Returning varchar(max) Output parameter from stored procedure truncating to 4000 characters - asp-classic

I've got a classic ASP appln with a SQL2012 database. I recently changed a table column from varchar(8000) to varchar(max) as it wasn't big enough to store the required data.
I can update the column with all of the data I need to store, but the SP I use to return the column data as an output parameter is only returning 4000 characters (at least that is what the result of the following code is giving me:
I'm using the following parameter declaration as part of the call to the SP:
cmd.Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter("#detail", 8, 2, -1, strDetail)
8 being the value for adBStr. I've tried changing the 8 to 200, 201 and 203 but this gives the following error:
Error: 800a0e7c
Parameter object is improperly defined. Inconsistent or incomplete information was provided.
I thought updating the data would be the hard bit, but I just cant work out how to retrieve the entire contents of the column.
I'm returning the DATALENGTH of the column and it says it is 10,536 in length but I'm only getting 4,000 characters including spaces returned via the output parameter. I can see all of the data (10k chars) from Visual Studio so I know its in there.
My connection string Provider=SQLOLEDB.1. Could this be an issue? Should I be using the newer SQL Server Native Client 11.0 OLE DB Provider - SQLNCLI11??
Anyone got any ideas?

Your assumption about the connection string is spot on
You need to the use the SQL Server Native Client instead of SQLOLEDB.1 to support the VARCHAR(MAX) and NVARCHAR(MAX) data types otherwise they will be truncated back to there SQLOLEDB equivalents.
You then want to be using the following parameter definitions
'For varchar(max) OUTPUT use;
Call cmd.Parameters.Append(cmd.CreateParameter("#detail", adLongVarChar, adParamOutput, -1, strDetail))
'For nvarchar(max) OUTPUT use;
Call cmd.Parameters.Append(cmd.CreateParameter("#detail", adLongVarWChar, adParamOutput, -1, strDetail))
'** Constants **
' adLongVarChar = 201
' adLongVarWChar = 203
' adParamOutput = 2


I keep getting a syntax error on this code [duplicate]

I'm trying to insert some information to MySQL with Pascal, but when I run the program I get the error
unknown column 'mohsen' in field list
This is my code
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
aSQLText: string;
aSQLCommand: string;
aSQLText:= 'INSERT INTO b_tbl(Name,Family) VALUES (%s,%s)';
aSQLCommand := Format(aSQLText, [namee, family]);
How can I solve this problem?
It's because your
VALUES (%s,%s)
isn't surrounding the namee and family variable contents by quotes. Therefore, your back-end Sql engine thinks your mohsen is a column name, not a value.
Instead, use, e.g.
VALUES (''%s'',''%s'')
as in
Namee := 'mohsen';
Family := 'dolatshah';
aSQLText:= 'INSERT INTO b_tbl(Name,Family) VALUES (''%s'',''%s'')';
aSQLCommand := Format(aSQLText,[namee,family]);
In the original version of my answer, I explained how to fix your problem by "doubling up" single quotes in the Sql you were trying to build, because it seemed to me that you were having difficulty seeing (literally) what was wrong with what you were doing.
An alternative (and better) way to avoid your problem (and the one I always use in real life) is to use the QuotedStr() function. The same code would then become
aSQLText := 'INSERT INTO b_tbl (Name, Family) VALUES (%s, %s)';
aSQLCommand := Format(aSQLText, [QuotedStr(namee), QuotedStr(family)]);
According to the Online Help:
Use QuotedStr to convert the string S to a quoted string. A single quote character (') >is inserted at the beginning and end of S, and each single quote character in the string is >repeated.
What it means by "repeated" is what I've referred to as "doubling up". Why that's important, and the main reason I use QuotedStr is to avoid the Sql db-engine throwing an error when the value you want to send contains a single quote character as in O'Reilly.
Try adding a row containing that name to your table using MySql Workbench and you'll see what I mean.
So, not only does using QuotedStr make constructing SQL statements as strings in Delphi code less error-prone, but it also avoid problems at the back-end, too.
Just in case this will help anybody else I had the same error when I was parsing a python variable with a sql statement and it had an if statement in i.e.
sql="select bob,steve, if(steve>50,'y','n') from table;"
try as I might it coming up with this "unknown column y" - so I tried everything and then I was about to get rid of it and give it up as a bad job until I thought I would swap the " for ' and ' for "..... Hoooraaahh it works!
This is the statement that worked
sql='select bob,steve, if(steve>50,"y","n") from table;'
Hope it helps...
To avoid this sort of problem and SQL injection you should really look into using SQL parameters for this, not the Pascal format statement.

