meteor iron-router and dynamic template rendering - meteor

today i decided to migrate my main app from package router to iron-router.
My app was able to do dynamic template rendering :
some template are rendered programatically because it depends of some info from Mongo
That was quite easy with router package but with iron-router i fall into problems.
When i do a
it always return a
TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'fn'
To get more logs i did this in the console :
} catch(e) {
And i get this :
You called Router.path for a route named undefined but that that route doesn't seem to exist. Are you sure you created it?
console.trace() utils.js:169
Utils.warn utils.js:169
IronRouter.path router.js:178
(anonymous function) helpers.js:49
apply evaluate-handlebars.js:241
invoke evaluate-handlebars.js:266
(anonymous function) evaluate-handlebars.js:330
Spark.labelBranch spark.js:1124
branch evaluate-handlebars.js:320
(anonymous function) evaluate-handlebars.js:329
_.each._.forEach underscore.js:79
template evaluate-handlebars.js:323
Handlebars.evaluate evaluate-handlebars.js:377
(anonymous function) evaluate-handlebars.js:11
(anonymous function) deftemplate.js:157
Spark.isolate spark.js:859
(anonymous function) deftemplate.js:154
Spark.createLandmark spark.js:1163
(anonymous function) deftemplate.js:135
Spark.labelBranch spark.js:1124
partial deftemplate.js:134
(anonymous function) VM28316:2
InjectedScript._evaluateOn VM28186:603
InjectedScript._evaluateAndWrap VM28186:562
InjectedScript.evaluate VM28186:481
console.trace() VM28316:2
(anonymous function) VM28316:2
InjectedScript._evaluateOn VM28186:603
InjectedScript._evaluateAndWrap VM28186:562
So in fact when i run that command, iron-router seems to try to handle it. But this template is not named in its stack so it might be a problem. But i donit want the router to manage that part.
Maybe i should change the conception of that part of the app but i would prefer not to have to.
Here is the code of the parent template:
<template name="resultsList">
{{#if selectedSearch}}
{{#if itemCount}}
<div class="row">
{{#each items}}
<div id="item_{{_id}}">{{> myitem}}</div>
{{> loadMore}}
Now the code of the template :
<template name="myitem">
{{#if currentUser}}
<div class="btn-toolbar">
<div class="btn-group" style="margin-left: 20px;">
{{#if hasDetail}}
<button class="btn btn-sm btn-success"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-zoom-in"></span></
<!-- fake button that just take the place of the detail button -->
<button class="btn btn-sm btn-link" style="cursor:default;text-decoration:none;margin-left:12px;"></button>
<button {{#if starSelected}}disabled="disabled"{{/if}} class="btn btn-sm btn-info StarItem" title="A
appeler"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-phone"></span></button>
<button {{#if visitedSelected}}disabled="disabled"{{/if}} class="btn btn-sm btn-info VisitItem" title="A
visiter"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-road"></span></button>
<button {{#if removedSelected}}disabled="disabled"{{/if}} class="btn btn-sm btn-warning DelItem"
title="Supprimer"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove icon-white"></span></button>
<div class="infos">
{{{getItemInfo}}} <!-- This one will call the Template.myItem(data) -->
<div class="centerContentImage">
{{#if image}}
<img src="/img/annonces/{{_id}}" />
{{#if notCurrentUserAndHasDetail}}<button class="btn btn-info Openitem"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-
<img src="/img/no_photo_icon.jpg" />
{{#if notCurrentUserAndHasDetail}}<button class="btn btn-info OpenDetailItem"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-
And the code of the JS :
So how can i do this ?

ok, thanks to #ChristianFritz i looked more at the template, and in fact i found that Iron-Router provide a {{link}} helper. The problem is that my Json Object has a property named 'link', Iron-Router is not able to make the difference and it generates an error.
The Error is not really explicit
You called Router.path for a route named undefined but that that route doesn't seem to exist. Are you sure you created it?
But when using Iron Router we should have a look at the provided helpers because their naming is not using any kind of Namespace that would prevent that kind of problem.


