When attempting to install WhatsApp Messenger on Android-x86, I get the error: "Your device isn't compatible with this version." - android-x86

Some applications install, while others don't. This one in particular, WhatsApp Messenger, is very important for me to get running, since my Mobile Android device needs repairs. How can I get this installed?

Have you tried to do it through Google Play?
Try direct link from whatsapp web-site.
I had the same error when I was trying to install the app from Google Play on my AVD. Perhaps following instruction will be helpful for you if you decide to run the app on the emulator.
There were my steps to install it (you already need an installed Android SDK or Bundle):
Download whatsapp (link is above)
Run your emulator
./LOCATION/TO/sdk/tools/emulator -avd VM_NAME_HERE -partition-size 500 -no-audio -no-boot-anim -netfast
Mount the storage:
./LOCATION/TO/sdk/tools/platform-tools/adb shell mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock0 /system
Give permissions
./LOCATION/TO/sdk/tools/platform-tools/adb shell chmod 777 /system/app
Push the apk to the device:
./LOCATION/TO/sdk/tools/platform-tools/adb push /LOCATION/TO/YOUR/WHATAPP/APK/WhatsApp.apk /system/app/.
That's all


Android Terminal does not recognise firebase command

I have this weird situation where I am not able to run firebase commands from android studio. I can run such commands in terminal but not in the terminal inside android studio.
As an example if I run firebase login in terminal, I can login but if run it in android studio I get this error: zsh: command not found: firebase.
See below an image to prove this case.
I tried to run the following command and got the following in terminal
MyMac:my_folder myuser$ which firebase
MyMac:my_folder myuser$ readlink $(which firebase)
If I do the same in Android I get nothing. I suspect it is a matter of Android studio not finding the right path to the firebase files?
Any help?
I am on a macOS Ventura and using Android Studio Electric Eel
Thanks so much!!
How did you install firebase tools (locally or globally)?
if you have globally installed firebase-cli,
I suggest you to look into environment PATH variables for both nodejs and firebase tools.
if you have installed locally as a dependancy,
here is a installation guide to install firebase-cli on macOS.
Eitherway, I suggest you to Invalidate cache and restart your Android studio before running the terminal again.

BuildFire: sdk root directory

I’m completely new to app coding - so I was trying to get buildfire sdk to run, but it keeps telling me (in the cmd prompt - I’m using Windows) ‘please run this command in the SDKs root directory’. Where do I find the root directory?
More info if needed:
Tried to run buildfire sdk - following buildfire’s own steps (using their youtube video) but I get lost when trying to find buildfire’s root directory. Please see picture attached.
Thanks so much!
SDKs root directory is initialized through the cli command buildfire init, after having your cli installed globally by running:
npm install buildfire-cli -g
Go to your working directory and run
buildfire init
A new directory named BuildFireSDK would be generated for you
cd BuildFireSDK && buildfire run
You can find more detailed instructions here on Buildfire SDK docs

How to set default startup applicationv on android tv 7.1.2

Anyone who knows how you can change the default start up application on an Android tv box [H96 max RK3328]r.
I tried different autorun managers, but it doesn't work?
I want to use a visitors screen with videos that permanently loop.. Even when someone shut down everything? It would restart and automatically open the desired app.
Hope someone can help
Used to be possible until the update to Android 7 by disabling the default home screen. That was blocked and AFAIK there's no way to do it without flashing your own version of Android on the device or rooting it.
One of the approach is to delete your current launcher from STB, if you have a launcher on the startup. Check do you have settings button on your remote or any other way to change installed apps.
If you have adb with root permission.
To delete the Launcher do this steps:
adb connect <stb ip address>
adb shell
mount -o rw,remount /system
rm -rf /system/app/<current launcher name>
rm -rf /data/data/com.<developer>.<current launcher name>

firebase CLI will not recognize current directory for 'firebase init'

