opening and changing wp-config file with bash script in nano - wordpress

I’ve created or rather copied from a number of sources the necessary pieces in order to create my own bash script that will install WP via ssh. I’m not a coder at all, so many things will go over my head. But my patience and desire to learn will compensate.
I’ve created a bash script to download wordpress, create a new database (with correct permissions) then open the wp-config-sample.php file, rename it to wp-config.php file then open it up using nano. This is where I’m stuck. I’d like to use the details from the newly created database and have those details automatically inserted into the correct places within the wp-config file. Then I’d like to visit this url ( and take those salt keys and also save them in the same wp-config.php file then save and quit.
Please help!

I don't think nano is going to be scriptable in the manner you need.
You need to look into Templates. The general idea is to put placeholders like %DB_NAME%, %DB_USER%, inside a template file like wp-config-template.php. Then you can use something like sed to search and replace these placeholders with real values, to generate the final wp-config.php.
However doing this in sed will get messy pretty quickly. You are better of using a scripting language like perl or python when you start doing templating. They will do the heavy lifting for you.
Finally, not to discourage your efforts. But building a server like you are is tricky, because there are number of things that could go wrong. Also you need to be idempotent, ie:- the ability to rerun your entire set of scripts, and only applying changes. So if you decide to add/remove packages the rest of the system should remain untouched.
If you are looking for a good guideline containing some the best tools to do this, you should check out the Genesis-WordPress project. It uses Ansible for provisioning and Capistrano for deployment.
Good Luck!

If you want a disgusting, but functional example on how to change wp-config.php from environmental variables in a bash script, check out the "official" WordPress scripts for creating a Docker image.


Is there a way to look at previous versions of code in an R Statistics file?

Is there a way to look back at previous code in a file? For instance maybe be able to revert to an earlier saved version or somehow see changes the file code went through?
Short answer: no.
Unless your changes are tracked in some sort of source control (like git) or you keep backups of your files, there is no way to see previous version of a script file. A .R script is just plain text files. They do not store their own history just like other documents or images on your computer don't either. Sorry.
If that's something you want to do in the future, Rstduio makes it easy to integrate with git. Check out this guide to Connect RStudio to Git and GitHub

Development shell in ASP.NET

I write a lot of code, most of it I throw away eventually when I am done with it; recently I was thinking that if I just kept every small piece of utility script I wrote, named it, tagged it and filed it in a dev shell, I will never loose the code, and on top of that I won't need to redo something I have done already, which is the main motivation, as I keep finding myself writing something I've done earlier.
Is there a ASP.NET shell style environment anywhere?
If not, what would be the best way to go about this?
I am looking to be able to do the following:
Write big or small bits of code.
Derive from or chain together alread written code/libraries/services.
Ability to have everything on my desktop (would that mean IIS on the desktop? or is there an lighter weight mechanism?), sync'ed with the server at home, so if I am on the move I can still access this and make this part of my day-to-day workflow.
You could build a unique solution, with many class library projects inside. Each project would address a specific scenario, something like this:
MyStuff (Solution)
Then you can put this solution on an online versioning service like bitbucket or assembla, so you can access your source code from anywhere, edit it and commit it back to the server. This way you get the advantages of versioning and you store your code on a remote server so even if your harddisk breaks it's not a problem, cause what's on the server is what matters.
You should either look into a source control system (Git perhaps?) or into a file storage / syncing / sharing service like DropBox.
DropBox would allow you to access code snippets from wherever you are and works really easily (just drop a file into a folder).
If you need versioning and branching you're going to have to look into a source control system. Since you have a server at home, that should be no problem.

Gather data from drupal and export to CSV on schedule

We have a drupal site and we wish to export data from this site in the form of several CSV files. I'm aware of the Views module addins that make this a very simple process on demand, but what we're looking for is a way to automate this process through cron.
Most likely, we'll end up having to either write a standalone PHP file we can then access with cron to complete this action, or a custom module.
I first wanted to check to ensure that there isn't already a module or set of modules out there that will do what we're looking for. How would you accomplish this issue?
The end result is that these csv files will reside on the server for other services to pick up and import into their own systems or be distributed with rsync or something similar.
Best practices suggestions would also be appreciated!
if you want to do with cron,
Set up views with cvs data in them
Then add wget <path to your cvs view> or the path of a script which does everything you need, in your crontab.

How can I edit/update hosts(etc/hosts) file using any programming language

Dynamically I want to edit/update hosts(etc/hosts) file to add domain.
To edit hosts(etc/hosts) file require Admin privileged. Using Linux I can do this by this command
sudo gedit /etc/hosts
But I am trying to do this from using Programming Language.
How can i do it?
Your best bet is to use something like SSH and connect to the computer as root (or sudo in a system()), modify the file then disconnect. The added advantage of this is the convenience of prompting the user for the password.
To do this without prompting, the user would have to set up some means to accomplish it as root. I.e. setuid'ing a helper application, installing a password-less key, modifying a LDAP tree, or various other ways. That's a little 'icky' for the lack of a better term.
There's no way to make this work for user who does not normally have privilege escalation capabilities.
Your program will need to be running with appropriate privileges. One of the classic techniques is to make the file owned by root and set the setuid bit. When your program is run, it will become root and will be able to modify /etc/hosts.
That said, setuid code is risky. A bug in the code can cause the program to do something so bad that your system becomes unuseable. Certain bugs can be used by malicious users to run arbitrary programs as root and take over your system.
You still must have the right permissions to edit the file.
To change the file, open the file in read/write/append mode (ie. mode "a" using fopen()) and write the new text to the end of the file.
I'm assuming you are at the command prompt, where you could issue that sudo command ..
Provided you have the access rights, as you claim you do, then any programming language that can add a line of text to an existing textfile (or create it, when not, which is unlikely), will work. You might habe to give that programm some additional rights, but that's a different topic!
Summary: what language do you know? => use that!

Using the simpletest automator in Drupal 6

I've been trying to learn how to use simpletest, and I found the simpletest automator. I was able to install it and run it, but where is the file with the results of the 'macro' saved? I haven't been able to find it.
Also, is there a quick way to duplicate a drupal install in simpletest? I know it starts from a clean install, but I don't want to have to go through and figure out what all is enabled and who has what permissions at the start of the test. Is there a script that can figure out the settings of the current drupal install?
Thank You.
Is there a script that can figure out the settings of the current drupal install?
The short answer is no.
Essentially simpletest should be used as a unit test framework. Where all of the data that is needed is set up at the beginning of the test and it is not reliant on system setting or a particular user having a permission. It does this quite well, and can test core functionality and individual modules easily. If you are testing an indavidual module you have written using simpletest is, well, simple.
Unfortunately most websites use a number of modules and are configured to work together in a very specific way. Simpletest doesn't cope with this very well.
There are ways to get around this:
One option is to write a setup script in php which will work as a big setup script for your test. This can create users, set settings and permissions. This can be dificult to write and maintain and can cause the tests to take a long time to run.
Another option is for the site testing (which is different from unit testing) to be done in a tool other than simpletest. I have had some success with selenium. The downside to this is that you need to find a way have clean data. Which can be tricky, copying a database works but doesn't scale.
I've been pointed to this blog post as an answer to the question:
You can also use a site deployment module and enable only that at the very beginning of your test (in your SetUp() function).
