BuildFire: sdk root directory - directory

I’m completely new to app coding - so I was trying to get buildfire sdk to run, but it keeps telling me (in the cmd prompt - I’m using Windows) ‘please run this command in the SDKs root directory’. Where do I find the root directory?
More info if needed:
Tried to run buildfire sdk - following buildfire’s own steps (using their youtube video) but I get lost when trying to find buildfire’s root directory. Please see picture attached.
Thanks so much!

SDKs root directory is initialized through the cli command buildfire init, after having your cli installed globally by running:
npm install buildfire-cli -g
Go to your working directory and run
buildfire init
A new directory named BuildFireSDK would be generated for you
cd BuildFireSDK && buildfire run
You can find more detailed instructions here on Buildfire SDK docs


firebase CLI will not recognize current directory for 'firebase init'

I am following a tutorial on Ionic Angular and it has come to the point where the instructor is having me publish my code to Firebase Hosting. First I used NPM to install the Firebase CLI. Then I was instructed to use the firebase init command. The issue is that the CLI doesn't seem to recognize the current directory that is selected in my terminal.
I run: cd /Users/MyUserName/myProjectsFolder/myProject/
Then I run firebase init and it displays:
You're about to initialize a Firebase project in this directory:
When I would expect it to read:
You're about to initialize a Firebase project in this directory:
A little bit of googling found this page:
Which includes this passage:
To initialize a new project directory, change directories in the terminal to your desired project directory and run: firebase init
Based on this I would expect the steps I took to work.
I am confused. Has anyone ever run into this behavior? Can anyone think of a way to get the CLI to function as expected?
Got to folder:
Search for a file with name of firebase.json and Delete it.
Reinstall firebase tool with this command (--unsafeper- to avoid
permissions error messages & use sudo):
$ sudo npm install --unsafeper- -g firebase-tools
Then, go to your pubilc folder (you have to create one) which
contains your HTML, JS, images and CSS files and use this command:
$ sudo firebase init
$ sudo firebase deploy
The reset is easy and as mentioned in the firebase
The reason is that you must have initiliazed a project in some parent directory (of this myProject folder) in the past. Somehow firebase sees that project in that directory rather than initializing a new project in the current path.
Check the parent directories of the path where you want to initialize a firebase project now. Delete / Move the firebase files from that folder and then you should be able to initialize a project in the current directory.
For example:
I also faced the same problem.
I was trying to initialize a project in this path:
But somehow it always got initialized in this path:
After some searching it turned out that the reason was that I had initialized a project in
D:\Work directory. I moved those files to another folder and that solved the problem.
I was also facing this problem and windows not able to recognize the firebase. I don't know the exact reason why it was behaving in such a manner but it solved the problem.
1) I installed the firebase-tools using a command on command prompt
npm install -g firebase-tools
and it didn't work.
2) I restarted the machine.
3) then again I executed the same command from step 1) npm install -g firebase-tools
and it worked.
Was trying to do this and discovered a command that allows "firebase" as a command.curl -sL | bash This will allow $ firebase login and $ firebase init to work.
I was facing the same issue. After checking the log I figured out that the Authentication token was expired from my firebase cli login session. So I logged out and Logged-In again to the firebase cli using Firebase logout And firebase login command. Problem solved.
To check out your issue go to firebase log using firebase-debug.log command.
And take required steps.

heroku cli commands not responding on windows 10

I installed heroku cli on windows 10 via exe installer.
When i try to run heroku --version command or heroku login
command, the command window does not respond. It does not give any error.
Then i uninstalled it and installed it using npm install -g heroku-cli
but getting same result.
Node version - 8.7.0
In Windows cmd prompt, do:
Go to your C:\Users\YOURNAME
Look for a file named:
This file stores login credentials. Delete it.
Then check for an update:
heroku update
Then try to log in:
heroku login
I saw some people create an environment variable called HOME and add the path to YOURNAME so the environment knows to look for the _netrc file there.
Other trouble-shooting ideas if the above doesn't work for you can be found at Heroku CLI troubleshooting
In windows , run %LOCALAPPDATA%\heroku, completely delete this folder. and check again on cmd by typing heroku --version. Hope this helps.
I ended up uninstalling heroku from the Windows Installer and instead used the standalone tarball.
You can get the tarballs from here.
After you downloaded and extracted it, you can go to your terminal and cd into the directory where you extracted the file and do the following command:
./bin/heroku --version
Whenever you need the heroku CLI, you can cd into the directory where heroku is, then ./bin/heroku is the executable for heroku.

'Firebase init' command didn't create package.json, index.js and function folder

I’m now trying to create a tutorial app for my Google Home but I faced some trouble. According to this tutorial, I finished following steps of Build fulfillment.
1.Download and install Node.js.
2.npm install -g firebase-tools
3.firebase login
4-1.mkdir sillynamemaker sillynamemaker
4-3.firebase init Functions:… action project(silllynamemaker-***)
7.firebase init
But after step 7, there were only ‘firebase.json’ in current folder, so I couldn’t see functions folder, package.json and index.js.
My console log is below.
$ node -v
$ npm --version
$ firebase --version
$ firebase init
You're about to initialize a Firebase project in this directory: ~/ghome/sillynamemaker
? Which Firebase CLI features do you want to setup for this folder? Press Space to select features, then Enter to confirm your choices.
⚠ You have have not selected any features. Continuing will simply associate this folder with a Firebase project. Press Ctrl + C if you want to start over.
=== Project Setup
First, let's associate this project directory with a Firebase project.
You can create multiple project aliases by running firebase use --add,
but for now we'll just set up a default project.
? Select a default Firebase project for this directory: SillyNameMaker (sillynamemaker-*****)
i Writing configuration info to firebase.json...
i Writing project information to .firebaserc...
✔ Firebase initialization complete!
I'm really glad if someone help me.
Thanks in advance.
You must select features you want to initialize by using the arrow keys and spacebar -- none are on by default. See the error message in your pasted log:
⚠ You have have not selected any features. Continuing will simply associate this folder with a Firebase project. Press Ctrl + C if you want to start over.
You can also run firebase init functions to specifically initialize only functions.

How to run the meteor project which git cloned from the Github in different OS

I've created a meteor project in my Windows system,then it be pushed to my Git repository.
Now I need to git clone to my Mac system and run it, but when I CD into the project folder and use "meteor" order in terminal line, It shows: "you need to creat APP ...", why? what should I do to run the project in my Mac system?
Many thanks~~~
Have you tried following the tutorial?
I think meteor create is what you need.

`firebase deploy` just hangs

I'm trying to deploy a site to firebase.
firebase init worked fine. I then ran firebase bootstrap and chose the tetris template. So far so good. But when I run firebase deploy I get Preparing to deploy Public Directory... and then it just hangs forever.
How can I figure out what's going wrong?
Random info in case it helps:
My firebase-tools is version 1.0.1; node is version 0.8.20; npm is version 1.4.23. I ran sudo npm install -g firebase-tools to get the CLI. I'm running on a debian chroot on Android 4.4.3 device. My wifi works fine. On a lark I even tried running sudo firebase deploy in case it depends on ICMP packets or something, but there was no difference.
Firstly, the main reason it's not working is that Node.js version 0.10 or greater is required.
However, even once you've upgraded Node (and I'd recommend getting the latest of firebase-tools too) you're likely to be attempting to deploy the directory that you ran the initial firebase init command from, or at least the folder you specified in the setup (which defaults to the folder you ran the command from).
You should change directory and run the firebase deploy command from the folder that was created by the bootstrap command - which would have been named after the name of the Firebase it was created with, and you can delete the firebase.json file created in the parent directory.
The reason is that firebase init and firebase bootstrap are two different ways of doing the same thing - getting a folder in a deployable state. firebase init is for existing projects with files that will eventually be deployed, and firebase bootstrap is for creating a project from one of the existing templates. By running both, the initial firebase init would have created a firebase.json file containing the settings specified by the prompts, and then the firebase bootstrap command would have created a whole new sub-folder with its own firebase.json for the different settings.