Maximum Length of Value in R Data Frame, RODBC

I am trying to do a simple query of a DB2 database using the RODBC package in R (myQuery<-sqlQuery(channel,paste0("..."))) One of the columns is a Varchar of length 3000. The resulting data frame shows a "NA" in that column when there should be text. Exporting it to csv also only shows "NA". A query in Access shows an odd character encoding (only after clicking on the cell). Is there a maximum length of a value in a R data frame or a maximum length of a field that can be pulled using RODBC? Or is it the encoding of the field that causes the "NA" to appear?
I did an end to end test on DB2 (LUW 9.7) and R (3.2.2 Windows) and it worked fine for me.
SQL code:
create table test (foo varchar(3000));
--actual insert is 3000 chars
insert into test values ('aaaaaa .... a');
--this select worked fine in my normal SQL client
select * from test
R code:
long = sqlQuery(connection, "select * from test");
#Displays the 3000 character value.
My guess is the problem is for some other reason than simply the size of the field:
Character encoding issues. If you are seeing something funny in Access, perhaps the content of the field is something not acceptable in the character encoding R is using, so it is being discarded. (I'm not familiar with character encoding in R in particular, but it is in general a thorny issue for software development).
Overall size of the results. Maybe the problem is due to the overall length of a row rather than the length of a single field. Is the query also returning lots of other stuff? Have you tried a simple test of just this field?
Problem in another version. Maybe you are using a different version than I was, and there is indeed a problem with your version. If you think so, update your question with more information.

Tableau Wildcard filter error: Function lower may give a 128010-octet result; the limit is 65000 octets error

When creating a wildcard filter in Tableau with connection to a Vertica DB, I get the following error:
Function lower may give a 128010-octet result; the limit is 65000 octets error.
It seems like a problem on Vertica side but 65000 is the max size of varchar data type in Vertica.
I checked that the wildcard filter works fine with a usual Excel spreadsheet.
Verify that the data is in UTF-8 format. There may be special characters in the string.
You can verify that all of the string-based data in the table is in UTF-8 format by using the ISUTF8 function.
I was facing the same problem, I only wanted the first few characters so this worked for me:
select upper(substring(columnname, 0, 10)) from tablename;
it is not a solution if you want the whole value, you need to figure something out, as the length of some value of the result might be exceeding the limit.

RS-DBI driver warning: (unrecognized MySQL field type 7 in column 1 imported as character)

I'm trying to run a simple query that works with MySQL or other MySQL connector API's,
SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE type = 'farmer'
I've tried various methods using the RMySQL package and they all get the same error
RS-DBI driver warning: (unrecognized MySQL field type 7 in column 1 imported as character)
Type = 'farmer'
(Query<-paste0("SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE type = '%",Type,"%'"))
res<-dbGetQuery(con, Query)
Query<-paste("SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE type = \'farmer\'")
Query<-paste("SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE type = 'farmer'")
What am I doing wrong?
"type" is a keyword in MYSQL. Surround the it with backticks to escape field names.
SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `type` = 'farmer'
Also you probably have a time stamp column in your table. R is known to not recognize that column type. Convert it to a unix time stamp in the portion of the SQL statement.
Looks like the db schema has something in column which is of type 7 -- and that type appears to be unknown to the RMySQL driver.
I try to exclude column one in the query, or cast it at the select * ... level eg via something like
select foo as character, bar, bim, bom from 'table' where ...
To be clear, when I encountered this error message, it was because my data field was a time stamp.
I verified this by changing my query to SELECT created_at FROM ... which caused the error. I also verified this by changing the query not to include the column names that were timestamps, then I had no errors.
Note too, that the error message counts columns starting from 0 (instead of 1 as R does)
IMHO, the answer is you aren't doing anything wrong, but it's something that needs to be fixed in RMySQL.
The workaround is after you read in your data, you need to call one of the several possible character to datetime conversion functions. (Which one depends on what you want to do with the time stamp exactly.)

How do I find the length (size) of a binary blob?

I have an SQLite table that contains a BLOB I need to do a size/length check on. How do I do that?
According to documentation length(blob) only works on texts and will stop counting after the first NULL. My tests confirmed this. I'm using SQLite 3.4.2.
I haven't had this problem, but you could try length(hex(glob))/2
Update (Aug-2012):
For SQLite 3.7.6 (released April 12, 2011) and later, length(blob_column) works as expected with both text and binary data.
for me length(blob) works just fine, gives the same results like the other.
As an additional answer, a common problem is that sqlite effectively ignores the column type of a table, so if you store a string in a blob column, it becomes a string column for that row. As length works different on strings, it will then only return the number of characters before the final 0 octet. It's easy to store strings in blob columns because you normally have to cast explicitly to insert a blob:
insert into table values ('xxxx'); // string insert
insert into table values(cast('xxxx' as blob)); // blob insert
to get the correct length for values stored as string, you can cast the length argument to blob:
select length(string-value-from-blob-column); // treast blob column as string
select length(cast(blob-column as blob)); // correctly returns blob length
The reason why length(hex(blob-column))/2 works is that hex doesn't stop at internal 0 octets, and the generated hex string doesn't contain 0 octets anymore, so length returns the correct (full) length.
Example of a select query that does this, getting the length of the blob in column myblob, in table mytable, in row 3:
select length(myblob) from mytable where rowid=3;
LENGTH() function in sqlite 3.7.13 on Debian 7 does not work, but LENGTH(HEX())/2 works fine.
# sqlite --version
3.7.13 2012-06-11 02:05:22 f5b5a13f7394dc143aa136f1d4faba6839eaa6dc
# sqlite xxx.db "SELECT docid, LENGTH(doccontent), LENGTH(HEX(doccontent))/2 AS b FROM cr_doc LIMIT 10;"
