Wordpress Multisite - user registration stuck in wp-login loop - wordpress

I'm having trouble registering users on a Wordpress multisite. I can't seem to access the register screen, either from the main site, or from a sub-site. Clicking 'Register' just sends the user back to the Login screen.
The site is currently set up with two domains (a .org and a .org.uk), using the Domain Mapping plugin. The following options are set within the Domain Mapping plugin:
Remote Login
Permanent redirect (better for your blogger's pagerank)
User domain mapping page
Redirect administration pages to site's original domain (remote login disabled if this redirect is disabled)
Each sub-site is set to allow user registrations, and the network settings allow the follow option: 'User accounts may be registered.'
Interestingly, the site also runs Woocommerce, and users can register accounts from within this plugin.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


How the subdomain keep the full url of the url that it is redirecting to?

I am not sure about the title of my question so let me an explain the situation with example:
I have a wordpress website at: wwww.mywebsite.com
(DNS: Godaddy, hosted on Azure, SSL enabled)
I setup a forum website hosted on another Azure account with a url like: myforum.azurewebsites.net
I want to have a subdomain "forum" (forum.mywebsite.com) to redirect to the forum website. I managed to achieve the redirection by using Godaddy subdomain settings. I also enabled the masking so the user see the forum.mywebsite.com on the browser.
The problem is that the forum url does not show the subfolders url. For instance if someone wants to login, the user should see: forum.mywebsite.com/login but the user only sees: forum.mywebsite.com
How can I achieve the redirection in a way that the url keeps the subfolder path as well.
You will want to set the custom domain on Azure which will require you to create a CNAME record in your DNS on Godaddy for forum.mywebsite.com that has the value of myforum.azurewebsites.net

How to change wordpress domain name when site has asp.login page for portal in a separate directory?

My client wants to change his Wordpress site's domain name (from info.safetyalert.com
to safetyalert.com).
On the server there are two directories: info.safetyalert.com
(where the user is redirected when they type www.safetyalert.com into browser) and
safetyalert.com, which contains the old site which is not rendered with the exception of a login.asp page for customers that directs them to a "non-Wordpress" portal for submitting reports which is in turn linked to a database (you can see the Login link at the upper right hand corner when accessing the Wordpress home page).
My question is: In which files would I need to edit to make safetyalert.com permanent (and not changing to info.safetyalert.com in the address bar) when users goto the Wordpress site, but without affecting/crashing the login.asp page and the database in the other directory?
My previous attempts have resulted in a loop. I can provide additional info if needed. Any help is greatly appreciated!
login to admin panel of http://info.safetyalert.com/, and go to Settings > General, then change the URL (ie from http://info.safetyalert.com/ to http://www.safetyalert.com ), then you problem is solved.

Admin bar doesn't appear on the front-end of a WordPress website

I have a WordPress installation in a subdomain (http://base.example.com), but I want users to access the front-end from (http://www.example.com). The subdomain is a subfolder within the root of the site. I have copied index.php and .htaccess to the root of my site and changed the path in index.php to point to my subdomain. The website works fine, both the front-end and back-end, but when I login and go to the front-end, I cannot see the admin bar, and it appears as if I am logged out. When I go to wp-admin, I see the admin bar, and I can preform all administration functions as needed. How do I fix this problem so I can see the admin bar on the front-end?
You should be able to resolve your issues using the plugin root Cookie. It hasn't been updated in 2 years, but it will fix the problem that you're having. You need the login/authentication cookie to be accessible across subdomains. Follow these directions:
Install and activate the plugin.
Enable subdomain support in plugin settings.
Logout of the WordPress admin.
Login again and check if it works.
The reason that this issue occurs is because when WordPress sets the cookie that says you're logged in, it sets it for the administration domain. That means, when you visit from the non-administration domain, the cookie isn't allowed to be used for authentication due to browser security. This plugin changes the URL for the cookie to allow for use across subdomains, which allows for you to see the admin bar on the front-end.

Wordpress network gets redirected to main site

I have a wordpress installation hosted on a provider that is setup as a network. This Wordpress network has 2 sites, as follows:
/blog (main site and first one created)
/blog/site1 (a second wordpress site in the network).
Both of these sites can be accessed via the same domain (www.example.com).
When a user tries to access the second site (/blog/site1) for the first time, the user gets instead redirected to the primary site (/blog). If the user types the URL of the second site and tries to access it again, then the correct wordpress site is displayed.
Does anyone know how configure wordpress not to redirect users to the main site by default?
Use redirection plugin. You can get it in Dashboard> Plugins> redirect.

Configure Drupal 7 using Domain Access module

I want to configure a Drupal 7 site using a domain and two subdomains with a single database.
I am using Domain Access module for sharing content on these subdomains. I want to share some content and to be able to modify some content on each subdomain. The modified content must be viewed only on its subdomain (for example, a different image should appear on each subdomain).
The question is:
How can I share content between subdomains and also differentiate some content?
I tried different approaches, I modified the user's permissions and it is still not solving my problem.
I published a Basic Page on a subdomain and I can access this page from every subdomain, even if I unchecked the option "Send to all affiliates"
If I change the content from a page published on sub1.domain.com, that content appears modified everywhere
If I create a user or admin for a subdomain, he is able to login everywhere and I do not want that
Since you already can publishing in all domains and those changes are visible in all domains, I guess that you have the domains already well configured. This is, all domains pointing to the same Drupal project and using the same database.
So, you have three different questions:
Assuming that you have the domains well configured, and the domain access module is installed correctly, you can publish to a specific domain by selecting which domain to publish the Basic Page, a domain access option now available.
(Be sure to test that with an user without permissions to see content from all domain - like the administrator).
If the content was published only to a specific Domain it should change only on that specific domain. The trick here is to have a different Theme for each Domain and make the change on the Theme corresponding to the subdomain you want to change.
To control this you have to assign a domain to each user, go to admin/user and there under the AFFILIATE EDITOR OPTIONS tab, you can assign domains to users. (user's registered before the Domain Access module was installed doesn't have an associated domain).
