Wordpress network gets redirected to main site - wordpress

I have a wordpress installation hosted on a provider that is setup as a network. This Wordpress network has 2 sites, as follows:
/blog (main site and first one created)
/blog/site1 (a second wordpress site in the network).
Both of these sites can be accessed via the same domain (www.example.com).
When a user tries to access the second site (/blog/site1) for the first time, the user gets instead redirected to the primary site (/blog). If the user types the URL of the second site and tries to access it again, then the correct wordpress site is displayed.
Does anyone know how configure wordpress not to redirect users to the main site by default?

Use redirection plugin. You can get it in Dashboard> Plugins> redirect.


Add sites in subdomain and not under wordpress multisite subdomain

I'm confused, I have a miltisite wordpress installation but also another site managing the customer areas.
So I have the site on the main domain www.domaine.com and i installed the wordpress multisite in a subdomain: sites.domain.com
So far everything is fine, but when I want to create a site, wordpress requires me to be subject to the subdomain like this: other.site.domain.com
I tried to modify the .htaccess and wp-config.php but when I go back to the site management it redirects me to www.domaine.com without my being able to access the wordpress multisite management...
How can I create sites with addresses under the domain and not under the subdomain like this:
other.domain.com and not like this other.site.domain.com
It's ok, I can't access for two reasons.
One my wildcard is set on other folder than wp installation (blank page on subsite create)
Two I need to set address of new site for replace domain.com/other to other.domain.com
And now I can access to website and subsite.
Thank you for your answer, I just tested but it does not react correctly.
When I put the configuration of DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE on domaine.com I can no longer access the settings of the multisite network, I am redirected to the purchase site which is on the domain.
Another thing, if I therefore create a site in a subdirectory and not in a subdomain with the SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL configuration false, when I type test.domaine.com a blank page appears as if there was no site or if I Type site.domain.com/test/ it works.
I cleared the caches everywhere and tried again but nothing happened.
In case I expressed myself badly,
www.domain.com = The commercial site of the company
site.domain.com = Multisite management and sample site
other1.domain.com = Customer site created from site.domain.com
thanks again

Can't Access Wordress homepage after changing local URL

i recently started developing a site for my local business and it doesnt have to have a hosting and a domain. I will use this site to show my clients what they're getting and giving them choices.
Fast forward yesterday, i changed the siteurl and homepage url in phpmyadmin to make the site locally accessible, and i was accessing it though. Today my ip was changed and i changed the ip adress through phpmyadmin. Now i can access all of my pages but homepage. I can access admin panel, access categories page and all other things. But when i try to open homepage it redirects me to the old URL, what should i do?
I am using Astra theme with Elementor, Woocommercial, Cartflows etc.
you can go to phpmyadmin from your host.
go to "options" table. change the "siteurl" to thing you want.
but if it is true, you can do a test.
creat a new page for your home page and set that for homepage from general-option -> reading .
test that. It should be work.

Dreamhost Wordpress https cert added now no access to site

Used Dreamhost’s free Let’s Encrypt on my website. Now when I try to reach my Wordpress site I receive, Page not working - redirected you too many times. Domain and site are hosted on Dreamhost.
I used Let’s encrypt on my root domain on an empty Wordpress site and it worked. I made a subdomain off the main one, built out the content on the Wordpress site then tried to encrypt it and that’s when I can’t access it.
This happens when the database URLs are being forced to use either WWW or non-WWW. And what the SSL does is add HTTPS and remove WWW, so it creates a loop.

How the subdomain keep the full url of the url that it is redirecting to?

I am not sure about the title of my question so let me an explain the situation with example:
I have a wordpress website at: wwww.mywebsite.com
(DNS: Godaddy, hosted on Azure, SSL enabled)
I setup a forum website hosted on another Azure account with a url like: myforum.azurewebsites.net
I want to have a subdomain "forum" (forum.mywebsite.com) to redirect to the forum website. I managed to achieve the redirection by using Godaddy subdomain settings. I also enabled the masking so the user see the forum.mywebsite.com on the browser.
The problem is that the forum url does not show the subfolders url. For instance if someone wants to login, the user should see: forum.mywebsite.com/login but the user only sees: forum.mywebsite.com
How can I achieve the redirection in a way that the url keeps the subfolder path as well.
You will want to set the custom domain on Azure which will require you to create a CNAME record in your DNS on Godaddy for forum.mywebsite.com that has the value of myforum.azurewebsites.net

Wordpress Multisite - user registration stuck in wp-login loop

I'm having trouble registering users on a Wordpress multisite. I can't seem to access the register screen, either from the main site, or from a sub-site. Clicking 'Register' just sends the user back to the Login screen.
The site is currently set up with two domains (a .org and a .org.uk), using the Domain Mapping plugin. The following options are set within the Domain Mapping plugin:
Remote Login
Permanent redirect (better for your blogger's pagerank)
User domain mapping page
Redirect administration pages to site's original domain (remote login disabled if this redirect is disabled)
Each sub-site is set to allow user registrations, and the network settings allow the follow option: 'User accounts may be registered.'
Interestingly, the site also runs Woocommerce, and users can register accounts from within this plugin.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
