Just looked into contiki OS and was wondering is it will work on MikroeMedia XMega - with microcontroller ATxmega128A1??
After I used VSCode (current version 1.61.0) and the Arduino IDE (1.8.13 / 1.8.16 - WIndows installer version) for about a year on two Windows 10 devices both devices stopped showing available Arduino / ESP8266 board types yesterday.
The Arduino board configuration only shows one item "Selected Board:" with an empty drop down.
The Arduino IDE on both devices still works (Tools - Boards show the familiar collection of boards)
My settings (searched for Arduino) are
"arduino.path": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Arduino"
on both devices - I have not changed this since the setup about a year ago and the Arduino IDE is still there und my c-drive.
What else can I check or what settings might lead to an empty board selector?
Its a bug in v0.4.6 of vscode arduino extention. Roll back to v0.4.5 and before, Works fine.
Same problem here. I think its a bug in the vscode extension. My workaround is to manually set the Bord type in the .vscode/arduino.json file. Simply add the
"board": "arduino:avr:uno", line to your json and it will work.
"port": "COM5",
"board": "arduino:avr:uno",
"sketch": "example.ino"
First you need to install the board you need from:
View / Command Palette / Arduino: Board Manager
Then you can select your board from:
View / Command Palette / Arduino: Board Configuration
I wanted to upload Arduino sketches to my RaspberryPi 3+ b so I downloaded the RasPiArduino folder from me-no-dev and so on but at the end it gave me this error: Error compiling for board RaspberryPi B+/2
How can I make my Pi 3 usable for Arduino?
I am using the excellent http://platformio.org/ together with Visual Studio Code to develop for Teensy 3.6 (an Arduino compatible board).
This works great. But I wanted to do better debugging via SWD (serial wire debug).
So I disconnected the Arduino-compatible USB-chip and connected via SWD and JLINK instead. Similar to this: https://mcuoneclipse.com/2017/04/29/modifying-the-teensy-3-5-and-3-6-for-arm-swd-debugging/
I can flash firmware that I built via platformio using the "J-Link Lite" software just fine. Also I can run the J-Link GDB Server without a problem.
But I can't get the IDE integration to work.
My platformio.ini looks like this:
platform = teensy
board = teensy36
framework = arduino
upload_protocol = jlink
debug_tool = jlink
Still the upload_protocol is ignored and when I invoke upload (platformio.exe run --target upload) via the IDE all I get is
Linking .pioenvs\teensy36\firmware.elf
Checking program size
text data bss dec hex filename
17348 172 2696 20216 4ef8 .pioenvs\teensy36\firmware.elf
Building .pioenvs\teensy36\firmware.hex
Uploading .pioenvs\teensy36\firmware.hex
Teensy Loader, Command Line, Version 2.1
Read ".pioenvs\teensy36\firmware.hex": 17520 bytes, 1.7% usage
Soft reboot is not implemented for Win32
Waiting for Teensy device...
(hint: press the reset button)
So it's still trying to upload via Arduino compatible USB connection instead of via SWD connection. How can I get platformio to change the upload method or upload_protocol?
From Project Configuration File platformio.ini, it provides an example of how to configure Jlink GDB server:
; Debug options
debug_tool = custom
debug_server =
If JLinkGDBServer.exe is not included in PATH, then you need to specify the full file name of JLinkGDBServer.exe.
I have tried this, it works.
There is another example of using JlinkGDBServerCL.exe - J-Link and ST Nucleo.
I want to load the arduino uno Rev3 boot loader to my 328P chip. I am using USB ASP and Extreme Burner.
I looked at arduino installation folder and there are several Hex files available under "C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\bootloaders\atmega". I guess I need to make use of ATmegaBOOT_168_atmega328.hex file as the name suggests. Also I understand that the fuse bit I need to select is efuse-0x05 hfuse-0xD6 and lfuse - 0xFF
Can anyone confirm this? Are there any other latest Hex files available?
You want the file: optiboot_atmega328.hex
It is in the optiboot folder under bootloaders.
The normal fuses are:
low: FF
high: DE
extended: 05
Optiboot is the 512 byte bootloader, normally installed on the Uno chips.
As you can see from the datasheet, a high fuse of DE gives a bootloader size of 256 words (that is, 512 bytes).
And the relevant entry in the boards.txt file for the Uno (the standard fuses when you burn the bootloader):
uno.name=Arduino Uno
This confirms my suggested fuse settings.
I am pretty new to MPI and Intel Pin. I already installed pin-2.13-62732-gcc.4.4.7-linux on my linux environment, I need t use this tool on MPI codes. foreexample I want to get the number of instruction(such as inscount0 which is already existed in pin) of MPI code (like imul.c). Would you tell me what I can do?
The least painful way I found is to use tau_pin. https://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/tau/docs/old/re39.html
You can start analysis of your MPI application following way:
mpirun –np $NPROCS pin -t $PIN_TOOL -- $APP
It the same as in case of Valgrind: Using valgrind to spot error in mpi code