Azure Worker Role Deployment for background data -

I want my application to be in 2 phases. 1 part will simply fetch data in json format from an API and store it to a SQL database(or maybe a NO-SQL) and the other half(the web part) will read the data and implement customize alerts. So, basically i need to create a worker for the fetch process. But I'm confused between worker role and web role in Azure. Kindly help me what's the best possible way to implement this design?

You can just merge both in the same web role - the part of code running in IIS (the ASP.NET project created when you create a web role from a Visual Studio template) will handle web requests and the part running the "role entry point" will run the fetch process. Unless you absolutely need to scale them separately this will give you a simpler and more manageable solution.

Have you looked at this tutorial? It gives possible use cases and tutorials for both web and worker roles.


How to sync two ASP.NET Membership databases

I have a local and an azure ASP.NET Membership database. I need to be sync them both. Wondering if anyone has found a easy way to do this? The table structure seems simple enough but would rather pull from azure than push. Is there a routine or tool I do not know about to do this by now?
This would be a suitable job for the Microsoft Sync Framework.
You create a service or scheduled task that makes the necessary calls. Have this running on your server and you can pull from the Azure database and sync with the local one. It can be set up to sync one way or two ways.

Consuming StackOverflow API and Visual Studio 2010

I have downloaded TheWorldsWorstStackOverflowClone. One of the project is called TheWorldWorsts.ApiWrapper, which basically is the core of accessing the API. There is a class called ApiProxy.cs, which has all the methods for the API call. This is good.
Now what I want to do is I am trying to collect data from this API interface and store it in a database. I know the limit to the API call is 10k per day. I.e: I want to be able to call the method in the ApiProxy class 10k times per day, done automatically. How can I do this?
The non-automatic way would be to create a dummy site where when every time I access the site it does all that process, but this not efficient. It seems that I have to write some kind of a scheduler by deploying a web service, but that is too complicated... as explained here. Any other simpler methods?
A Windows Service or Desktop App might be a better solution than a web application. You are not deploying a web service, you are consuming one using a proxy class, and this does not require you to have a web server or a web site.
You could use a web application to control and monitor progress as your service downloads data, but the actual work is long running and needs to be offloaded to another process or thread so you can tell the user whats going on.
Check out this one
This looks what you need, though I am facing some debugging issues, but hope you can figure it out.

Web application configuration settings - Which is the better place to store

I came across a case study few days early. It is related to a web application architecture.
Here is the scenario,
There is a single web service used by say 1000 web applications. This web service is hosted on a particular server. If web service hosting location is changed, how the other applications come to know about this change ?
Keeping it in web.config doesn't seems to be a feasible solution as we need to modify web.config files for all the applications.
Keeping these settings in a common repository and let all the applications use it for web-service address was came in my mind, but again there is a question of storing this common repository.
I am just curious to know about how this could be achieved with better performance.
Thanks in advance for any kind of suggestions.
do you have full access or control over all those web applications consuming that web service? if so, you could have a script or some custom code which updates all their web.config(s) at once. it seems too much work but in fact in this way you have more control and you could also, eventually, point to the new url only some applications and leave some others on another url.
the idea with the setting in a centralized database gives you faster update propagation which could also be bad in case of errors and then you have all applications referring to the same place and no way to split this. Then you have anyway to connect to a centralized database from all of them and maybe you should add a key to their web.config(s) with the connection string to that database, then, in case that database is not reachable or is down, the web applications will not be able to consume the web service simply because they cannot get the url of it.
I would go for the web config, eventually you could have a settings helper class that abstract the retrieval of that url so the UI or front end does not know from where that url comes from.
anyway, do you plan to change the url of a web service often? wouldn't be better to copy it to a new url but to also keep it available on the current url for a while?
another advantage of web.config approach is that everytime you update and save it the application is restarted while a change in a database might take a while to be detected in case you have some caching mechanism,
hope this helps.

How to avoid chaotic ASP.NET web application deployment?

Ok, so here's the thing.
I'm developing an existing (it started being an ASP classic app, so you can imagine :P) web application under ASP.NET 4.0 and SQLServer 2005. We are 4 developers using local instances of SQL Server 2005 Express, having the source-code and the Visual Studio database project
This webapp has several "universes" (that's how we call it). Every universe has its own database (currently on the same server) but they all share the same schema (tables, sprocs, etc) and the same source/site code.
So manually deploying is really annoying, because I have to deploy the source code and then run the sql scripts manually on each database. I know that manual deploying can cause problems, so I'm looking for a way of automating it.
We've recently created a Visual Studio Database Project to manage the schema and generate the diff-schema scripts with different targets.
I don't have idea how to put the pieces together
I would like to:
Have a way to make a "sync" deploy to a target server (thanksfully I have full RDC access to the servers so I can install things if required). With "sync" deploy I mean that I don't want to fully deploy the whole application, because it has lots of files and I just want to deploy those new or changed.
Generate diff-sql update scripts for every database target and combine it to just 1 script. For this I should have some list of the databases names somewhere.
Copy the site files and executing the generated sql script in an easy and automated way.
I've read about MSBuild, MS WebDeploy, NAnt, etc. But I don't really know where to start and I really want to get rid of this manual deploy.
If there is a better and easier way of doing it than what I enumerated, I'll be pleased to read your option.
I know this is not a very specific question but I've googled a lot about it and it seems I cannot figure out how to do it. I've never used any automation tool to deploy.
Any help will be really appreciated,
Thank you all,
Have you heard of the term Multi-Tenancy? It might be worth look that up to see if that applied to your "Multiverse" especially if one universe is never accessed by another...
If the application and database is the same for each client (or Tenant) I believe there are applications that may help in providing the same code/db as an SaaS application? ie another application/configuration layer on top that can handle the deployments etc?
I think these are called Platform as a Service (PaaS) applications:
Multi-Tenancy in your case may be possible, depending on client security requirements, with a bit of work (or a lot of work):
Option 1:
You could use the one instance of the application, ie deploy the site once and connect to a different database for each client. You would need to differentiate each client by URL to isolate content/data byt setting a connection string for each etc. (This would reduce your site deployments to one deployment)
Option 2:
You could create both a single instance of the application and use a single database. You would need to add a "TenantID" to each table and adjust all your code to accept a TenantID to ensure data security/isolation. Again you wold need to detect/differentiate the Tenant based on the URL to set the TenantID for the session used for every database call. (This would reduce your site and database deployment to one of each)

Running continues process on a web server

I' am building some RSS web service in (using IIS as the web server). In it I wand to create some king of RSS reader.
I 'am creating some process that will retrieve the content from the RSS feed every 3 hours.
I want to create a control panel that will give me the ability to start/stop the process, and will have some simple dashboard that will sum the current activity.
I 'am looking for the best way to do that.
I thought about creating a Windows Service on the server, but there are security issues in starting and stopping the service from a web interface.
What is the right way to do it?
you could create your service like this
the current state (start/stop) could be set with a static variable (which is the same for the whole AppDomain) or from a config file (which would be better because it survives a AppDomain restart)
A windows service is the right way to perform scheduled tasks on a web server, no question, but I'd argue that a web-based control panel isn't really necessary. Can't you just RDP to the server when you want to start / stop / restart the service?
