Elixir default parameters for named functions with multiple clauses - default-parameters

I have trouble understanding how default parameters interact with multiple clauses in named functions. It boils down to, why does the following snippet work?
defmodule Lists do
def sum([], total \\ 0), do: total
def sum([h|t], total), do: h + sum(t, total)
From my understanding this gets expanded by the compiler into:
defmodule Lists do
def sum([]), do: sum([], 0)
def sum([], total), do: total
def sum([h|t], total), do: h + sum(t, total)
So I would expect the following to happen:
iex(1)> Lists.sum [1,2,3,4]
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Lists.sum/1
instead it works:
iex(1)> Lists.sum [1,2,3,4]
Using Elixir 0.12.4.

Actually, def sum([], total \\ 0), do: total will define a function clause that looks like def sum(list), do: sum(list, 0). So I can definitely see your confusion. I will guarantee we emit a warning for such cases in future releases. Thank you!


Return values in Prolog

I'm supposed to write a predicate that does some math stuff. But I don't know how to pass numbers or return numbers.
Maybe you can give me an example?
Let's say a predicate divide/2 that takes two numbers a and b and returns a/b.
Yes, you pass numbers in in some arguments, and you get the result back in some other argument(s) (usually last). For example
divide( N, D, R) :-
R is N / D.
112 ?- divide(100,5,X).
X = 20.
113 ?- divide(100,7,X).
X = 14.285714285714286.
Now, this predicate is divide/3, because it has three arguments: two for inputs and one for the output "information flow".
This is a simplified, restricted version of what a Prolog predicate can do. Which is, to not be that uni-directional.
I guess "return" is a vague term. Expression languages have expressions e-value-ated so a function's last expression's value becomes that function's "return" value; Prolog does not do that. But command-oriented languages return values by putting them into some special register. That's not much different conceptually from Prolog putting some value into some logvar.
Of course unification is more complex, and more versatile. But still, functions are relations too. Predicates "return" values by successfully unifying their arguments with them, or fail to do so, as shown in the other answer.
Prolog is all about unifying variables. Predicates don't return values, they just succeed or fail.
Typically when a predicate is expected to produce values based on some of the arguments then the left-most arguments are inputs and the right-most are the outputs. However, many predicates work with allowing any argument to be an input and any to be a output.
Here's an example for multiply showing how it is used to perform divide.
multiply(X,Y,Z) :- number(X),number(Y),Z is X * Y.
multiply(X,Y,Z) :- number(X),number(Z),X \= 0,Y is Z / X.
multiply(X,Y,Z) :- number(Y),number(Z),Y \= 0,X is Z / Y.
Now I can query it like this:
?- multiply(5,9,X).
X = 45 .
But I can easily do divide:
?- multiply(5,X,9).
X = 1.8 .
It even fails if I try to do a division by 0:
?- multiply(X,0,9).
Here's another approach. So let's say you have a list [22,24,34,66] and you want to divide each answer by the number 2. First we have the base predicate where if the list is empty and the number is zero so cut. Cut means to come out of the program or just stop don't go to the further predicates. The next predicate checks each Head of the list and divides it by the number A, meaning (2). And then we simply print the Answer. In order for it to go through each element of the list we send back the Tail [24,34,66] to redo the steps. So for the next step 24 becomes the Head and the remaining digits [34,66] become the Tail.
Answer is H//A,
?- divideList([22,24,34,66],2,L).
Another simpler approach:
H1 is H//A,!,
Answer = [11, 2, 28, 19]

