Issue with CSS stylesheets - css

I have been working on a site for a few days now and uploaded the site to test. In dreamweaver the site looks fine and the CSS styles are being applied. In a browser the CSS does not take. I have checked and re-checked the links and cannot understand where the disconnect is happening. Here is the test site
Thanks for your help

Each time I load the site, your site.css file seems to be getting larger. So I'm pretty sure this is a case of your site.css file not being up-to-date.
If you get this file to the correct version, all of your issues should be fixed.

Probably the cache. Try cachebusting technique. Eg : add css/site.css?v2


Search for a CSS file

A few hours ago I had to change the width and padding on a few divs on this page. I messed around with the developer tool of the browser for a few minutes to see what exactly I want to change. After I connected to the ftp I made the changes I thought were necessary, but I nothing happened. After banging my head for half an hour it turns out that I was making the changes to a cached version of the file. I asked the guy who gave me the task where the css file was, but he couldn't answer me.
So how do I find out where the css file is after I log into the ftp server? In this case there were multiple directories with multiple css files.
As you pointed out, the website uses a plugin to cache CSS files, and these cached files shouldn't be edited directly. It looks like the site is running Wordpress, in which case you'll need to look in the wp-content/themes folder (it will depend on which theme you're running where exactly the CSS file is). It's also often possible to edit the CSS directly from within the wordpress admin panel (Appearance > Editor)

site css fine in file but compressed in chrome

im working on a clients site and i made changes to the style.css file in the twentyten theme. file looks fine and normal, but my added style isnt showing up in the chrome inspector when I selet it in the HTML element. So I click on the style.css link in the element inspector to vie the css to see if the class i added is there and everything is compreessed ????
no idea why. there are no caching plugins or anything that I can see.
Anyone have anyida what is happening. Im new to the site and not sure what is going on.
any help appriciated. site is, so you can see for your self. im stumped.
I searched the compressed text and did not find a reference to my new class which is .videostyle
so that file is not MY edited style.css. hmmm....the plot thickens. where is that file and how do I edit it? What hath the other developer done?
It was Cloudflare. A 3rd party that provides all sorts of caching and minifying and DNS or CDN services. Available in most CPANEL's. In the cloud flare settings they had it set to minify JS and CSS. Kinda cool but drove me crazy. I called Bluehost support for VPS and they were awesome and saw that I was using it and that solved all. thanks

Updated CSS not appearing in merged file

A skin.css file has been updated on a DotNetNuke website, but the updated change to the file has not yet come through on the main css file.
Tried clearing the cache within DNN and no luck...
I'm not overly familiar with DNN and how it works, but isn't it supposed to get merged into the rest of the CSS files with the DependencyHandler.axd. This does not seem to have happened.
Anyone any ideas?
When you say it isn't showing up in the Main.CSS file, I am going to assume you are using the CDF functionality in the platform. If so, you can go to the Host/Host Settings page, and look for the Client Dependency Framework portion of the settings.
In those settings you can "increase" the version number, which should cause the files to be regenerated, you can also turn off CDF to allow DNN to just load the CSS and JS files normally which generally makes debugging things a little bit easier.

Editing CSS real time with Chrome

I'm looking for an extension or tool that will enable me to edit CSS real time from the browser. I installed Stylebot which works well but whenever I save the new CSS, it only retains the stylesheet in the browser and not the CSS file or HTML file. I can't figure out how to make changes to the CSS file itself, and I'm not sure that's even a possibility with Stylebot.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks.
this works for me
its really nice and as simple as installing the extension.
Happy coding :)
any changes you make are already added to the css file. kind of like an inverse livereload :)

Plone site doesn't load base.css anymore, and layout is screwed

a few days ago on our site we've enabled ploneFormGen, and after that they layout of the page got screwed, with portlet columns having different widths for headers and items.
I have a backup, whose layout was fine, but content is old, so i'm trying to fix the current site instead.
After doing a lot of comparisons between current site and backup, i realised that while the main template and custom.css are exactly the same, the current site (the screwed one) seems to apply only custom.css according to firebug, while the backup was applying also base.css.
at this stage i'm a bit lost because i have no idea of where i can check why base.css is not applied anymore. Anybody has any clue?
the site is
return an empty file. I think you've a problem with portal_css. Try to switch on/off the development mode, or check if there's an empty base.css in portal_skins/custom.
Check portal_css (from the ZMI) if base.css is enabled.
Also note that in development mode, all the CSS files are served separately, but in production mode, CSS files are merged and compressed. The URLs for the merged resources are based on the first CSS file included in the bundle, so a URL ending in custom-cachekey1234.css could still also include base.css. You can see if resources are merged in the portal_css tool (checkbox at the top of the page).