Nested #Each values are not available outside of the context

I'm having a nested each pair like this:
{{#each goal in goals}}
<template name="task">
{{#each goal in goals}}
{{#each task in relatedTasks goal}}
<span class="text task"><strong>{{task.taskName}}</strong> to {{goal.goalName}}<br> taskid: {{task._id}}
{{#afModal class="btn btn-primary" collection="Tasks" operation="update" doc=task._id}}
Update {{task.taskName}}
and would like to get the value of the task._id in my client.js like here:{
'click .task': function() {
Session.set("selectedTask", this._id);
//console.log('Click event happened: this._id saved as selectedItem Session variable.');
When I click on a task I receive this error on the console: "undefined" and I don't really understand the reason behind. I did some research and found a possible solution: Maybe 'click .task': function(task) should receive the task context or input so it could be able to grasp the meaning of this._id.
I have a {{#afModal doc=task._id}} which also should receive the value of task._id and does not seem to work, although it is placed in the right context I think.
I have a feeling that the two issues are related somehow.
The problem is that the {{#each goal in goals}} loop syntax does not change the data context within the loop (see docs). It simply adds a goal variable for use in your spacebars template.
One solution would be to move the contents of the {{#each task in ...}} loop to another template like so.
<template name="task">
{{#each goal in goals}}
{{#each task in relatedTasks goal}}
{{> goalTask goal=goal task=task}}
<template name="goalTask">
<span class="text task">
to {{goal.goalName}}<br>
taskid: {{task._id}} {{task.taskPostpone}}
{{#afModal class="btn btn-primary" collection="Tasks" operation="update" doc=task._id}}
Update {{task.taskName}}
Your event handler would then look like this.{
'click .task': function() {
This is a common problem with events in nested objects, how to get the data context of the object that was clicked on?
The simplest way to approach this problem is to create a template for each level of nesting. The proper context is then provided automatically.
<template name="goals">
{{#each goals}}
{{#each task}}
{{> task}}
<template name="task">
<span class="text task"><a href="#modal-taskedit" data-toggle="modal">
<strong>{{task.taskName}}</strong></a> to {{goal.goalName}}<br>
taskid: {{task._id}}{{task.taskPostpone}}</span>
{{#afModal class="btn btn-primary" collection="Tasks" operation="update" doc=_id}}
Update {{task.taskName}}
Then your event handler can be defined on the inner task template with the data context automatically being the individual task and not the data context of the outer template.{
'click .task': function(){
Session.set("selectedTask", this._id);

Meteor Flow Router issue with update

I have a Meteor app and I'm transitioning from IronRouter to FlowRouter. So far so good, but there are aspects I don't understand yet.
I have a route as follows:
FlowRouter.route('/documents/:docId/edit', {
name: 'documentEdit',
subscriptions: function (params, queryParams) {
this.register('documentEdit', Meteor.subscribe('documentSingle', params.docId));
action: function (params, queryParams) {
BlazeLayout.render('layout', { top: 'header', main: 'documentEdit' });
First option:
Then I also have a template:
<template name="documentEdit">
<div class="container">
<h1>Edit document</h1>
{{#if isReady 'documentEdit'}}
{{#autoForm collection="Documents" doc=this id="documentForm" type="update" meteormethod="documentUpdateMethod"}}
{{> afQuickField name='title'}}
{{> afQuickField name='content' rows=6}}
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Update</button>
<a class="btn btn-link" role="button" href="{{pathFor 'documentsList'}}">Back</a>
with a template helper as follows:
isReady: function(sub) {
if(sub) {
return FlowRouter.subsReady(sub);
} else {
return FlowRouter.subsReady();
This is as it is mentioned here, but I'm not getting the values pre-filled in the textboxes on the UI (which is normal when editing fields).
Second option:
When I do the following it works and I don't really understand why it works (found it browsing in different forums and tried it out):
<template name="documentEdit">
<div class="container">
<h1>Edit document</h1>
{{#with getDocument }}
{{#autoForm collection="Documents" doc=this id="documentForm" type="update" meteormethod="documentUpdateMethod"}}
{{> afQuickField name='title'}}
{{> afQuickField name='content' rows=6}}
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Update</button>
<a class="btn btn-link" role="button" href="{{pathFor 'documentsList'}}">Back</a>
and the helper:
getDocument: function () {
return Documents.findOne();
So the questions are:
for the 1st option: any idea why it does not work. I would prefer that one as it's the documented way of doing things
for the 2nd option: not sure why I need (in the template helper) to do a Document.findOne() without even having to pass the id of the doc I want to edit:
You want to do template level subscriptions with Flow Router, that's one of the primary pattern changes.
So you'd do:
Setup the subscription at the template level. Autorun so it'll resubscribe on route changes.
Template.documentEdit.onCreated(function() {
var self = this;
this.autorun(function() {
var docId = FlowRouter.getParam('docId');
self.subscribe('documentSingle', docId));
Setup the template helper to pick up from the route, and grab the id and populate the helper/document.
getDocument: function () {
var docId = FlowRouter.getParam('docId');
var doc = Documents.findOne(docId) || {};
return doc;
Do a template level load check and if it's there render it, otherwise show loading...
<template name="documentEdit">
<div class="container">
<h1>Edit document</h1>
{{#if Template.subscriptionReady}}
{{#with getDocument }}
{{#autoForm collection="Documents" doc=this id="documentForm" type="update" meteormethod="documentUpdateMethod"}}
{{> afQuickField name='title'}}
{{> afQuickField name='content' rows=6}}
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Update</button>
<a class="btn btn-link" role="button" href="{{pathFor 'documentsList'}}">Back</a>
Not knowing how this worked, seeing that all the tutorials I have read that deals with update used Iron router, I have spent 7 days worth of trying retrying, looking through others code, reading tutorials. Happy it now works.

