How to convert an ASP.NET/PushSharp project to Azure to send push notifications? -

I've been using ASP.NET and PushSharp to send push notifications to my iOS app clients with the simple following code (after certificate configurations etc):
//ASP.NET + PushSharp
AppleNotification notification = new AppleNotification(PushToken).WithAlert(message);
This worked perfectly on isolated hosts running classic IIS/ASP.NET but now I'm moving towards Windows Azure. When I try this code on Windows Azure, notifications sometimes fail to send, and restarting the website (Standard mode) helps. However, since this is an unreliable approach I've decided to move to Azure's Notification Hub service. I've created the hub, uploaded my certificates, started coding but I couldn't find the equivalent of my previous code. I don't need to broadcast messages to all users, I need to send a push notification to a single device, given that I have the push token. I've looked at Windows Azure ServiceBus Push Notifications APNS Architecture but the link provided at the answer is extremely confusing and I couldn't understand it. How can I, simply push a message to a push token on Windows Azure? Do I have to use notification hub? (I don't use a VM) Any simple approach is welcome, pure ASP.NET/PushSharp-based approach is preferred as I don't need to change my whole codebase.

I'm not sure what kind of object a PushToken is. The way Notification Hubs work is, rather than providing a one-to-one messaging model (where you must identify each and every recipient of the message, whether that is by channel, device token, or registration ID), it provides a tag-based model. However, this does not mean that tags can't be unique to individual users, and in fact you can used just about any token as a tag.
This is a new model, unlike Azure Mobile Services or direct use of APNS, so it's not likely to be directly portable from your existing code. But, in my opinion, the Notification Hubs model is simple once you understand tags. It supports native payloads (constructed by the server that is sending the notifications) and template payloads (where the template is constructed by the receiving device and provided to Notification Hubs at registration time, and then parameters in the template are supplied by the server when it sends the notifications to the templates).


Firebase push notification device to device

I am coding a React Native app and I using Firebase push notification service.
In my app, users can send message for each other and I want to notify them when they get message.
I found one way for native android I can code for react native it is not problem just I want to know if there is better way. I can make post to directly to Firebase service with using Http post.
This is the link which way I found:
I want to push notification to specific device without server, is there another way to do this?
Sending a message to a device with Firebase Cloud Messaging requires that you specify the FCM server key. As its name implies, this key is supposed to only be used in trusted environments, as knowing it allows one to send any message they want to all users of the app. For this reason it is not possible to secure send messages directly from one device to another device with FCM.
Instead you will have to run code in a trusted environment, such as your development machine, a server you control, or Cloud Functions. Your client-side application code invokes the server-side code, that ensures the call is authorized, and then calls the FCM API.
For more on this see:
How to send one to one message using Firebase Messaging
How to send device to device messages using Firebase Cloud Messaging?

React Native Notification Websockets v/s Firestore listener v/s SSE

I am developing a mobile app using react native. My backend application is developed using springboot. My app talks to backend using REST.
I want to send some notification to the user of the app from my backend (via one of the options mentioned below). This cannot be a Push Notification as user can disable push notification for my app.
On recieveing this notification the app will communicate with backend using rest api's to fetch more details and complete the transaction.
I want to know what would be a better strategy to send a notification for the user.
Using Firestore event listener(since I am already using Firebase to send Push Notitification for users who have enabled it)
SSE(server sent events)
Periodic polling from the app to backend (I do not like this approach)
I know this is a bit broad topic. I just need some pointers as to which option is better in terms of fault tolerance, performance and scalability.
I want to know how this is generally implemented. I am new to app development.
In my opinion Firebase is the best option for mobile apps, websocket can be be closed by android and are not always controllable. They also consume a lot of energy which can drain phone battery.
I have the same requirements for a project where need to send notification regardless of using a third party application like Firebase. How I achieve this I will share with you may be it will help you.
Backend -> ASP.NET Core
Real time communication -> SignalR Core
Protocols -> Websocket, Server sent events, Long Pooling
RN Package -> react-native-push-notification
It was completely fine except for one drawback that it will only communicate and send push notification when app is running (background/foreground) I think it depend on your situation and your requirement if your app is continuously will in the main app this will work for you otherwise you need to use the third-party service like Firebase and it will also work when your app is not running just need to be connected with the internet.

Web Push without Firebase Cloud registration?

On this page they explain Web Push with Service Workers stating
Chrome currently uses Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) as its push service. FCM recently adopted the Web Push protocol. and then explaining Firebase and so on...
Since the Service Worker gives me a unique endpoint and a pubkey, it seems to me that technically it should be possible to use that endpoint directly, without anything additionally - except if Google deliberally forces a registration.
I mean, just send a POST request to that endpoint, sending just the notification data encrypted/authenticated using the pubkey without any "VAPID".
Do I absolutely need a Firebase account or is it possible to access the endpoint directly (without additional registration) if I just want to send a notification to a single device?
It's 2021 and all major browsers implement a push service and support VAPID now. You use a web push library (Javascript, Python, C#,..) of choice.
There is no need to register anywhere.
The technical mechanism in short is this:
You generate two VAPID keys once using the push library. One key is private and one is public.
The public key is used in the javascript as "application server key" when subscribing to the push service of the browser.
If the subscription is successful you receive a subscription object from the browser containing an endpoint and two additional keys.
The endpoint is an address depending on the web browser / manufacturer and the service it is currently using. The endpoints look like (Oct 2021) e.g.
Google Chrome h_tt_ps://, Microsoft Edge h_tt_ps://, Mozilla Firefox h_tt_ps://
If your server program has this information (endpoint and keys from subscription object) it can send a push message to the endpoint with the push library. The corresponding service in the web, hosted by the manufacturer sends this to the browser's service on the device.
There is the PushAPI which shall get used.
But it doesn't is supported by every Browser at the moment.
You can find nice examples in the Service Worker Cookbook of Mozilla

Web Push. fetching web pushes sent while offline?

I am coding a vue.js app using web pushes with Firebase Cloud Messaging and I wondered if it was possible to send a web push to a user and in case the user was offline, to somehow store it for later display when the user opens the app again. Is there a principled approach to this problem, i.e. managing web pushes when the end user is offline?
The reason I am asking this is that, so far, all the web push notifications I've committed to FCM server with tokens of offline clients (i.e. desktop browsers) went into oblivion. To be sure, FCM didn't try pushing the notification again when the clients went back online.
For this reason I am considering coding a self-made dispatcher to manage web push for offline clients, but I need to make sure my efforts are worth it.
updated: I am now able to display notifications sent to an offline client after coming back online using appropriate time_to_live values. However, only the latest notification is displayed. How is there any specific reason why?
FCM's default behavior is exactly like that. From the docs:
If the device is not connected to FCM, the message is stored until a connection is established (again respecting the collapse key rules). When a connection is established, FCM delivers all pending messages to the device.

Read Notification via web

I want to implement a push notification service. The idea is to use the GCM Service. Is it possible to read the notifications both via web app (the app is written in php using laravel) and via mobile app for the authenticated users using the same technology?
I think it is possible, I also see this tutorial that can help you to achieve that. It also use PHP as a sample, so it seems like your work will be easier:)
It explains here the basic steps that you need to achieve push notification. It has a sample code and a screenshot to make you understand more the content of this tutorial.
In developing this application, it involves two parts, a GCM Server Application that create Web application using Php to send message to User via GCM Cloud server and GCM Client Application that create Android application which receive messages sent from GCM Server Web App.
For more information you can also check this links:
Implementing Push Messaging for Chrome
How to send push notification to web browser?