Pyomo constraint > 100000 OR 0

I am working on some code where there is a requirement to buy/sell a minimum of 100,000 packets. If not possible then this should be zeroed.
I have tried a number of things for things for this including:
def objective_rule(model):
return sum(model.Prices[ProductCount]*model.Amount[ProductCount]*(model.Amount[ProductCount]>100000) for ProductCount in model.Products)
But this is slower than expected.
I would like to put an explicit constraint in place. Something akin to:
def minTradesize_Constraint(model):
return ((model.Amount[ProductCount]>=100000)| \
(model.Amount[ProductCount]==0.00) for ProductCount in model.Products)
I have looked at indicator functions but the Pyomo continuous approximations don't help.
Any help/guidance appreciated.
Basically, what you are trying to achieve is make the model.Amount[ProductCount] terms take discontinuous values (zero or larger or equal to 100,000). To achieve that, first, you will basically need to define a binary variable: model.y = pyomo.Var(model.Products, within=pyomo.Binary).
Then you will need to add the following constraints:
def minTradesize_Constraint1(model):
return (model.Amount[ProductCount] >= 100000 * y[ProductCount] for ProductCount in model.Products)
def minTradesize_Constraint2(model):
return (model.Amount[ProductCount] <= M * y[ProductCount] for ProductCount in model.Products)
where M is a sufficiently large number (can be a realistic upper bound for your model.Amount[ProductCount] variable).
As a result of this formulation, if y[ProductCount] is zero, then the model.Amount[ProductCount] term will also be zero. If the model wants now to make model.Amount[ProductCount] variable take positive values, it will have to set the binary y[ProductCount] to 1, hence, forcing model.Amount[ProductCount] to become larger or equal to 100,000.
Note: I have formulated the constraints in the same style that you did in your answer. However, if I understand your model correctly, I would say that the first constraint, for instance, should be:
def minTradesize_Constraint1(model, ProductCount):
return (model.Amount[ProductCount] >= 100000 * y[ProductCount]
and the for ProductCount in model.Products part should be added when you create the Pyomo constraint.
to simplify the solution even further. I added a variable called route_selected
model.route_selected = pe.Var(<a set, for me its routes == r>, domain=pe.Binary, initialize=0, within=pe.Binary)
model.route_selected = pe.Var(model.R, domain=pe.Binary, initialize=0, within=pe.Binary)
thats my dependent variable looks
# Variable to solve, this is the variable that will be changed by solver to find a solution
# for each route, port, cust, year combination what should be supplied amount
model.x_rpcy = pe.Var(self.model.R, self.model.P, self.model.C, self.model.Y, domain=pe.NonNegativeIntegers, initialize=0)
and then added this constraint
for y in self.model.Y:
for r in self.model.R:
lhs = sum(self.model.x_rpcy[r, p, c, y] for p in self.model.P for c in self.model.C)
vessel_size = 1000
self.model.const_route.add(lhs == vessel_size * self.model.route_selected[r])
model.const_route.add(lhs == vessel_size * model.route_selected[r])

What is the complexity of a recursive snowflake function?

# The base case basically draws a segment.
import turtle
def fractal(order,length):
if order==0:
def snowflake(order,length):
This is a recursive function that traces a fractal shaped snowflake.
The complexity depends on order.
However, I can't figure it out when we have so many recursive actions happening for every order.
Although the function might look complicated, it is worth noting that the execution of fractal only depends on order. So complexity-wise, it can be reduced to just:
def fractal(order):
if order == 0:
# do O(1)
fractal(order - 1)
fractal(order - 1)
fractal(order - 1)
i.e. 3 recursive calls with order - 1; the time complexity recurrence is then very simple:
T(n) = 3 * T(n - 1) (+ O(1))
T(1) = O(1)
– which easily works out to be O(3^n).
snowflake has 3 identical calls to fractal, so is also O(3^n).

How many times does this recursive function iterate?

I have a recursive function, as follows, where b >= 0
def multiply(a,b):
if b == 0:
return 0
elif b % 2 == 0:
return multiply(2*a, b/2)
return a + multiply(a, b-1)
I would like to know how many times the function will run in terms of a and b.
If binary representation of b (call it B) ends with 1, like xxxx1 than next call to multiply has B = xxxx0.
If B ends with 0, like xxxx0 than next value of B is xxxx.
With that, digit of binary representation of b adds one call if it is 0, and two calls if it is 1. Summing that total number of calls equals to length of initial B + number of ones in initial B.
I might be wrong here, but I think your function does not work the way you intend it. In recursion the most important thing as a propper ending criteria, since it will run forever elseways.
Now your ending criteria is a==0, but with each recursive call you do not decrease a. Just make a pen & paper simulation with a=5 and check if it would stop at any point.

