nginx redirect loop, index.html - nginx

This seems ridiculous but I've not found a working answer in over an hour of searching.
When I access "", it will cause a 301 redirect loop, like this:
"GET /screen/ HTTP/1.1" 301
"GET /screen/index.html/ HTTP/1.1" 301
"GET /screen/index.html/index.html/ HTTP/1.1" 301
nginx verson: 1.5.6
server {
listen 80;
location ~ ^/screen/ {
alias /data/screen/static/;
index index.html;
Could anyone tell me the reason? Thanks very much.
i have checked nginx document. the right usage of 'alias':
# use normal match like this
location /i/ {
alias /spool/w3/images/;
# use regex match like this
location ~ ^/download/(.*)$ {
alias /home/website/files/$1;
the wrong way to use 'alias' is:
location ~ ^/screen/ {
alias /data/screen/static/;
index index.html;
In this case, the request would be considered as a directory request, not file request, which will lead a redirect loop.
Anyway, Thanks Flesh very much!

It's already trying to access index.html in that directory because it's the default of nginx's index directive. The problem is that you're using the index directive within a location block where it has a special meaning and executes an internal redirect (as documented).
Unless you know what you're doing, set the index directive within the server block. We end up with the following server block (be sure to read the comments).
server {
# Both default values and not needed at all!
#index index.html;
#listen 80;
# Do not use regular expressions to match the beginning of a
# requested URI without protecting it by a regular location!
location ^~ /screen/ {
alias /data/screen/static/;
location examples
server {
# Won't work because the /data is considered the new document root and
# the new location matches the regular expression again.
location ~ ^/screen/ {
alias /data/screen/static/;
# Should work because the outer location limits the inner location
# to start with the real document root (untested)
location / {
location ~ ^/screen/ {
alias /data/screen/static/;
# Should work as well above reason (untested)
location / {
location ~ ^(/screen/) {
alias /data$1static/;
# Might work as well because we are using the matching group
# VERY BAD because we have a regular expression outside any regular location!
location ~ ^(/screen/) {
alias /data$1static/;
# Always works and allows nesting of more directives and is totally save
location ^~ /screen/ {
alias /data/screen/static/;
alias documentation
index documentation
location documentation

you should move ^ location modifier from ^/screen/, then add ^ before ~, like this:
`location ^~ /screen/ {
alias /data/screen/static/;
index index.html;


NginX redirect /service to /service/

I have two servicesr accessible via NginX. The web server configuration looks like this:
location /service1/ {
# process php files
location /service2/ {
However, if one clicks on (or 2) he gets a 404 error. There is no folder called "service1" (or 2) in the website root.
I would like links to "" to point to "" (with trailing slash), possibly without specyfing a redirect for every service I have, i.e
location = /service1 {
return 301 https://$host/service1/;
location /service1/ {
# process php files
location = /service2 {
return 301 https://$host/service2/;
location /service2/ {
I have already tried try_files $uri $uri/ =404;, but it seems to only work for real files and folders in the website root, no "virtual" subdirectories.
I am avoiding configurations like location /service { ... } because they seem more vulnerable.
Inside your location = blocks you need to generate an internal redirect to $uri/. You can achieve this using try_files or rewrite...last.
For example:
location = /service1 {
try_files nonexistent $uri/$is_args$args;
Notice that the internal redirection must be the last parameter. See this document for details.
location = /service1 {
rewrite ^(.*)$ $1/ last;
See this document for details.

nginx regex location

we need to serve the static content through nginx. below is our location directive:
location ~ /app$ {
root /srv/deployments/app/build/;
index index.html;
now we are expecting any thing like /app/login,/app/signup will be served by this location directive. but when we try to access /app/login we 404 error. and in addition to above location directive if we define below location directive, then it work.
location ~ /app/login$ {
root /srv/deployments/app/build/;
index index.html;
as there can be multiple routes, how can we define a location directive with regex so that any which match /app/.* should served by single location.
Please check if this link helps.
It suggests (specific to that question)
location ~ ^/sitename/[0-9a-z]+/index.php$ {
fastcgi_pass phpcgi;
^ -> Start of string
[0-9a-z]+ -> matches all the characters in this range
index.php$ -> end of string with index.php

Nginx one alias for multiple location directives

I have installed a project in a separate directory to make this project available on multiple domains
location ^~ /phpRedisAdmin/css/ {
alias /home/phpRedisAdmin/css/;
location ^~ /phpRedisAdmin/js/ {
alias /home/phpRedisAdmin/js/;
location ^~ /phpRedisAdmin/images/ {
alias /home/phpRedisAdmin/images/;
To prevent declaring a location directive for each one of the project subdirectory, is it possible to declare one location directive that would handle all the possible aliases instead?
I am looking for something like this (I don't know how to retrieve in the alias directive what is in the parenthesis):
location ^~ /phpRedisAdmin/(css|images|js)/ {
alias /home/phpRedisAdmin/>> what should I insert here? <</;
Problem solved, I ended up using this solution:
location ^~ /phpRedisAdmin/(css|images|js)$ {
alias /home/phpRedisAdmin/$1;
You should not use an alias directive, where a root directive will suffice. One solution would be to define a location block for all URIs which live below /phpRedisAdmin. For example:
location ^~ /phpRedisAdmin/ {
root /home;
location ~ \.php$ {
If you need to execute PHP scripts within this location, add a nested location (as shown above).
If you must use a regular expression location with an alias, you will need to capture the entire remainder of the URI. For example:
location ^~ /phpRedisAdmin/((?:css|images|js)/.*)$ {
alias /home/phpRedisAdmin/$1;
See this document for details.
You can try below
location ~* /phpRedisAdmin/(?P<folder>css|images|js)/ {
alias /home/phpRedisAdmin/$folder;

Nginx rewrite location path

Is there a way I can add a rewrite which will dynamically set the location/path of the file?
The following is from the nginx config:
server {
root /media;
location / {
autoindex off;
I have images with names like "e9m7L4_1.jpg" that are stored in a directory according to the first 6 letters/numbers of the filename, for example:
e9m7L4_1.jpg (stored in)-> e/9/m/7/L/4/e9m7L4_1.jpg
km40lj_1.jpg (stored in)-> k/m/4/0/l/j/km40lj_1.jpg
Currently I can access it like this:
Is there a way to rewrite the location using filename passed to nginx so it could be accessed like this, without the long directory path/prefix:
You could try this:
server {
root /media;
location / {
rewrite ^/((.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.).+)$ /$2/$3/$4/$5/$6/$7/$1 break;

How to set location with extension in NGINX server

I'm new with NGINX server and I was wondering how to set something like this.
location phpmyadmin \.(gif|jpg|png)$ {
root /usr/share/phpmyadmin;
example above fails at server restart.
Thanks for all answers.
location ~* .(gif|jpg|jpeg|png|ico|wmv|3gp|avi|mpg|mpeg|mp4|flv|mp3|mid|js|css|html|htm|wml)$ {
root /home/safeftp/www/public_html;
location ~ "phpmyadmin \.(gif|jpg|png)$" {
root /usr/share/phpmyadmin;
If you want to use regex, use ~ (for case-sensitive matching) or ~* (for case-insensitive matching). Your location block should look like this:
location ~ "phpmyadmin \.(gif|jpg|png)$" {
root /usr/share/phpmyadmin;
You can read more here:
