How can I tell if a website is firing virtual page views? - google-analytics

Is there a way to know how many page views are being fired, including virtual pageviews, when a browser lands on a page?
I'm investigating a severe bounce rate drop that is pretty clearly a technical issue since there has been no content or layout changes on the site.
We do have:
2 Google Analytics tags (Classic and Universal) throughout the site;
Optimizley is set up and testing.
Could this cause the problem?
Note, there is currently no event tracking on the site, just the base analytics tags.
Is there a way to see what tags (assuming that's it) are causing the issue? I am using httpfox (like fiddler) and added filter "utm" to see what's going on. Sure enough, 2 GA tags firing plus 2 dart pixels.
Would those cause page views though?

To check what is firing on the entire page. Download firbug for firefox and add the "omnibug" extension. The omnibug extension should be in the firefox firebug window when you open it.
When you go the omnibug in the firefix panel, you will see EVERYTHING THAT IS FIRING!
Is that what you are looking for?
To check what pageviews are firing correctly VERY QUICKLY in Google analytics. Do the following;
Make sure the google analytics code you have is on the page you want to track
Make sure your IP is not excluded or filtered out of the analytics profile
Login to your google analytics account
Go to Real-Time section on the left hand sidebar.
Click on Content
Go to your site and click on the link or go to the virtual pageview page you added the code to and then watch if that link shows up in the real-time -> content section.


Tag assistant shows duplicate GTM tags

I have a small website where I used Barba.js to create smooth transition between pages. So it won't load a new page completely fresh, but rather load the content in background using AJAX and add it to the existing document.
So to fire Google analytics page view event, I use History change trigger in GTM. And it seems to be working fine. in GA it is recording the page views correctly. But in Google Tag Assistant, it keeps increasing the count of GTM tag on every page load. And I have checked it is not adding GTM tag on page loads. It only adds a main content container to the document which doesn't contain GTM tag.
Here is the TAG Assistant screenshot after a 3rd page load :
The Google analytics page view event is fired 3 times which is correct, but the GTM is also recorded 3 times.
This is a common behavior of Google Tag Assistant with single page website. The plugin is unable to detect single-page transitions correctly, so it will report the GTM container loading for each new URL when in fact the container has only loaded once.
To understand if it is not actually loaded multiple times, try to open the Network requests of your browser's developer tools and look for requests for gtm.js, If you only see one per page loaded there are no problems.

How can I track button clicks on a site that can't use Google Analytics?

I will start by saying that I have fair experience in HTML, but please keep the technical terms to a bare minimum. Pretend you're explaining it to a child. :-)
I used to make my site (Wix is a place to easily design websites and has little HTML capabilities, since it's all based on being able to easily design a site with no HTML knowledge). You can add a Google Analytics tracking code, so i can see the number of clicks on the site, but that's about all. Apparently you can't change the code to be able to see button clicks on the site etc. (or maybe you can?...)
This is what I need above anything else:
On the site are a few "sign up now" buttons. When someone clicks it, they go to a signup page on an external site. I need to be able to track who clicks these buttons and when.
Ideally it's all tracked within google but apparently it doesn't work on wix.
Somehow it works with Google Analytics on Wix. It would have to be if somehow I can track it with Analytics without putting a code on the site itself. Don't know if or how that would work.
If not Google, is there a simple 3rd party Analytics site that could track the number of clicks on these buttons to external pages? It would be best if I can get the IP addresses of the clickers as well.
this is fairly easy, try which can directly help you to send data about the users when they click event tracking.
Wix supports 3 types of goal tracking for your site: Destination, Duration and Pages/Screens per session. Currently, Wix doesn't support an Event tracking goal.

Google Analytics not generating data

I'm new to Google Analytics. Yesterday, I created an account and I pointed it to our website. I've added the JavaScript codes that Google Analytics generated for us. I put the code on all of our .html files.
I've been hitting our website from outside and so does my officemates since last night and also today. However, when I visited under Reporting, everything was showing 0. I don't see any single spike at all.
I would recommend navigating to the Reporting -> Realtime -> Overview tab within your Google Analytics (GA) account. This is an almost realtime view into users on your site. In a separate tab access your site and refresh the page, this page view event should then be visible in the GA Realtime view.
If you can see your page view then its likely that you've inserted the correct GA script into your page and that you've used the correct GA property id. If you cant see your own page view then you will know that your script is incorrectly inserted or your GA property id is incorrect.
Last bit of advice: GA often has a 24-48 delay before you are able to use its full suite of insight tools (such as GA Goals). If you're expecting to see Goals populate immediately you're gonna have a bad time.
Last-last bit of advice: make sure that you select the current date from the date range picker in the top right of the GA Reporting view. It defaults to yesterday.

Preventing an iframe on the same domain from triggering a page exit in Google Analytics

I am working on a third party website that contains a web application embedded in an iframe on the home page. This iframe is hosted on the same same sub/domain.
Currently page views are being tracked with _trackPageview. Due to a requirement by marketing both pages use the same Google account Id.
Since the iFrame was implemented the marketing department has noticed that the bounce rate has dropped to almost nothing. I suspect that this is because Google is interpreting the pageView event on the iframe as the visitor hitting another page on the website.
Just for additional information, the domain of the _gaq object is being set to "none" for both the container page and iframe.
Does Google provide a mechanism by which you can trigger PageView in such a way that it isn't interpreted as subsequent pageview in this scenario? (I know that trackEvent has a noninteraction property to deal with this?)
Am I better off just disabling the PageView for the default iframe page?
Does Google provide a mechanism - apparently yes, but probably not for your use case.
The field documentation for Universal Analytics describes the non-interaction field thusly:
Specifies that a hit be considered non-interactive.
So in UA this does no seem limited to events but to apply to all hits (which would include pageviews). I want to point out that I have no tested it and that it seems counterintutive, so it might simply be that the documentation is incomplete/wrong here.
However as you are using "classical" Analytics this does not apply to you. Since upgrading the code is a good idea in any case you might want to push for an update to Universal Analytics (this piqued my curiosity so I will test this over the next few days and update this answer with the results - maybe you want to wait until then, or simply test it yourself).
It's possible, but not 100% clear to me that disabling the PageView event on the iframe will prevent your users from registering a page exit (the pageview may get recorded regardless). You can try removing that event and see if it works.
But a better way may be to implement a custom filter on a new View excluding traffic to that specific class of iframes. Make sure you keep your old View (or create a new one with further filters) to make sure you're capturing those iframe views, if you think that's necessary.

In Google Analytics, should I apply delay before redirection?

Using Google Analytics, I am tracking clicks on a link (The link is of the same website).
Is it necessary to apply some delay before redirection after tracking the click using trackPageViews?
I see people suggest delay on outbound link but I guess, the same rationale applies to the link that takes users to the same website.
The issue is really whether or not the tracking pixel request (from _trackPageview) has completed before you leave the current page.
So, yes -- if the link is opening up in the existing window, you'll want to add a delay on following the link, regardless of staying on the site or not.
BTW, while using _trackPageview for tracking clicks will work, it also inflates the actual page view count for your site -- you might want to use event tracking (with _trackEvent) instead. See Event Tracking Guide
