connect arduino to arduino mega adk by USB - arduino

I have an arduino mega ADK, with usb port, and an arduino uno.
- On the arduino uno, I put a xBee shield with the wifly module for connect to the internet.
- On the arduino mega ADK, I put the TinkerKit! shield.
I need to use both : xBee shield and TinkerKit!. and the single way i found, is to connect the arduino uno to the arduino mega ADK by USB wire (the wire is the one I use to connect an arduino to my computer).
Do you think it could work ? If yes, How can I get what is writting on the outpu of the arduino uno ? If no, is there an other way to do what I need ?

yes, it can be done, but is is way more easier to use directly the Hardware/Software Serial. Even if you get iw work, it will be a serial simulation over usb..
So using USB is just a layer of complexity that can break, and nothing more.


Control Arduino Pins via ESP8266 Webserver

I want to program a simple Webserver with an ESP8266 but I want to connect the ESP8266 to an Arduino Mega. I want to connect a LED and a Sensor to the Arduino and control the LED and read the sensor data via the ESP8266 Webserver.
I am a beginner and dont want too complex solutions. It's just a simple school project.
For the Webpage I am sending just some HTML Code, I do not use Blynk or anything like that.
My question is how can I connect the ESP8266 to the Arduino and control it's pins?
There is a million ways to connect an ESP to an Arduino.
Without any shields or perihperals you can basically use any wired bus that does not require transceivers.
For example I2C or SPI.
With shields or peripherals you can use CAN, LIN, RS232, Ethernet, WIFI, Bluetooth, radio, optical and audio transmission... The list is endless.
You can of course read a sensor with the ESP so an Arduino Mega is not really necessary.

ESP32 - Connect arduino nano with ESP32 with Serial

I want to connect my arduino nano with my ESP-32 (in order to use it for wireless communications).
I got this ESP board (see pic).
Any idea how I can connect it? I can't find any documentation for the pin on this board.
Check this,
You can directly use ESP32 to perform the same functions of arduino.

interfacing arduino coordinator with ethernet shield and xbee stacked and a node station with an arduino and xbee

this please.
How do you connect or create the interface from an xbee all the way to the web for it to work. This is a sample description.
web←ethernet shield←arduino←xbee --xbee→arduino→led
Can somebody please give me a sample code for this to work?
the ethernet shield doesn’t pass the ICSP pins through to the next layer hence the XBee shield has nothing to plug into.
try this:
The Sparkfun Xbee shield works fine. It doesn't use the ICSP pins.

GSM shiled and Ethernet shild compatibility

I have an Arduino Uno Rev. 3 and have bought a GSM Shield
and an Ethernet Shield.
If I use the Arduino and GSM shield or the ethernet shield all works well. However, I want to use the Arduino with both the GSM shield and the ethernet shield.
I have searched the Internet and have read that I have a conflict on pin 4. The GSM shield uses pin 4 for the SD Card and the ethernet shield uses pin 4 for TX.
Can i fix this error? Is it possible to change this pin.
In a shield, hardware is managed in such a way that it will always connect to the particular pins. you can understood this in this way that if you place your Ethernet shield upon the Arduino then Ethernet's Tx pin will always connect to Arduino's pin 4.
So there is only one method to overcome this problem, don't place Ethernet shield directly to Ardunio. connect this with the jumpers externally and change Tx pin 4 to another pin in the programming which is free.
I don't know which pins are free in your code but lets assume Arduino's pin 6 is free so declare this as Ethernet TX pin (you will find out this in program) and connect this to Ethernet's pin 4.
You can use only one shield directly, now choose which one you want to use directly and change the pin configuration for the shield which is used externally.

Can't get serial output while using Ethernet

I started to experimenting with the Arduino Ethernet shield and got it working with not much effort. However, when I try to debug through the hardware serial port of the board, I get nothing, and though the program still runs, and I know it should be giving me something, it doesn't. Truth be told, I haven't got a clue of what's going on. How do I fix this problem?
P.S. I am using one of the example sketches included in the Arduino IDE.
The Ethernet shield does not use the RX and TX pins (0,1) and I have personally used Serial communication with the shield before.
So it definitely had to do with your code. Can you post your code?
Also have you connected anything to digital pins 0 and 1?
The Arduino Ethernet board is not equivalent to Arduino Uno + Etherent shield. In the Arduino Ethernet board the USB-to-serial chip is not present.
From the official Arduino Ethernet board page
The Ethernet differs from other boards in that it does not have an
onboard USB-to-serial driver chip, but has a Wiznet Ethernet
So I don't think you can print any values in the serial monitor.
You need an external FTDI adapter like get the serial communication between Arduino and your computer to work.