Template helper not invoked on update aldeed autoform

I am using meteoric-autoform and doing an update to my values, The form is not getting populated with existing values and also the update is not happening.
I could also see that the template helper method that I have for fetching the id is not getting invoked at all.
assesment: function () {
alert("entered helper");
var template = Template.instance();
return Assesments.findOne({_id:});
<template name="assesmentEdit">
{{#ionModal customTemplate=true}}
{{# autoForm collection="Assesments" id="assesments-edit-form" type="update"}}
<div class="bar bar-header bar-stable">
<button data-dismiss="modal" type="button" class="button button-clear">Cancel</button>
<h2 class="title">Edit Assesment</h2>
<button type="submit" class="button button-positive button-clear">Save</button>
<div class="content has-header overflow-scroll">
{{> afQuickField name="name" }}
{{> afQuickField name="email"}}
{{> afQuickField name="category"}}
{{> afQuickField name="location"}}
As you can see in the docs, update forms require a doc attribute.
{{# autoForm doc=assesment collection="Assesments" id="assesments-edit-form" type="update"}}

How to reload (re render) template in Meteor

I am working on a chat app that supports multiple languages. The basics of the app is working fine however I have small problem when changing chat rooms.
Each room is setup to support 2 languages. When sending a chat message you can choose which language you are sending the message in. This is done by clicking on a small icon of a flag which toggles between the 2 flag icons. The template for this is:
<template name="chatBar">
<div id="chatBar" class="input-append input-prepend">
<form id="chatForm">
<span class="add-on"><img src="/images/flags-iso/flat/16/{{chatMessageLang}}.png" id="lang"></span>
<input id="chatMessageLanguage" type="hidden" value="{{chatMessageLang}}">
<input id="chatMessageTarget" type="hidden" value="{{chatMessageTargetLang}}">
<input class="input-xxlarge" id="chatMessage" type="text" placeholder="← choose your language and then type your message here…">
<button class="btn" id="sendNewMessage" type="submit">Send</button>
and is called from another template:
<template name="chat">
{{> chatroom}}
<div id="chatWindow">
{{#each chats}}
<li class="{{messageClass}} {{_id}}">
<img src="/images/flags-iso/flat/16/{{langOriginal}}.png">
<span class="message" lang="{{langOriginal}}">{{original}}</span>
{{#if translated}}
<span class="message" lang="{{langTranslated}}">{{translated}}</span>
{{#if correction}}
<i class="icon-remove"></i>
<span class="friendCorrection">{{correction}}</span>
<span class="messageOptions">{{{messageOptions}}}</span>
{{> chatBar}}
The problem I have is when I change chatrooms the language options are being retained from the previous chatroom I was in. The code for setting the languages for the chatbar is:
chatMessageLang: function() {
//return getCurrentChatroomInfo().langFrom.iso;
return Meteor.user().profile.langNative;
chatMessageTargetLang: function() {
var chatroomLang1 = getCurrentChatroomInfo().langFrom.iso;
var chatroomLang2 = getCurrentChatroomInfo().langTo.iso;
if(Meteor.user().profile.langNative == chatroomLang1){
return chatroomLang2;
} else {
return chatroomLang1;
function getCurrentChatroomInfo(){
return Chatrooms.findOne({_id : Router.current().params['_id']})
How do I make the variable chatMessageTargetLang reactive to the loaded chatroom (each chatroom has their own route).

Getting the outer context of a Meteor Template

I have the following use-case: There are rooms which have beds inside. (Bummer...)
There is a loop of rooms which uses a template "room".
<template name="rooms">
{{#each availableRooms}}
{{> room}}
This template gets for each iteration a room. This is accessible by this.
<template name="room">
<div class="room-outer">
<button type="button" class="btn" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#list-{{_id}}">
{{name}} : {{getBeds this}} beds free.
<div id="list-{{_id}}" class="collapse in room-inner">
{{#each guests_id}}
<div class="bed">
<div class="blanket">
{{showUser this}}
Now I like to calculate some special value which I do by extending the template. I need now to pass the this variable to the getBeds function. Is it possible to do this by grabing outside the template and get the room into the function? = function (room) {
if (room.guests_id)
return room.beds - _.size(room.guests_id);
return room.beds;
Basically I don't want to have to write {{getBeds this}} but only {{getBeds}}
Shouldn't this work? = function () {
if (this.guests_id)
return this.beds - _.size(this.guests_id);
return this.beds;
See the docs:
Helpers can take arguments, and they receive the current template data in this:
