A/B test mobile site version vs desktop with Google Analytics - google-analytics

I have mobile version of site on subdomain m.site.com and desktop version site.com. I want to send 50% of traffic from m.site.com to site.com and compare conversion. The problem is that right now it's almost 2 different sites, so I think I need different goal pages for m.site.com and site.com. If it possible to create such experiment at Google Analytics?

Yes it possible and google analytics didn't require any specials steps for it.


Is there a way to stop AMP Analytics counting development work as hits?

I have added AMP Analytics (amp-analytics) to my AMP Pages like these and the hits are recorded properly on Google Analytics. The only problem is that it is counting all my development work as hits. This will really skew my readings as many people work on the development version.
Is there a way similar to that in this answer where I can make this script run only if it's in the production domain?
You can use a filter in the Analytics view settings to exclude hits from the development environment (i.e. by hostname or page path).

Tracking mobile web app with Google Analytics using the website script

I have built a web app (read: a website within a naitive app container) for iOS and Android. I started by adding the website script provided by Google to my app, figuring it would work since it's basically a website hosted within a container. The issue? Well, it doesn't work.
When I access the app from my phone, all I get within the Analytics GUI is that there is a user at page / nothing else despite how many pages I go to. I get the same result if I just browse to the website on my phone. However, if I go to the website on my computer, the script seems to pick up everything perfectly. I can see all pages I've visited and when, for example.
So I guess I have two questions:
Why doesn't the script work as expected through the app on my phone, but perfectly when accessing the webiste on my computer from a technical point of view? Does Google perform some sort of blocking regarding the request headers?
Is there any way to get the website script to work within an app or do I have to use Firebase for long-term and sustainable tracking?
Have in italics since the feeling I get when reading here is that the Google Analytics Services SDK for Android and iOS will probably be phased out sooner or later. According to this post the GA SDK is already deprecated. So using that doesn't really feel like an alternative.
Also, I am not interested in comments like "Why don't you use this analytics tool instead", or, "What's your problem with Firebase? Just use it".
There are two types of Google Analytics accounts. Web accounts and mobile accounts. Web accounts run off of pageview hits. Mobile accounts run off screenview hits. If you insert a screenview into a web account the only thing you will see is page / because its sending the in correct hit type.
The SDK is used for tracking mobile applications so it inserts screen views. You cant use the same Google analytics account for tracking with it your going to need a mobile Google analytics account if you want to use the SDK. You wont of course be able to analyse between the web and mobile accounts.
Cant help with firebase sorry.

Recommended way to check Google Analytics is running correctly on every page (wordpress)

I have a Wordpress site that has multiple plugins & that has somehow over time got the same Analytics tracking link (albeit slightly different implementations of it) in a few places on the site.
I want to remove one of them so the site 'touch wood' only uses a single tracking link throughout, is there a website scanning tool or desktop application that will scan an app and help me find each location of this tracking link?
Used the Google Tag Assistant for Chrome extension

how to track Google Analytics of Adobe Air app?

I have written an Adobe Air desktop application that tracks a bunch of websites and displays images from the websites in the app. And instead of keeping my mouth shut about it and making it look like an attack on the website, I'd like to make it so that the webmasters can see that these pageviews are made by my application.
Is there any way the webmaster could distinguish adobe air access of the website from normal visitor browsing? Perhaps by adding something to the URLrequests I make in the application..?
Google analytics captures browser settings. Make your app pass a unique user-agent, thus any visit with your app could be separated from everything else.

Software for tracking how popular a web site is

Is there a (free!) software/components that I can use to track how my web site is being used - which pages are most popular, how many times was the site visitied today, yesterday etc...
How about Google Analytics? http://google.com/analytics
The information you want is (mostly) in the server logs, so I'd ask the server admin to give you access to some statistic-script (if it's installed).
Here's an open software for website analytics:http://www.openwebanalytics.com/
And you can - of course - always give your data to Google and let them generate the statistics using "Google Analytics". It requires including a piece of code into your website.
AWStats is a good option, but +1 for Google Analytics.