Functions with the same name but different arguments in functional languages

I see this code in the example of Elixir:
defmodule Recursion do
def print_multiple_times(msg, n) when n <= 1 do
IO.puts msg
def print_multiple_times(msg, n) do
IO.puts msg
print_multiple_times(msg, n - 1)
Recursion.print_multiple_times("Hello!", 3)
I see here the same function defined twice with different arguments, and I want to understand this technique.
Can I look at them as at overloaded functions?
Is it a single function with different behavior or are these two different functions, like print_only_once and print_multiple_times?
Are these functions linked anyhow or not?
Usually in functional languages a function is defined by clauses. For example, one way to implement Fibonacci in an imperative language would be the following code (not the best implementation):
def fibonacci(n):
if n < 0:
return None
if n == 0 or n == 1:
return 1
return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)
To define the function in Elixir you would do the following:
defmodule Test do
def fibonacci(0), do: 1
def fibonacci(1), do: 1
def fibonacci(n) when n > 1 do
fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n - 2)
def fibonacci(_), do: nil
Test.fibonacci/1 is only one function. A function with four clauses and arity of 1.
The first clause matches only when the number is 0.
The second clause matches only when the number is 1.
The third clause matches with any number greater than 1.
The last clause matches anything (_ is used when the value of the variable is not going to be used inside the clause or is not relevant for the match).
The clauses are evaluated in the order they are declared, so for Test.fibonacci(2) will fail in the first 2 clauses and match the third one because 2 > 1.
Think of clauses as a more powerful if statement. The code looks cleaner this way. And is very useful for recursion. For example, a map implementation (the language already provide one in Enum.map/2):
defmodule Test do
def map([], _), do: []
def map([x | xs], f) when is_function(f) do
[f.(x) | map(xs, f)]
First clause matches an empty list. No need to apply a function.
Second clause matches a list where the first element (head) is x and the rest of the list (tail) is xs and f is a function. It applies the function to the first element and recursively calls map with the rest of the list.
Calling Test.map([1,2,3], fn x -> x * 2 end) will give you the following output [2, 4, 6]
So, a function in Elixir is defined with one or more clauses where every clause have the same arity as the rest.
I hope this answers your question.
In the example you posted both definitions of the function have the same number of arguments: 2, this "when" thing is a guard, but you can also have definitions with many arguments. First, guards -- they are uses to express what cannot be written as a mere matching, like the second line of the following:
def fac(0), do: 1
def fac(n), when n<0 do: "no factorial for negative numbers!"
def fac(n), do: n*fac(n-1)
-- since it's not possible to express being negative number by just equality/matching.
Btw this fac is a single definition, only with three cases. Notice the coolness of using constant "0" in the position of argument :)
You can think of this as it would be nicer way to write:
def fac(n) do
if n==0, do: 1, else: if n<0, do: "no factorial!", else: n*fac(n-1)
or a switch case (which even looks pretty close to the above):
def fa(n) do
case n do
0 -> 1
n when n>0 -> n*fa(n-1)
_ -> "no no no"
only "looks more fancy". Actually it turns out certain definitions (e.g. parsers, small interpreters) look much better in the former than latter style. Nb guard expressions are very limited (I think you can't use your own function in guard).
Now the real thing, varying number of arguments -- check this out!
def mutant(a), do: a*a
def mutant(a,b), do: a*b
def mutant(a,b,c), do: mutant(a,b)+mutant(c)
iex(1)> Lol.mutant(2)
iex(2)> Lol.mutant(2,3)
iex(3)> Lol.mutant(2,3,4)
It works a bit similar like (lambda arg ...) in scheme -- think of mutant as taking all its arguments as a list and matching over it. But this time, elixir treats mutant as 3 functions, mutant/1, mutant/2, and mutant/3 and will refer to them as such.
So, to answer your question: these are not like overloaded functions, but rather scattered/fragmented definitions. You see similar ones in functional languages like miranda, haskell or sml.
