ESP32 - Connect arduino nano with ESP32 with Serial - arduino

I want to connect my arduino nano with my ESP-32 (in order to use it for wireless communications).
I got this ESP board (see pic).
Any idea how I can connect it? I can't find any documentation for the pin on this board.

Check this,
You can directly use ESP32 to perform the same functions of arduino.


Use the Arduino Nano's serial interface to communicate with ESP8266 -- currently hangs

I have designed a ledstrip driver capable of receiving commands over UDP-IP. I initially worked with an Arduino MEGA, and currently I'm in the process of deploying the code in an Arduino NANO.
The Arduino NANO only has one hardware serial interface, unlike the MEGA, which has several. This forces me to disable the usual debugging through one of the Serial ports (by sending strings to the computer) and to reserve the one and only serial interface for the ESP8266. In short, I am connecting the ESP8266 to the TX and RX pins in the NANO.
I am aware that I could use the softwareserial.h library, but I'd like to avoid it if possible.
The following function sets up the Wifi object:
void wifi_setup(){
// Initialize serial for ESP module
// Initialize ESP module
WiFi.init(&Serial); /* GETS STUCK HERE */
The problem is: the microcontroller gets stuck in the Wifi.init() function and never abandons it.
I am aware that the serial interface is connected to the USB port, and am suspicious this might be a problem. However, I have tried giving power to the NANO through the VIN pin instead of through the USB port, and it hasn't worked.
What am I doing wrong?
The best solution will be to write separate code for ESP8266 and Arduino Nano - or even only for ESP8266 (NodeMCU to make it easy). It will be much easier. But if you really want to do it in your way, i think ESP uses 115200 baud, and you've set it to 9600.

How to connect sim900a module with arduino to transmit AT commands?

I hav tried connecting through serial communication. But i hav a problem with that. I think AT commands can be also given through I2C communication. But I am getting stuck at some point. Can anyone help with step by step instructions to make a connection? thank you
You need mainly 3 pins to connect Arduino Uno and GSM Modem.
This Tutorial will clear all your doubt about hardware connection and also about Arduino sketch you have write.

Combine RPI and Arduino

I have a few questions about rpi and arduino.
1. Is it possible to provide arduino and rpi two-way communication? (Sending data from the sensors to the Arduino and from arduino to RPI and processing information on RPI).
2. Can i use sensors from Arduino on RPI?
3. Can I programming RPI using C++ (such an as Arduino)?
Yes, checkout the ArduPi project. Serial communication (a USB cable) between the two is a fairly simple way to get started. It provides bi-directional communication between Raspberry and Arduino. And yes, you can compile C/C++ on the Raspberry Pi (but in most cases, you cannot directly reuse C/C++ for Arduino directly on the Pi, as it might use some special .h files not available on the Pi).
Yes it can. Just use I2C Bus (or Two-Wire). By TWI You can easily communicate Rpi and Arduino.
You can directly read the Arduino through the USB serial port. There is a Linux board I came across that you plug directly on top of your Arduino like a shield (It's called the Rubix) .
Of course it is, Uart , I2C or SPI.
I highly recommand Uart.
1.The library GPIO has demo of Uart Communication.
2.You can use USB to connect the serial port.
you can follow this tutorial to make it run
Yes you can communicate using I2C. There should be a wired connection between RPi and Arduino to communicate using I2C. If you wanna try wireless communication you can use ESP8266 13 arduino wifi shield.
Otherwise you can use a ESP8266 module replacing arduino and you can communicate bidirectionally using wifi.
Most sensors that work with the Raspberry Pi, also work with Arduino and other boards like it.

connect arduino to arduino mega adk by USB

I have an arduino mega ADK, with usb port, and an arduino uno.
- On the arduino uno, I put a xBee shield with the wifly module for connect to the internet.
- On the arduino mega ADK, I put the TinkerKit! shield.
I need to use both : xBee shield and TinkerKit!. and the single way i found, is to connect the arduino uno to the arduino mega ADK by USB wire (the wire is the one I use to connect an arduino to my computer).
Do you think it could work ? If yes, How can I get what is writting on the outpu of the arduino uno ? If no, is there an other way to do what I need ?
yes, it can be done, but is is way more easier to use directly the Hardware/Software Serial. Even if you get iw work, it will be a serial simulation over usb..
So using USB is just a layer of complexity that can break, and nothing more.

Arduino Wifi Shield SPI commands

I'm currently using the Arduino Wifi Shield. It works fine with the Arduino Library, but I have a project in which I need to get rid of all the Arduino library, and use only the AVR-libc.
Therefore, in order to use the Wifi shield, I would like to know where there is a documentation about the protocol used on the SPI bus between the arduino and the shield, so that I do not need to use the Wifi Library.
Am I forced to look at the source code, or does any document exist?
The documentation for SPI will be contained in the datasheet for the MCU used in the Arduino. For AVR-based Arduinos, look in the section titled "SPI – Serial Peripheral Interface". For the Arduino Due, see the "Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Programmer Datasheet" section.
