WordPress on add-on domain - wordpress

I have installed WordPress on an add-on on BlueHost. The addon domain is linked to a sub-folder of the main domain FTP, called addondomain-folder.
When I go to addondomain.com, the WP site displays ok.
The problem is with the wp-admin panel. The panel displays incorrectly, has broken links to all images and stylesheets and I can not access any area as I always get redirected to: addondomain.com/addondomain-folder/wp-admin/... instead of addondomain.com/wp-admin/
I have checked the wp-options table in the database and both siteurl and home are set to addondomain.com
Any solutions to stop wp-admin thinking it is in a subfolder?

Ok, the problem was a hidden .htaccess file which messed everything up.


Can't access wordpress, not even through cpanel

So, I'm making this wordpress website.
I've got full access to the entire cPanel.
I install wordpress, and the domain is always redirecting me to this stupid page.
Here you have the public_html folder.
And when I try to access the Wordpress Admin panel through cPanel, it gives me this random link and redirects me back the page I meantioned earlier.
Any help?

Wordpress redirecting to wrong homepage

I worked for a few days on XAMPP with a wordpress platform. After I bought a domain, I decided to use Duplicator plugin to transfer my whole wordpress snap to the new server. Everything is working just fine except for one single thing: whenever I go to my website, instead of visiting the actual page that should be "www.example.com/welcome" it redirects automatically to "www.example.com/wordpress". I made some research about it and discovered that usually wp is installed in a wordpress directory, but I completely made sure that:
on htaccess there is no /wordpress directory url
on index.php there is no /wordpress directory url
on wp-config there is no /wordpress directory both on SITE-URL and HOME
made sure that on the wp-admin config panel in the General section, the URLs are both set to the root directory.
For some unexplicable reason, everything is working fine, www.example.com/shop works for example, but if I set from the customization panel a page like "www.example.com/dummy" as homepage, then THAT page won't be found because it automatically redirects "dummy" to "/wordpress" which of course does not exist. You can type www.example.com and be redirected to www.example.com/wordpress and the same thing happens if you type www.example.com/dummy, since now that should be the homepage.
Can anyone explain me why is this happening? I searched everywhere but I can't find an answer.
I'm using the Storefront theme and Woocommerce plugin if that might help.

Page not found on localhost WordPress site

I am working on a WordPress website on localhost using Xampp. Today I changed the site URL and home URL in phpMyAdmin to a host; I plan on transferring my site too, but I ran into some issues so I had to revert it back to localhost.
But now it doesn't work! I have tried 'localhost' and 'localhost/wordpress'. With the latter, I can see my site's header and footer and theme colors etc., but the main frontpage says "not found" and other menu pages also say not found. When I try to access wp-admin, it can't find it either! So I can't even log into the admin panel.
Folders structure:
Inside the wordpress folder, there's .htaccess, index.php, etc. And three folders: wp-admin, wp-content and wp-includes.
I don't know why this isn't working any more, I only changed my database's site URL temporarily! Now nothing works and can't access admin panel.
make sure you changed the siteurl and home values in the wp_options table to your localhost like that http://localhost/site
delete the htaccess file and try to open the site and see
if you have a security plugin that changes the login url page try to disable it by renaming it's folder name

why site continously redirected although I have removed the .htaccess

I am working on a site which is installed on
in this folder there are two further folders one is members and other is wordpress
My site is accessed in a way like this
wordpress folder contains few pages which are used only for regersitered members, so if I access a page from wordpress folder, url becomes..
now the issue is, I cant login it wordpress folder if I use
I am redirected to
I am messing with it for two days, but cant figure out what is happening here
can somebody GUIDE me please
Have you checked
options under wp_options table.
They must have value http://www.mywebsite.com/wordpress in your case.

wordpress page permalink is not working on local

I have wordpress website on server, created pages and that's working fine, but when I download wordpress files and DB on local and want to run with localhost, permalinks for pages are not working.
It seems this is an old post, but this might help others that encounter same error.
Apache –> Apache Modules –> and that will display the lists of available modules.
Now just check rewrite_module.
source from WordPress Custom Permalink not Working in Localhost
Hope that helps.
Sometimes when copying from one server to another, wordpress' permalinks goes a little screwy, try setting them back to default (using the admin panel) and then setting them again to your desired permalink structure (being sure to apply the changes each time).
you need to go into the database and change a few options.
Goto your phpmyadmin installation and navigate to wp-options table. Change the siteurl and home options to your localhost address.
Wordpress needs these database tries to build your permalinks. If they are wrong, then it will direct your links to incorrect locations.
You can simply fix this by doing the following:
Go to settings in your WordPress site.
click on permalinks ( You will see the URL structures of your newly configured WP site. (if it shows your original website values, go to settings-> general and set your local site URLs
Don't do any changes, just click on the Save button.
Refresh your local site and click on your page link or post.
