces.com/mockup.gif
This is Drupal 7 only, but it sounds like http://drupal.org/project/properties could be helpful.
It is basically a single field that consists of an unlimited amount of properties (key value pairs) grouped into categories. Categories/Properties can either be added dynamically or it can be limited to predefined templates.
Additionally, entities with attached properties can be compared.
I don't think it would be wise to leave it to admins to keep a beer list or spirit list up to date. You should consider having your site users make such a list for you by taking advantage of the Drupal Taxonomy functionality. You could have a beer brand field that would populate a beer brand vocabulary.
Btw it's "beer" not "bear" a bear happens to be a type of beast :P
I think i might be interested in that module