I am following a tutorial on Ionic Angular and it has come to the point where the instructor is having me publish my code to Firebase Hosting. First I used NPM to install the Firebase CLI. Then I was instructed to use the firebase init command. The issue is that the CLI doesn't seem to recognize the current directory that is selected in my terminal.
I run: cd /Users/MyUserName/myProjectsFolder/myProject/
Then I run firebase init and it displays:
You're about to initialize a Firebase project in this directory:
When I would expect it to read:
You're about to initialize a Firebase project in this directory:
A little bit of googling found this page:
Which includes this passage:
To initialize a new project directory, change directories in the terminal to your desired project directory and run: firebase init
Based on this I would expect the steps I took to work.
I am confused. Has anyone ever run into this behavior? Can anyone think of a way to get the CLI to function as expected?
Got to folder:
Search for a file with name of firebase.json and Delete it.
Reinstall firebase tool with this command (--unsafeper- to avoid
permissions error messages & use sudo):
$ sudo npm install --unsafeper- -g firebase-tools
Then, go to your pubilc folder (you have to create one) which
contains your HTML, JS, images and CSS files and use this command:
$ sudo firebase init
$ sudo firebase deploy
The reset is easy and as mentioned in the firebase
The reason is that you must have initiliazed a project in some parent directory (of this myProject folder) in the past. Somehow firebase sees that project in that directory rather than initializing a new project in the current path.
Check the parent directories of the path where you want to initialize a firebase project now. Delete / Move the firebase files from that folder and then you should be able to initialize a project in the current directory.
For example:
I also faced the same problem.
I was trying to initialize a project in this path:
But somehow it always got initialized in this path:
After some searching it turned out that the reason was that I had initialized a project in
D:\Work directory. I moved those files to another folder and that solved the problem.
I was also facing this problem and windows not able to recognize the firebase. I don't know the exact reason why it was behaving in such a manner but it solved the problem.
1) I installed the firebase-tools using a command on command prompt
npm install -g firebase-tools
and it didn't work.
2) I restarted the machine.
3) then again I executed the same command from step 1) npm install -g firebase-tools
and it worked.
Was trying to do this and discovered a command that allows "firebase" as a command.curl -sL https://firebase.tools | bash This will allow $ firebase login and $ firebase init to work.
I was facing the same issue. After checking the log I figured out that the Authentication token was expired from my firebase cli login session. So I logged out and Logged-In again to the firebase cli using Firebase logout And firebase login command. Problem solved.
To check out your issue go to firebase log using firebase-debug.log command.
And take required steps.

Git push failure (Github/RStudio)

I've used Git successfully on this machine in the past but suddenly I can no longer push my commits to the Github repo. The last change to the Git toolchain that I made was to install Git, in addition to the Github for Windows client. RStudio could not find Git unless I'd already started the Github client so I decided to simply install a stand-alone Git client and change the RStudio Git path.
Error message (RStudio):
error: cannot spawn rpostback-askpass: No such file or directory
fatal: could not read Username for 'https://github.com': No such file or directory
I can commit all projects.
I can pull new projects.
I cannot push any projects, I receive the same error message every time.
I cannot push with Github or RStudio.
Reinstalling /uninstalling Git / Github does not resolve the issue.
This is an R project, with RStudio as my IDE / Git GUI.
I'm using Git for Windows 7.
Let me know if there's any more information that you need.
Update 1:
Git GUI tells me that:
Error: hook execution requires sh (not in PATH).
Let's see if I can fix that...
Found something that might help from here: https://github.com/STAT545-UBC/Discussion/issues/93
in RStudio, click on the "Tools" menu and select "Shell"
Run the following command: git push -u origin master
it might ask you for your git username and password. Supply this information, make sure it is correct
hopefully the push is successful, then you can close the window
Now make some more edits to some file so that you have new content to push
click on the "push" button in RStudio and this time the push should work
Found a different suggested solution here: https://github.com/OHI-Science/ohicore/issues/104
git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain
